
state <=w01;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 34 ) then flag:=35;state <=w0; elsif (flag = 35 ) then flag:=36;

state <=w01;wireout<='0';


elsif (flag = 36 ) then flag:=40;state <=s7; end if;

when s6 => reset<='0';

if (i = 750000 or wireout='1' ) then --延时750ms!!!! state <= s0;reset<='1'; --跳回s0,再次初始化 end if;

when s7 => --读数据 if(flag = 40 ) then flag:=41;

state <=read0;light:=0; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 41 ) then flag:=42;

state <=read0;light:=1; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 42 ) then flag:=43;

state <=read0;light:=2; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 43 ) then flag:=44;

state <=read0;light:=3; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 44 ) then flag:=45;

state <=read0;light:=4; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 45 ) then flag:=46;

state <=read0;light:=5; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 46 ) then flag:=47;

state <=read0;light:=6; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 47 ) then flag:=48;


state <=read0;light:=7; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 48 ) then flag:=49;

state <=read0;light:=8; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 49 ) then flag:=50;

state <=read0;light:=9; wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 50 ) then flag:=51;

state <=read0;light:=10;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 51 ) then flag:=52;

state <=read0;light:=11;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 52 ) then flag:=53;

state <=read0;light:=12;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 53 ) then flag:=54;

state <=read0;light:=13;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 54 ) then flag:=55;

state <=read0;light:=14;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 55 ) then flag:=60;

state <=read0;light:=15;wireout<='0';

elsif (flag = 60 ) then flag:=0;state<=s0; end if;

when w0 => wireout<='0'; --输出0 reset<='0';

if (i = 80) then --延时80us wireout<='Z'; --释放总线,自动拉高 reset<='1';state<=w00; end if;

when w00 => state<=s5; --空状态 when w01=> state<=w1; --空状态

when w1 => wireout<='Z'; --输出1释放总线,自动拉高



if (i = 80) then --延时80us reset<='1';state<=s5; end if;

when read0=> state <= read1; --空延时状态

when read1=> wireout <= 'Z'; --释放总线 reset<='0';

if (i = 10) then --再延时10us reset<='1';state <= read2; end if;

when others =>state <=s00; end case; end if; end process;

process(clk,reset) begin

if (reset='1')then i<=0;

elsif rising_edge(clk) then i<=i+1; end if;

end process; end architecture init;

8.2 液晶显示程序

library ieee;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity lcd1602 is

port(clk, reset: in std_logic;


LCD_Data: out std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); en: out std_logic; rw: out std_logic);

end lcd1602;

architecture gongneng of lcd1602 is signal LCD_Clk: std_logic;

signal s : integer range 0 to 10000000; begin

--50MHz to 5Hz process(clk, reset) begin

if reset = '0' then LCD_Clk <= '0';

s <= 0;

elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then

if s = 10000000 then

s <= 0;

LCD_Clk <= not LCD_Clk;


s <= s + 1;

end if; end if; end process;

rw <='0'; en <= LCD_Clk; process(LCD_Clk)

variable cnt: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0):=\

