
relations, sales promotion, event marketing, as well as any personal one-on-one selling you do.



There is one other P that gets debated on a regular basis and that is “profit”. All commercial business are in business to make a profit. Profits are good. With profits, business can pay their employee more, they can expand their business and hire more people, they can start new business. Profits are the lifeblood of capitalism.


There are thousands of ways to increase profitability. You can sell mare, charge more, widen distribution, shrink distribution, cut the material coat of goods while keeping the same pricing, shrink the amount of product o you are selling but increase the price or cut the cost of manufacturing by producing the product in the least expensive factory in the world.


下收缩你所销售的产品的数量,比如在世界上花费最少的工厂里生产产品。 Unit 3

Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, has built its success on a strategy of everyday low prices, and highly efficient operations, logistics, and information systems that keeps inventory to a minimum and ensures against both overstocking and understocking. The company employs some 2.1 million people, operates 4200 stores in the United States and 3600 in the rest of the world, and generate sales of almost 400 billion(as of fiscal year 2008). Approximately 91 billion of these sales were generated in 15 nations outside of the United States. Facing a slowdown in growth in the United States, Wal-Mart began its international expansion in the early 1990s when it entered Mexico, teaming up un a joint venture with Cifra, Mexico’s largest retailer, to open a series of supercenters that sell both groceries and general merchandise.


Initially the retailer hit some headwinds in mexico. It quickly discovered that

shopping habits were different. Most people preferred to buy fresh produce at local stores, particularly items like meant, tortillas and pan dulce which didn’t keep well overnight (many Mexicans lacked large refrigerators). Many consumers also lacked cars, and did not buy in large volumes as consumers in the United States did. wal-mart adjusted its strategy to meet the local conditions , hiring local managers who understand Mexican culture, letting those managers control merchandising strategy, building smaller stores that people could walk to, and offering more fresh produce. At the same time , the company believed that it could gradually change the shopping culture in mexico, educating consumers by showing them the benefits of its American merchandising culture. After all, wal-mart’s managers reasoned, people once shopped at small stores in the United States, but starting in the 1950s they increasingly gravitated towards large stores like wal-mart. As it built up its distribution systems in mexico, wal-mart was able to lower its own costs, and it passed these on to Mexican consumers in the form of lower prices. The customization, persistence, and low prices paid off. Mexicans stared to change their shopping babits. Today wal-mart is mexico’s largest retailer and the country is widely considered to be the company’s most successful foreign venture.



Next wal-mart expanded into a number of developed nations, including Britain, Germany and South Kores. There its experiences have been less successful. In all three countries it found itself going head to head against well-established local rivals who had nicely matched their offerings to local shopping habits and consumer preferences. Moreover, consumers in all three countries seemed to have a preference for higher quality merchandise and were not as attracted to wal-mart’s discount strategy as consumers in the United States and mexico. After years of losses, wal-mart pulled out of GERMANY and SOUTH KOREA in 2006. At the same time , it continued to look for retailing opportunities elsewhere, particularly in developing nations where it lacked strong local competitors, where it could gradually alter the shopping culture to its advantage, and where its low price strategy was appealing.

