2020年外研版九年级英语下册Module 1Travel检测题(含答? - 百度文库

try any of them, he may think he will have bad luck in the coming year. When the supper is over, the children go to the other room. There stands a big Christmas tree and under the tree they can find some Christmas presents. After that the whole family just sit around the table singing Christmas songs. How happy they are! 𰸣

һ1~5 BACBC 6~10 BCBBC 11~15 CABCA

16. A ʾ⣺أбɾ֪ո񴦱һ˻a anDzڴʣ

ڵǰʾһ˻anԪؿͷĵǰaԸؿͷĵǰpenĵһǸأa ڴtheʾָѡA

17. B playʾʱǰҪӶڴtheplayʾʱǰʹùڴʣѡB

18. B ⣺֪ķ֮һ϶֮һǶ?ķ֮ 19. A had betterΪáԭΡ 20. B have quite a good time൱졣 21. A because ofɸʴ飬ʾԭ

22. A forget to do sth. Ϊȥij¡ָδforget doing sth.ij£ָѾij¡Ͼ⡰ڱʱҪȥҵĸĸ֪ѡA 23. A two days timeʱ䡣

24. A help sb. with sth.ijij£Ϊ̶ṹ 25. A withϽṹھ״

26. B ϵĿ֪һߡɡ...so she could travel around the world.

֪ǡѡݹbook 顱job sweater ë¡picture ͼѡB

27. C ġShe has seen wars, earthquakes and death.ͺĵĹؼbut֪ҲϣͿ֡still ȻneverӲalso Ҳonly ѡC 28. B ϵġȥڷ޵ı񽱡֪ġԴdzԺ be proud ofΪ򡭡ԺѡB

29. D ϵ⡰ǺʶӦ򡭡İлˡ͸þеĹؼ

many other people֪ӦtheirD⡣

30. A ϵġHer family was not poor (ļͥ)͹ؼbut֪ΪҲСrichеġnewµġsmallСġbigġ ѡA

31. C ΪļͥȲƶҲУΪѧĸĸDzòŬѡC

32. A At school, Anne was not a good student...(ѧУݲһѧ)͡she enjoyed writing...(ϲд)ת۹ϵɴ˿֪butӡѡA

33. D ġϲд֪˴ָʦݣһܰҡ ѡD

34. A ϵġThe editor gave her a job. (༭һݹ)֪ΪȥôϴѧȻȥҹѡֻAfor䣬СѰҡ֮⣬ѡA

35. C ticket Ʊhobby áchance ᡱhabit ϰߡϵġThe editor gave her a job. (༭һݹ)֪˴ָҿʼʱҪһᡱ ѡC

ġ36. D ɵڶεľThey took a year-long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia.֪

Tony WheelerڰĴǽʱһСѡD

37. D ɵεһWhen Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap.֪Tony WheelerдAcross Asia on the CheapⱾΪ˻شǹеһЩ⡣ѡD

38. C ɵεľBut unlike other travel books then, Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go.֪ʱAcross Asia on the CheapⱾIJ̸֮ͬ˴οûȥĵطѡC

39. C Aĸ״Bһչ˾CΪDûйе顱ɵĶεһTony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet.֪AɵĶеThe company has over 650 books.֪BɵĶеToday,800 people work for Lonely Planet.֪CȷɵĶеThey wrote books for each place they visited.֪D

40. A AһλΰмҺ顱B֮ͬáCһλΰҺ

ļͥDͬĹ˾ͨȫĿ֪ҪΰмTony Wheelerд顣ѡA

41. B ɵһеThis is a beautiful place. It is a natural park.֪ѡB 42.C ɵڶݿ֪

43. A ɵĶеYesterday we had the first snow of this winter. It is very earlywe usually

expect snow in January.֪

44.D ɵеI have taken many photos of the train and from it.֪ѡD

45. D ɵеAlso, in England, the old steam powered trains𳵣are very popular.


塢46. D ǰһ䡰A nice placeһ䡰It was opened just a few months ago.֪

ӦWei HuaȥһطѡD

47. G ɴǶй̫աȻȷ䡱֪Timѯʡܿ


48. A ɴYes֪ϾӦΪһʾ䣬ѡA

49. B һ䡰Ȳ뿴˵ѧһȤѡB

50. E ɴThe No. 6 bus will take you there.֪TimѯȥѧݡѡE 51. How, holiday 52. Why, so 53. locking the door 54. The number of 55. take off

ߡOne possible version: Dear Miss Green

A trip to Hainan Island is the best choice for your holiday.

Hainan lies in the south of China. The weather there is often changeablesunny or rainy. No matter how the weather isits very hot there. So sunglassesa hatan umbrella and a swimsuit are the necessary things you should take with you. There are many different kinds of activities there. You can go fishingswimdive and surf every dayif you like. If you want to relax yourself quietlyyou can stay on the beach. The beach is very beautifuland you can enjoy the sunlight on it. Wish you a good trip! Zhang Ming
