


I. elect one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence:

1. Fifteen miles (seems, seem) like a long walk to me. 2. Either my brothers or my father (is, are) coming. 3. The rest of the novel (is, are) very interesting. 4. Our family (is, are) a happy one.1

5. It was reported that six (was, were) including a boy. 6. Between the two buildings (stands, stand) a monument.

7. Every boy and every girl in this room (is, are) entitled to a copy. 8. Few of my family really (understands, understand) me.

9. What caused the accident and who was responsible for it (remains, remain) a mystery to us. 10. I, who (is, am) your good friend, will share your joys and sorrows. 11. There are two roads and either (leads, lead) to the station. 12. The whole class (was, were) greatly moved at his words. 13. The wounded (is, are) being taken good care of here now. 14. The police (is, are) searching for a prisoner. 15. The United Nations (was, were) founded in 1945. 16. All that can be eaten (has, have) been eaten up. 17. Nothing but cars (is, are) sold in the shop.

18. His brother, rather than his parents, (is, are) to blame.



19. There (comes, come) the three noisy children from next door.

20. The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who (is, are) from the countryside in our school.

21. He suffers from diabetes, which (is, are) a kind of chronic disease.

22. My father, together with some of his old friends, (has, have) been there already. 23. Those who (enjoys, enjoy) singing may join us.

24. Many a student (has made, have made) that mistake before. 25. Deer (runs, run) faster than dogs.

26. No one except Jack and Tom (knows, know) the answer. 27. Half of the material (has, have) been taken away. 28. More than one student (has, have) failed the exam.

29. Because there (is, are) so many students in that class, I can sometimes sleep in the back row. 30. Some of the water (has, have) already gone bad. 31. My family as well as I (am, are) glad to see you. 32. Twenty miles (is, are) a long way to cover.

33. Over 80 percent of the population (is, are) workers. 34. Politics (is, are) one of the subjects that I study.

35. There (is, are) priceless jeweler on display at the exhibition hall. 36. Each of the footballers (weighs, weigh) over 150 pounds. 37. Measles (is, are) an infectious disease.

38. Each man and each woman there (is, are) asked to help.

39. At the foot of the mountain (was, were) two enormous vineyards, both owned by the same woman.



40. Neither Luis nor his parents (is, are) the least bit interested in keeping in touch with her. 41.The United Nations (was, were) formed in San Francisco in 1945. 42.The government (is, are) doing its best to boost production. 43.That family (is, are) a very happy one.

44.The football team (is, are) having baths and then coming back here for tea. 45.A lot of machinery (was, were) imported from abroad. 46.The public (was, were) convinced of his innocence. 47.War and peace (is, are) a constant theme in history. 48.7John, rather than his roommates, (is, are) to blame. 49.Many a boy (was, were) disappointed after seeing the film. 50.A number of pages (is, are) badly torn.

51.There (is, are) more than one answer to your question. 52.All of the fruit (looks, look) ripe.

II.Choose the best answer from the four choices given:

1. Can you lend me _______ pencil so that I can finish _______ test? A. a?the B. a?a C. the?the D. the?a

2. This is ________ first time that the child has seen ________ elephant. A. a?a B. a?the C. the?an D. a?an 3. When Linda was a child, her mother always let her havebed. A. the breakfast in B. the breakfast in the C. breakfast in D. breakfast in the



4. ______ usually go to church every Sunday.

A. The Brown B. A Brown C. Browns D. The Browns

5. The investigators found that more should be done for ________ in India. A. those poor B. a poor C. poor D. the poor

6. The city assigned a policeman to the school crossing because ________ traffic there was so heavy. A. a B. an C. the D. / 7. I had ________ trouble with ________ car this morning. A. a?a B. /?a C. /?the D. the?the 8. He has promised to give up ________ hundreds of times. A. a tobacco B. tobacco C. the tobacco D. tobaccos 9. The train is running fifty miles ________.

A. an hour B. one hour C. the hour D. a hour 10. They told me that they had ________ respect for their employer. A. a B. the C. / D. quite a

11. Ann’s habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and ________ they took her to the court.

A. in the end B. at the end C. in an end D. in end 12. He grabbed me ________ and pulled me onto the bus.

A. by an arm B. an arm C. the arm D. by the arm 13. She is wearing ________ beautiful dress her mother bought her. A. / B. a C. an D. the

14. I love ________ mountains, but I hate ________ sea.


