电梯基础知识-2014 - 图文

hoisting travel is 60m for a lift, seven φ16mm traction ropes are used, traction ratio is 1:1. Given weight / meter of φ16mm traction rope is 0.9kg, the total weight of traction ropes is equal to 378kg.

To offset 378kg by means of lift design,

traction capacity should be increased

by378kg. Compensation chain or compensation rope device is used to avoid the influence of traction rope weight on traction capacity; in other word, the ratio of T1/T2 will decrease. Besides, motor Hp will decrease too. Position of compensation chain is as shown in fig. 1-5. 补偿链每米长度重量参照式3-9选取,允许重量偏差±12.5%。

Weight/meter of compensation chain is referred to 3-9; weight deviation of ±12.5% is allowed. 式中: Where:

G — 需要的每米长度补偿链条的总重量;

G – Total weight per meter of compensation chain needed

G1 — 各根曳引钢丝绳每米长度重量之和,GZM=钢丝绳根数×每根钢丝绳每米长度重量; G1- Total weight per meter of compensation chains, GZM = rope number × weight per meter of compensation rope

i — 曳引比

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i — Traction ratio 曳引比2∶1时, i = 2;

If traction ratio is 2:1, i = 2;

曳引比1∶1时, i = 1;

If traction ratio is 1:1, i = 1;

G2 — 随行电缆每米长度重量,当G2不清楚时,按G2/4=0.3计算。 G2 = weight per meter of traveling cable, If G2 is indefinite, G2/4 = 0.3 is preferably adopted.


The position of offsetting rope is shown as in fig.1- 6.

电梯补偿绳上机房时每米长度重量按式1-10选取,下机房时每米长度重量按式1-11选取。 For upper machine room, weight per meter of compensation rope is computed according to 1-10; while for lower machine room, weight per meter of compensation rope is computed according to 1-11.

当G'=G'1时, If

当G≠G'1时, If G≠G'1 ,

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式中: Where

n1 — 需要的补偿绳的根数; n1 — Compensation rope number; G' — 每根补偿绳每米长度重量;

G' — Weight / meter per compensation rope G'1— 每根曳引钢丝绳每米长度重量; G'1— Weight / meter per traction rope n — 曳引钢丝绳根数 n — Traction rope number i — 曳引比

i —Traction ratio

曳引比2∶1时, i = 2;

if traction ratio is 2∶1, i = 2;

曳引比1∶1时, i = 1;

if traction ratio is 1∶1, i = 1;

为了防止补偿绳在电梯运行过程中的漂移,在电梯井 道底坑中需设置张紧装置,如图1-7。

对于速度v>3.15m/s的电梯,补偿绳张紧装置中需配 置防跳装置。

A tension device is required to be installed in the pit, so as to prevent compensation rope from drifting during the moving lift, as shown in fig. 1-7. For v>3.15m/s lift, compensation rope tension device should be equipped with an anti-jumping device.

1-4 电梯的主要参数及规格尺寸

Main parameters and specifications of lift

电梯的主要参数及规格尺寸是电梯制造厂设计和制造电梯的依据。用户选择电梯时, 必须根据电梯的安装使用地点、载运对象等,按标准的规定,正确选择电梯的类别和

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有关参数,并跟据这些参数与规格尺寸,设计和建造安装电梯的建筑物,否则会影响 建筑物的使用。 电梯的主要参数如下:

For lift manufacturers, main parameters and specifications are their criteria for designing and making. For end-users, it is required to select correct lift type and relative parameters as designing and constructing buildings based on installation site and applications, to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Main parameters of lift are as follows:

1-4-1 额定载重量(Kg) 制造和设计规定电梯的额定载重量。 Rated load (kg): rated load when designing and making lift.

1-4-2 轿厢尺寸(mm)宽×深×高。

Car dimensions (mm): Width× Depth× Height

1-4-3 轿厢形式 有单或双面开门及其他特殊要求等,以及对轿顶、轿底、轿壁的处理, 颜色的选择,对电风扇、电话的要求等。

Car type: specific requirement for one-panel, two-panel door or other door; car ceiling, car bottom and car wall, color, fan and telephone.

1-4-4 轿门形式 有栅栏门、封闭式中分门、偏开门、双折中分门等。

Car door type: grid door, enclosed center opening door, partial opening door, two-panel center opening door.

1-4-5 开门宽度(mm)轿厢门和层门完全开启时的净宽度。

Opening width (mm): Net width when car door and landing door are fully open.

1-4-6 开门方向 人站在轿厢外面对轿厢门,向左方向开启的为左开门,向右方向开启的 为右开门,两扇门分别向左右两边开启的为中开门,也称中分门。

Opening direction: For a passenger standing in the landing opposite the car door, the door that opens from right to left is called left-opening door; from left to right, right-opening door; the door with each of the two panels opening towards opposite directions, is called center-opening door.

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