某建筑工程施工安全管理计划(中英文翻译) - 图文

All visitors intending to site should get their personal data registered firstly, and then receive a internal safety training of NTCC and then go to that from MATCH. They will be issued badges to site if they passed the safety test from the Johnson and allowed to site with the companion of NTCC or MATCH if they properly dress themselves as per PPE requirement of NTCC. Records of their safety training should be kept accordingly in NTCC?s archive.


9.3 Safety qualification certificate of the company 企业施工安全资格证管理规定

NTCC is qualified as a Super Class-A general contractor for civil work and Class-A for Installation work, and has obtained the safety qualification certificate issued by the China Construction Committee and Authorities related. All those mentioned qualification certificates will be kept on site in copies for a check or filing of the authorities of the owner any time.


9.4 Regulations for individuals’ qualification certificates of special works 特殊工种个人资格证管理规定

People for special works should be qualified with licenses or qualification certificates as per safety requirement of China and MATCH Project team. NTCC will certify all these certificates and then provide the owner with copies and the original ones kept in the project safety manager.

所有参加本项目的特殊工种施工人员必须按照国家和MATCH项目组的安全要求持合法证件上岗,南通建工将对所有这些证件进行合法性验证后将原件报业主验证并留存复印件于业主处备案;所有原件或复印件留存在项目安全经理处。 Special works in this project: 本项目的特殊工种有:

Welders, riggers, scaffolding workers, electricians, piling workers and mechanicians 焊工; 起重工;脚手架搭拆工; 电工;无损检测工;机械操作手;

10 Site traffic management rules

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We will control the site traffic strictly conforming to requirements of the project. NTCC promise any of our vehicles or drivers will be in accordance with the government, the company as well as our own company?s requirements in this regard.



11 Site warning and identification management rules 现场警示牌和标示管理规定

During the course of construction phase, certain hazards are inevitable. For example high noise, use of radiation source, potential drop objects etc. Whenever there is a risk, which cannot be avoided or controlled by other means, NTCC will use adequate warning signs or barrier tape to be used to warn personnel entering the project site about the hazards. These warnings signs include warning on PPE requirement, hazard identification, emergency escape route etc. The signs must contain a pictogram to convey the message, instead of relying solely on text. The detail requirements are following:


.Whenever risk is identified, personnel who plan and perform work is responsible to display

adequate warning signs to warn those who perform the work and personnel in the vicinity of the

work about the presence of the hazards. 一旦发现风险存在,计划和操作此项工作的人员应负责放置适当的警告标识来警告操作人员和在临近地点工作的人员危险的存在。

.If the work area has inevitable hazards and there is need to keep none relevant personnel

away from the work area, a barrier should be erected. For example if overhead work is performed and there is potential for dropped objects, areas below the work area must be barricaded.


.Personnel erecting barrier are responsible to ensure that the barrier is erected in such manner

that the hazardous area are completely surrounded by barrier.

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.When erecting barrier, consideration must given for alternate emergency/access route for personnel to reach other part of the site. If there is no alternate route, standby personnel must be present at the barrier area to stop work to allow and guide other personnel to pass through the hazardous area. 当树立安全围绳时,应考虑提供其他人员到达现场其他区域的紧急/进入通道。如果没有紧急通道,应有另外的工作人员在安全围绳保护现场叫停施工,指引其他人员通过危险区域。

.Once the work has been completed and the work area has been made safe, personnel who

erect barrier are responsible to remove it. 当施工结束并且工作区域已经安全,负责树立安全围绳的人员应负责将其解除。

.Only standard signs must be used on the site. These signs must be based on PRC law and

any other internationally recognized signs. 在现场只允许使用标准安全标识。安全标识应以中华人民共和国法律为基础或其他任何国际认可的标识。

.Fire safety related signs such as fire exit signs, fire fighting signs and fire alarms must be 同防火相关的标识应适当安放在所有需要的地方,如防火通道标识,消防标识和火灾报警。

.All personnel working at site, at all time must obey the warning signs and barriers. If you do

displayed whenever necessary.

not understand the sign, ask your supervisors. 所有现场工作人员在任何时间都应遵守安全标识和保护。如果不能理解标识,需向主管询问。 The regulations do not apply to signs used in connection with the supply of any dangerous substance, preparation, product or equipment; to dangerous goods during the course of their transport; to signs used for regulating road etc.



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