某建筑工程施工安全管理计划(中英文翻译) - 图文





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Contents 目 录

PLAN OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY MANAGEMENT........................................................................... 3 施工安全管理计划 ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Section 1 Owner’s and NTCC’s HSE Policy and Commitment ............................................................. 3 第一节 业主和公司HSE方针、目标、承诺 ..................................................................................... 3 Section 2 Project HSE organization system and responsibilities ............................................................ 5 第二节 项目HSE组织体系及职责定义 ............................................................................................. 5 Section 3 Project Scope of Work and Description of Safety Characteristics ........................................ 15 第三节 项目施工范围及施工安全特征简述 ..................................................................................... 15 Section 4 Project Construction General Rules & Procedure of HSE Management .............................. 18 第四节 项目施工一般安全管理程序和规定 ..................................................................................... 18 Section 5Safety procedures and method statement (Refer to attachments.) ......................................... 46 第五节 项目专业施工安全程序或方案说明(详见附件) ............................................................. 46 Section 6. Project Safety Management Close-out ................................................................................. 46 第六节 项目安全管理收尾 ................................................................................................................. 46 Section 7 Attachments ........................................................................................................................... 48 第七节 附件 ........................................................................................................................................ 48 附件I:南通建工“健康、安全、环保系统文件 ............................................................................... 48 Attachment II:NTCC Safety Records for Last Five Years ................................................................. 49 附件II:南通建工过去5年安全状况记录表 ................................................................................... 49 Attachment III:Safety procedures and method statement .................................................................. 49 附件III:项目专业施工安全程序或方案说明 .................................................................................. 49

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Any mistake during construction would affect Owner?s plan and corporate image. Our company sticks to HSE policy of “Safety First, Precaution Primary”, implements various rules upon safe construction of the State Dept., the Ministry of Construction and the local government and defines safe construction in construction plan and management plan to ensure safety and health of construction workers to promote construction through safety. Meanwhile, our company will strengthen construction safety management, cascade responsibilities to specific persons, inspect regularly and rectify in earnest to prevent accident from occurring. Due to plenty of overlapped construction and difficulties of site management, our company will conduct site management on the basis of actual situations and according to requirements of safe and civilized construction of the State Dept., the Ministry of Construction, local govt. and Owner?s.


Section 1 Owner’s and NTCC’s HSE Policy and Commitment

第一节 业主和公司HSE方针、目标、承诺

1. Owner’s HSE policy 业主施工安全方针描述 Zero Injury, Zero Accident 零伤害,零事故

2. NTCC HSE policy NTCC 的安全方针描述

Safety-based, cherish life and property 安全为本,珍惜生命财产;

Environment protection oriented, build greenness awareness 环保为重,树立绿色意识;

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Abide by rules and regulations, take precautions for improvement 遵纪守法,预防改进并举;

Project safety, zero injuries and zero accident 项目安全,零伤害零事故。

3 NTCC’s HSE management objective 南通建工的安全管理目标

Zero accident, zero injuries, zero environment pollution 无事故、无人身伤害、无环境污染。

4 NTCC’s HSE management commitment


1.3.1 NTCC protects all the project members and other people in the area in terms of safety, environment and health by adherence to project HSE management system that is continuously improved, and accomplishes projects timely and safely and in high quality by creating safe work environment, providing necessary resources and improving construction technology and refining process management and regular inspection/ control/ improve.

NTCC 通过实施持续改进的项目施工安全、环境和健康管理体系,对参与本项目施工的全体员工及我们所在区域的公众在安全、环境和健康上给予保护。为创造安全的工作环境,提供必要的资源,改进施工技术,细化过程管理,适时检查/控制和改进,准时、高质量、安全地完成项目。 1.3.2 Abide by related national and international laws, rules and regulations and industrial standards, and carry out construction activities within the limit of HSE laws and rules and stick to HSE requirements with the same attitude in all the projects.


1.3.3 All the members of NTCC have responsibilities for HSE management work, and we will raise their HSE management awareness and competence by means of scientific and effective training programs.


1.3.4 NTCC will provide necessary manpower, materials and financial resources to improve work conditions and environment for our employees to achieve our HSE objectives.


1.3.5 NTCC will commend and award employees with outstanding work performance in terms of project HSE management.

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