(完整word版)牛津译林8B Unit2知识点,推荐文档

或物,意为“所有的” All the people here have know the whole truth about the matter.


11.It moved at high speed and was really exciting! 它高速转动,的确很令人兴奋!

at high speed“以高速”,at low speed“以低速”。

The bus was travelling at high speed. 那辆公共汽车在残驰。 at a/the speed of... “以……的速度”。

The car is moving at a/the speed of eighty kilometers an hour. 汽车正在以每小时80千米的速度前进。 12.We were screaming and laughing through the ride.


ride可数名词“乘坐(游乐设施),骑,(骑马、骑自行车或乘车的)旅行”。 It's about twenty minutes' bus ride from the city to the town. 从这个城市到那个小镇乘公共汽车大约20分钟的路程。

We all went for a ride in her new car. 我们所有人都乘坐她的新车去见风。 ride(rode,ridden)动词“骑(车、马等)”。

He rides his bike to school.他骑自行车上学。 Can you ride a horse?你会骑马吗?

13. Next,we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.

接着,我们匆匆去了一个餐馆,吃了一顿快餐。 ①hurry不及物动词“匆忙,赶忙”

If we hurry, we’ll get there in time. 要是赶紧的话,我们会及时到哪里。 ②名词“匆忙”,in a hurry 匆忙地


hurry to +地点名词 匆忙去某地 Tom had breakfast and hurried to school. 汤姆吃了早饭,匆忙去了学校。 hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事 They hurried to help the children. 他们急忙去帮助孩子们。 hurry up 赶快 Hurry up, or we will be late. 快点,否则我们要迟到了。 hurry off 匆忙离开 She picked up her bag and hurried off. 她拿起包匆匆离去。

14. On the way,we met some Disney cartoon characters,such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.

在路上,我们遇见了一些迪士尼卡通人物,例如白雪公主和米老鼠。 on the way“在路上”

on the/one's way to.“在(某人)去……的路上”,如果后面接副词here,there,home等,则省略介词to。

They are on the way to the park. 他们在去公园的路上。 On my way to school,I met my old friend. 在去学校的路上,我碰到了我的老朋友。

15.such as“例如”。

He knows four languages,such as Russian and French. 他懂4门语言,如俄语和法语。


such as 用来列举同类人或物中的几个例子,后The man can do a lot of housework,such as washing 面跟列举的名词、代词或动名词,但只the dishes,cooking meals and washing flowers. 能列举并列的部分内容 那位男士能做很多家务,比如洗餐具、做饭,还有洗衣服。 like 可与such as 互换,但当such as 有逗号They enjoy most team games like football and 与前面的内容分隔时不能与like 互换。 basketball. 他们喜欢大多数团体运动项目,像足球和篮球。 for example 一般用于以同类人或事物中的“一个”The woman is very lazy. For example, she never 为例,作插入语,与后面的内容用逗号makes the bed. 隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。

16.can’t stop doing sth 忍不住做某事

They couldn’t stop laughing when they watched the funny performance. 当他看滑稽表演时,他们忍不住大笑起来。 17.

stop doing sth 停止做某事 When the teacher came in,the students stopped talking and laughing. 当老师进来时,学生们停止了说笑。 stop to do sth 停下来做另一件事 I’m tired. I must stop to have a rest. 我累了,我必须停下来休息一会。

18.take photos=take pictures 拍照

19.After the parade,we watched a 4-D film. 游行结束后,我们看了一场4D电影。

watch及物动词,意为“观看,注视”。 watch TV看电视,watch matches看比赛。


这个女人很懒,比如,她从不铺床。 My brother likes watching cartoons.我弟喜欢看动画片。 ①watch sh do sth.“看到某人做某事”,


I like watching my goldfish swim around in the water. 我喜欢观看我的金鱼在水里游来游去。

②watch sb.doing sth.“看到某人正在敏某事”,此时表示看见某个动作正在进行。

I watch Tom playing football on the playground.我看到汤姆正在被场上路足球。 I watched them playing basketball at that time. 那时我看见他们在打置球。 21.We could even smell the apple pie and feel the wind.

我们甚至能间到草果馅饼的味道,并能感觉到风。 ①smell实义动词“嗅,闻,闻到”。

Can camels smell the water a mile of? 骆驼能嗅出一英里外有水吗? The girl is smelling the apple. 女孩正在闻那个苹果。 ②smell名词“气味;嗅觉”。

The smell made me sick. 这气味让我恶心。

③smell连系动词,后面跟形容词构成系表结构,“闻起来……”。 22.The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 feel及物动词“感觉到”。

Did you feel the earthquake?你感到地震了吗?

I can feel something in my shoe.我能感到鞋里有东西。 23.feel连系动词


