DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰
1. Open or restore the DeltaV Explorer.
2. Navigate to the workstation where the events and process data for the area will be stored.
3. Double-click the workstation to expand its contents.
A number of icons, including an Operator icon, an Alarms and Events icon, a Continuous Historian icon, and a Batch Historian icon, are listed under the workstation. 4. Select Continuous Historian.
5. Click the right mouse button, select Assign Area, and browse for TANK-101.
6. Click OK in the Browse dialog box. 7. Select Alarms and Events.
8. Click the right mouse button, select Assign Area, and browse for TANK-101.
9. Click OK in the Browse dialog box.
A confirmation dialog instructs you to download the station’s setup data and then log off and back on to add the area to the alarm banner. Click Yes on this dialog.
TANK-101 appears in the Contents View for the Continuous Historian and Alarms and Events subsystems. The Continuous Historian subsystem will collect historical data from the modules in plant area TANK-101, and the Alarms and Events subsystem will collect alarms and events in plant area TANK-101.
The next step is to enable history collection on the workstation.
Enable History Collection
To enable collection from the Continuous Historian
1. Under the Workstation, click the Continuous Historian subsystem 2. Click the right mouse button and then click Properties.
DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰
3. Click the Enabled check box. 4. Click the Advanced tab.
This tab lets you set the maximum size and time span for the historian database as well as the size of history data sets. You can also set up automatic export of history data sets by enabling that feature and then setting a valid directory path on the workstation, outside the DeltaV system. We will not make any changes on this tab. 5. Click OK.
To enable collection from Alarms and Events
DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰
1. Under the Workstation, click the Alarms and Events subsystem. 2. Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
The Alarms and Events Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click Enabled if it is not already selected. 4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Set the Maximum Chronicle Size to 2500 records. 6. Click OK.
Download the Workstation To download the workstation
1. Select the workstation you want to download.
2. Click the right mouse button and click Download | ProfessionalPlus Station.
3. Read the message and, if you are sure that you are not controlling a process, click Yes to acknowledge the message. (Accept the default option to verify the configuration.)
4. A window opens showing the progress of the download and providing details on any problems encountered.
DeltaV入门教程 翻译:李俊峰
5. Click Close to close the dialog box.
We assigned area TANK-101 to the Continuous Historian and Alarms and Events subsystems, enabled history and events collection on the workstation, and downloaded the workstation. Now we will use the Process History View application to view the data. View the Data
Now that you have defined the data you want collected and told the system to start collecting it, you can create a chart to plot the module trends and show events. There are three types of Process History documents:
? E +Chart — shows module trends plotted on a graph and historical events displayed in a grid
? Chart — shows only module trends plotted on a graph ? Event — shows only historical events displayed in a grid To start Process History View
1. Click Start | All Programs | DeltaV | Operator | Process History View. 2. Select File | New.
3. Click E +Chart in the New dialog box. The Configure Chart dialog box opens.