
20.A man is sitting on that sofa.

21.A cherry tree is in my garden.

22.Something must be wrong

B. Rewrite the following sentences, using inversion:

1. I have never found him in such a good mood.

2. He had hardly finished his work when the telephone rang.

3. He only found out an hour ago that an accident had happened.

4. They rarely go to school by bus.



5. It is no longer necessary these days for women to spend hours of drudgery in the kitchen.

6. He got to the meeting in time only because someone had given him a lift.

7. I will not give up halfway for anything.

8. He had no sooner begun to speak than I sensed that something was wrong.

9. He did not come to our school at any time during his long stay in Shanghai.

10. I only realized what trouble he was in when I heard his voice trembling.

11. He had scarcely got to the office when his boss wanted to see him.

12. Jimmy not only passed the exam but got good marks for all the courses he had taken.



13.You can improve your spoken English only by practice.

14.She seldom speaks with foreigners.

15. The little boy had no sooner seen me than he ran off.

16.I realized that I was wrong only then.

17.I’ve never taught such a clever student as he.

18.He could scarcely concentrate on his work because others kept disturbing him.

V. Combine each group of sentences into one:

A. Combine each group of sentences into one containing a suitable non-finite clause:



1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.

2. She didn’t want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before.

3. I don’t like to cross the field. I knew that the bull was bad tempered.

4. Mrs. Wilson suddenly felt dizzy. She sat down quickly.

5. I had worked hard all day. I was ready for bed by eight o’clock.

6. He found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.

7. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

8. The castle was burnt in the sixteenth century. It was never built.


