
轴承架固定式泵 pump with bearing bracket 轴承浸泡试验;轴承泡胀试验 bearing swelling test 轴承冷却室 bearing cooling chamber 轴承螺母 bearing nut 轴承套 bearing sleeve 轴承体;轴承箱 bearing box

轴承托架箱 bearing bracket housing 轴承瓦;轴承衬垫;轴承衬套 bearing line 轴承吸水试验 bearing absorption test 轴承箱;轴承体 bearing housing 轴承座 bearing carrier 轴对称 axial symmetry

轴对称;旋转对称 rotational symmetry 轴对称流 axisymmetrical flow 轴封 shaft seal 轴封 Shaft Seal

轴封环 Shaft Sealing Ring 轴功率 Shaft Power

轴功率;制动功率;制动马力 brake horsepower 轴护套 Shaft Protecting Sleeve 轴护套 shaft tunnel tube 轴护套(美) shaft enclosing tube 轴肩挡圈 loose(shaft) collar 轴肩挡圈 shaft collar 轴肩挡圈 shoulder ring 轴颈 neck journal 轴颈 shaft neck 轴颈 axle journal 轴颈;期刊 journal

轴颈套;填料衬套 neck bush 轴流泵 Axial Pump

轴流泵;螺桨泵 axial flow pump 轴流泵叶轮室 propeller bowl 轴流式涡轮机 axial-flow turbine 轴流式叶轮 axial flow impeller 轴流叶轮 Axial Impeller 轴流增压器 axial flow booster 轴马力;轴功率 shaft horsepower 轴面流线 meridian streamline 轴面速度 meridional velocity 轴面投影图 elevation view

轴配流径向活塞泵 pintle valve radial peston pump 轴配流径向活塞泵 valve spindle radial piston pump 轴套 shaft wearing sleeve

轴套 Axis Guide 轴套 shaft sleeve 轴套;套(筒) sleeve 轴套拆卸器 sleeve puller 轴推力 Shaft Thrust

轴瓦;轴承箱;轴承体 bearing sheet 轴位指示器 shaft position indicator 轴吸泵 axial inlet pump

轴向单吸液环泵 axial single entry liquid ring pump 轴向导叶 axial diffuser 轴向滑移 aixal slip

轴向活塞泵 axial piston pump 轴向加速度 axial acceleration 轴向间隙 axial clearance

轴向间隙压力补偿齿轮泵 gear pump with pressure-dependent axial clearance 轴向间隙压力补偿齿轮泵 gear pump with pressurized side plate 轴向力 axial force 轴向力 Axial Force 轴向流动 axial flow

轴向磨损指示器 axial wear indicator 轴向剖分壳体 Longitudinally Split Casing

轴向双吸液环泵 axial double entry liquid ring pump 轴向速度 axial velocity 轴向推力 axial thrust 轴向推力 Axial Thrust

轴向吸入泵 axial suction pump 轴向压力 axial pressure 轴向柱塞泵 axial plunger pump 主动螺杆;驱动心轴 driving spindle 主动轴 driving shaft 柱销联轴器 pin coupling 爪形联轴器 claw coupling 爪形联轴器 dog coupling 爪形联轴器 jaw coupling 锥形联轴器 cone(type) coupling 锥形联轴器 taper coupling 子午面;轴面 meridian plane 自锁轴套 self-locking sleeve

半贯流式轴流泵;弯管轴流泵 angle-type axial flow pump

半可调式轴流泵 axial flow pump with blades adjustable when stationary 泵 pump

泵房 pump house 泵盖 casing cover 泵缸 pump barrel

泵缸 pump cylinder 泵缸套 pump barrel line 泵缸套 pump cylinder line 泵缸体 pump cylinder block 泵工况 pump operating condition 泵工况 pump operating duty 泵体 pump body

泵体衬套 pump body insert 泵体衬套 pump casing insert 泵托架 pump bracket

泵站设计 design of pump station 泵罩 outer pump mantle 泵支架 pump bearing lantern 泵轴承支架 pump bearing bracket 泵装置 pumping device 泵装置 pumping machine 泵组 integral pump group 泵座 pump frame

闭式叶轮泵 pump with enclosed impellers 波纹管泵 bellows pump 仓底泵 bilge pump

侧流道泵壳;旋涡泵泵体 casing with transfer passages 侧流道泵壳;旋涡泵泵体 annular casing

长轴深井泵 borehole shaft driven(centrifugal) pump 衬青铜泵 bronze fitted pump

齿轮比例泵 abjustable discharge gear pump 冲击波泵(振荡器) shock wave oscillator

导流壳式多级泵 pump with bowl-type vaned casing 低温泵 cryopump

底料泵;塔底液泵 bottoms pump 底吸泵 bottom inlet pump 底吸泵 bottom suction pump

电磁驱动泵 pump with cyclic electromagnetic drive 风动活塞泵 air-powered piston pump 辅泵;辅助泵 auxiliary pump

辅扫仓泵;副清仓泵 auxiliary stripping pump 附属泵 attached pump

工程用泵 building site pump

固定缸体泵 pump with nonrotating cylinder 固体输送泵 pump for water-borne solids 管网泵 pump for pipe system 灌泵 priming of pump 锅炉给水泵 BFW

锅炉给水泵 boiler feed pump

锅炉回水循环泵 boiler return circulating pump 锅炉酸洗泵 pump for acid washing of boiler 航空用泵 aviation pump 合金泵 alloy pump

合金钢泵 alloy steel pump 环壳泵 annular casing pump 灰渣泵 ash pump

回水泵 back water pump

活性污泥泵 activated sludge pump 活性污泥泵 biological sludge pump 机械密封泵 pump with mechanical seal 基本负荷泵 base load pump 加硼泵 boron addition pump 甲板泵 board pump

架;轴承衬套(美);泵支架(美) frame 减摇泵 anti-roll pump

铰链滑片泵 articulated vane pump 接力泵 boost pump 铠装泵 armoured pump

可调隔膜泵 adjustable diaphragm pump

可调式轴流泵 axial flow pump with adjustable(or variable)pitch blades 可逆叶片轴流泵 axial flow pump with reversible blades 沥青泵 bitumen pump

螺旋泵 Archimedean screw pump 密闭式螺杆泵 airtight screw pump 内轴承泵 pump with internal bearing(s) 耐磨泵 abrasion resisting pump 耐酸泵 acid pump 逆洗泵 back wash pump

农用喷药泵 agricultural spray pump for chemicals 盘状活塞泵 bucket piston pump 喷灌泵 agricultural spray pump 喷射泵;喷射器 ejector

喷水推进轴流泵 axial flow pump for water jet propulsion 喷雾器-泵组 atomizer-pump 皮带传动泵 belt driven pump 啤酒泵 beer pump

平衡转子式滑片泵 balanced rotor vane pump 气抽液喷射泵 gas jet liquid ejector

气动泥浆泵 air-pressure actuated slurry pump 气泡泵;曼木特泵;气举泵 air lift pump 气体喷射泵 gas ejector 汽车用泵 automobile pump

汽抽气喷射泵 steam jet air ejector
