

Practiced well, marketing revolves around the wants, needs and desires of people. Sometimes the needs are physical, such as nutritious food and clean water. Sometimes the needs are psychological such as a need to impress. Sometimes the need is sociological, such as the need fit into a culture, or the need to stand out. There are an infinite number of reasons for people to do what they do, want what they want and act as they do. Therefore, effective marketing should begin with an insightful understanding of the consumer.


However, few marketers actually begin with consumers. Why? Because most marketing starts with the invention of some new product that there may or may not be a market for. “’We’ve invented a better product, now go find someone to buy it” is all too often the sequence of events. Quite simply, this is why 80% plus of all new products in the U.S. fail in their first year.


No matter what we are selling, there will be some people that are more likely than others to want to buy it. For example, as a non-smoker, it would be a waste of time and money to try to get me to buy your brand of cigarettes. However, if were a confirmed smoker, I might be interested in trying a new brand I’d never tried. Discovering your ideal target market and learning all you can about why they do will help you determine the best way to present your product to maximize interest.

无论我们在卖什么,总会有一些人比起另外的人更想要购买它。例如,作为一个不抽烟的人,想要尝试让我购买你的名牌香烟那就是在浪费时间和金钱。然而,如果我是一个老烟民,我可能会比较有兴趣去尝试以前从没试过的牌子。发现你理想中的目标市场并且尽你所能地去了解他们为什么做了什么,这样可以帮助你下定决心以一种最好的方式来介绍你的产品以获得最大限度的利益。 Product

Your product is anything that can be offered for ale or use to another individual. It includes the quality of the product, the materials chosen, the colour / size/scent/taste, every physical aspect of the product. It also includes the packaging of the product(For example, is the product protected or available for the world to see? ), the design and manufacturing of the product and any research and development underway to discover better ways to make the product. The product P covers everything that goes into the development of the tangible or intangible object.



面的性质。它同时也包括产品的包装,产品的设计和制造以及任何为了发现制造产品的更好途径而正在进行的研究和开发。这个产品所代表的P覆盖了所有进入有形或无形发展的对象。 Price

Price not only pays for your cost of goods and profit, is does much more. Price communicate quite a bit about the product and sets quality expectations. Ii also segments the audience into those who can afford it and those who can only wish they could. And finally, it even conveys how you should consume the product.


价格不仅是为你的商品支付费用和收益,它起到更多的作用。价格沟通相当多是关于产品并且抱有对质量的期望。它也可以将公众细分为那些能负担得起的人和那些只能抱有幻想的人。最后,它甚至传达出你应该如何消费这些产品。 Even an established brand can charge too much or too little. For example, the VW Phaeton was a failure because VW had spent decades convincing us “the people’ car shouldn’t be expensive. ” Similarly when the Porsche 914 became known as the “poor man’s Porsche”(due in part to its low entry-level price) the brand was doomed to failure.

即使一个既定的品牌可以改变过多或过少。例如,大众辉腾是一个失败品,因为大众公司花了几十年的时间让我们信服:“人类的汽车不应该变得昂贵”。同样的当保时捷914倍称为“穷人的保时捷”时,这个品牌注定是要失败的。 Place

Place refers to where and how you sell your product and is also referred to as distribution. To get this P right you have to decide whether to sell your product

in an exclusive boutique or in huge superstore? Will you make it widely available or in a select few stores? There are important strategic decisions that influence how our product is perceived and the price consumers will be willing to pay for it.


Place指的是在哪里和如何销售你的产品,它同时也涉及到分配问题。为了让这个P变得正确,你必须决定是要在一个独家精品店还是在一个巨大的超市销售你的产品。你会让它被广泛地使用还是处于一个精选的商店?有一些战略决策会影响到如何让你的产品被感知到并且让消费者能够自愿地去支付的价格。 For example, how special would a Burberry coat be if you could buy it at a discount store? Some products start with very exclusive distribution, establish a reputation for their brand and then expand distribution. Apple did this with their iPod, which started in exclusive Apple stores and online and is now widely available. Consider how your quality expectations change in regard to low-cost airlines such as Ryanair compared to British Airways. Place can set quality expectations.

例如,如果你能够在一个折扣商店买到一件博柏利风衣那将会有多特别。一下产品一开始就采用独家经销,建立起一个自己的品牌信誉然后展开分销。苹果的iPod就是这样做的,从一开始就在苹果专卖店网上独家经销,时至今日以及被广泛使用。考虑一下你对低成本航空公司的质量期望的变化,比如瑞安航空公司对比于英国航空公司。价格能够建立起质量期望。 Promotion

Any way you choose to promote your product is called promotion in marketing. This includes any form of marketing communication such as advertising, public
