
Section B BCBC DCBA Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A ACD Section B FTF Conversation 2

Section A DBCA

Section B 1. For copying its products. 2. The poor countries will start copying China’s products. 3. It could be like America’s one day. 4. Manufacturing 5. To clean its environment while maintaining economic growth Part 4

Section A DAB BDB DBAC Section B FTT

Section C 1. Over 6,000 2. 79% 3. Export Section D

1. trade relations with China 2. the same trade benefits 3. had no opinion 4. in 1991 and 2000 5. on the public view

6. have stopped buying Chinese goods 7. Another 7 percent

8. depending on the type of product 9. usually do not buy goods from China 10. view Chinese products favorably Unit 12 Part 1 Section A

1. They’re also on my list

2. it was the capital of the famous Qin dynasty 3. I think I would need one year to do it 4. I hope I can visit and see them myself 5. I plan to visit there next year Section B DBCA CCAC Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A CAD

Section B 1. The class trip to Guilin. 2. Researching about the city Conversation 2

Section A BDCD Section B TFT Part 4

Section A DDB BDC CBCD Section B TFT

3. 4 days Section C 1. McDonalds 2. In good restaurants 3. 10 days Section D

1. life is very different

2. so much I had to remember 3. where you put your chopsticks 4. in your rice bowl

5. Chinese people often eat in big groups 6. try and get the best bits 7. closest to you 8. got into trouble 9. wherever you want 10. told me to stop
