
Unit 1 Part 1 Section A

1. humans are wise enough to make sure that doesn’t happen.

2. 200 years ago people said the same thing about the Industrial Revolution. 3. cars will even be able to find their own parking spaces. 4. connect the human mind to a computer chip

5. I don’t to expect paper books to go out of style anytime soon. Section B 1-8 C B A A C D C B Part 2

Conversation 1

Section A C D B Section B T F T Conversation 2

Section A B C C B Section B 1. From a magazine

2. when the baby is inside its mother./Early in its development. 3. husband and wife

4. it’s unnatural and wrong. 5. two, a boy and a girl. Part 4

Section A C D D B D B B C C A Section B F F T

Section C 1. At the point of preventing him from having diseases caused by genetic problems.

2. at the point of determining what kind of baby you want.

3. because parents have a stronger desire not to hurt their children. Section D 1. even hospital monitoring equipment 2. is trying to make clothes 3. perform many tasks

4. keeping a check on the health 5. closest to your body

6. can measure what is happening 7. when it’s dark

8. that is in your clothing 9. in a very loud environment 10. if you’re in a meeting. Unit 2 Part 1 Section A

1. what humans have achieved and what they are capable of 2. Yes, it’s far, but with our technology.

3. that something would go wrong and I’d die up in space 4. that people will soon be living on the moon.

5. Besides, people will live on the moon someday. Section B 1-8 B B C C C B D B Part 2

Conversation 1

Section A B C C Section B

1. because there seems to be less chance of nuclear war these days. 2. It won’t happen so soon.

3. More money from the government./ Government’s financial support. Conversation 2

Section A A D C D Section B T F F Part 4

Section A D C C C B A C B C A Section B F F T

Section C 1. discovery 2. They had to eat out of a tube. 3. for another 6 months. Section D

1. pilot of the moon lander

2. landed and explored the surface 3. more than 3 hours 4. get into space suits

5. put his foot on the moon 6. to be left behind

7. rock and soil to take back to Earth 8. an American flag

9. a sign with these words

10. We came in peace for all mankind. Unit 3 Part 1 Section A

1. It means Double Income No kids.

2. you have plenty of time to be with each other

3. we both need to work and save more money first. 4. Besides, we can still have kids later if we want

5. sometimes then my husband has already gone to bed. Section B 1-8 C C B D B D A C Part 2

Conversation 1

Section A B D C Section B F F T Conversation 2

Section A D B C C

Section B 1. Purpose of working and enjoyment of life

2. Because there are no children in the house. 3. To start a family will make him happier.

4. To enjoy themselves, and to live a comfortable and enjoyable life. 5. On whether they should have children. Part 4

Section A A C B A D B B C D A Section B F T F

Section C 1. If they come as planned and they are wanted. 2. From birth to the age of 18 or beyond.

3. Because they have more time to devote to each other Section D

1.11 types of families 2. have the desire

3. come mainly from two groups 4. those with low incomes

5. the size dropped to 3.1 in 1990 6. not to have any children

7. rising costs to bring up children 8. who received better education 9. by the birth of the babies 10.cause problems in the future Unit 4 Part 1

Section A

1. sometimes life is hard, but let’s remember the important things. 2. while he was behind bars as a political prisoner. 3. behind every great man there is a great woman.

4. you must struggle together and have true faith in your husband or wife. 5. Can’t you make up your mind? Section B 1-8 C C D B B A B D Part 2

Conversation 1

Section A B D C

Section B 1. It’s Ok if they both love each other.

2. the former, marriage between a young woman and an older man. 3. true love is very important in marriage. Conversation 2

Section A C B A D Section B F T T Part 4

Section A B A D C B D C D B A Section B T T F

Section C 1. A safe harbor where the other person wants to be.

2. How important religion is in your lives and in your children’s lives.

3. Make time for each other. Have a regular date night without kids. Section D

1. having a full-time job

2. once their children start school 3. brings no increase 4. as many hours as men 5. spent on paid work

6. the quality of part-time jobs 7. lowering the cost of child care 8. the same point of view 9. prefer to stay at home

10. from working longer hours Unit 5 Part One Section A

1. It’s cheaper than using the telephone

2. Computer pioneers thought no one would ever buy a home computer 3. I thought we were chatting here, in person

4. We don’t have to get a new computer every two years 5. Why is modern life so dominated by technology? Section B

1-5 BACDC 6-8 DBC Part Two

Conversation 1 1-3 DCA Conversation 2 1-4 BDAC Part Four Section A

Passage 1 1-3 DCB Passage 2 4-6 DBC Passage 3 7-10 DBBA Section D

1. a short way of

2. add information to their blogs every day 3. their lives, ideas and opinions 4. creating and reading blogs 5. more than sixty million 6. a way to show their writings 7. who have the same interests 8. concerns about their work 9. teenagers and young adults

10. with an increasing number of friends Unit 6 Part 1 Section A

1. He’s the boss, he makes the rules. 2. even your identity itself.

3. I think the world we live in is interesting and exciting already. 4. can obtain people’s personal information.

5. so you get mail only from addresses you know. Section B 1-8 C B A C D B C A Part 2

Conversation 1

Section A C D D

Section B 1. some books 2. to market stuff to you 3. because he thinks that invade people’s privacy. Conversation 2

Section A C C D A Section B F T T Part 4

Section A B A C B C D B A C C Section B F T T

Section C 1. Children of 13 to 16 years of age.

2. someone of similar age to the group chatting online. 3. to build trust. Section D

1. receive cards around Christmas. 2. match the moment. 3. all from strangers.

4. promised to load the card. 5. I got the second one. 6. sent by bad people

7. to tell the good e-cards from the bad 8. Don’t open anything

9. the e-mail address of the sender 10. call your friend. Unit 7 Part 1 Section A

1. it’s a good way to measure some of their abilities. 2. We want students to question authority.

3. I’ve been working for this for twelve years, and I’ve got to do my best. 4. The teacher wants us to figure out how to do the assignment. 5. Do you want to learn Japanese or don’t you? Section B 1-8 BDBD CDCA Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A CDB Section B TTF

Conversation 2

Section A BADD

Section B 1. They’re colleagues. 2. Director of advertising. 3. A person who spends a lot of time studying only, memorizing and reciting. 4. There’s just one right answer. Part 4

Section A BAB BAC CBBA Section B TFF

Section C 1. It should be reformed. 2. Because every child has a curiosity.

3. To respond to students’ curiosity and questions. Section D

1. more than seven hundred 2. provide their results

3. one reason to drop the requirement 4. from schoolwork and life

5. too much importance on one test 6. at other schools

7. test scores are important

8. the tests really show about a student 9. in some cases 10. has the money for Unit 8 Part 1 Section A

1. study more so I can be a manager of that economic growth. 2. establish my own career before I start a family.

3. They’re becoming the engines of our nation’s economic growth. 4. what parts of college were useful until you try to get a job. 5. I need practical education that will advance my career. Section B 1-8 BDBB AADB Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A BDC

Section B 1. Their financial success.

2. The fields that students study with the aim of employment. 3. It’s technology-based Conversation 2

Section A CDBB Section B FTF Part 4

Section A ACB CBD CDBC Section B FTT

Section C 1. Because it’s a chance to recover and to explore their interests.

2. Their children may decide not to go to college. 3. Money. A gap year can be costly. Section D

1. But more and more are working. 2. students in high school. 3. always be the most exciting 4. some other area of interest

5. get to know a possible future employer 6. help students make sure

7. mean extra workers for little or no cost 8. once they finish their studies 9. get a paying job 10. provide free labor Unit 9 Part 1 Section A

1. that people use once and throw away

2. The younger generation knows not to litter 3. and we won’t produce more trash

4. Recycling is definitely one of the keys to our future 5. They can be used again to make all kinds of products. Section B CBCB DADB Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A DCB Section B FTF Conversation 2

Section A BDCD

Section B 1. White pollution. 2. Because it’s so cheap and stores food well. 3. By making laws to develop alternative products. 4. Because they are more expensive. 5. The governor. Part 4

Section A DCB BCC DBCD Section B TFT

Section C 1. White pollution. 2. Yes, they do. 3. Because one can see them along railways and in the wind. Section D

1. which employs 20,000 people.

2. one of the world’s most polluted environments. 3. stop giving away free plastic bags. 4. That surprise move 5. other green groups 6. 250,000 tons of bags. 7. to be the last

8. increasingly anxious about 9. against “white pollution”

10. blown far and wide by the wind. Unit 10 Part 1 Section A

1. Some places in the world are poorer than others. 2. it harms the environment and people’s quality of life. 3. to protect the environment now than to clean it up later. 4. More cars would hurt our quality of life

5. I think we should move to the countryside just to have some peace. Section B 1-8 DABD CDCA Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A BCD

Section B 1. Overpopulation 2. They are having fewer children. 3. They should live like in poor countries. Conversation 2

Section A BDCD Section B TTFF Part 4

Section A BDB BAC CBDD Section B TFF

Section C 1. Poor people around the world. 2. By balancing population and environmental needs. 3. The richest countries. Section D

1. the need to stay indoors.

2. 26% of the energy in our homes. 3. by up to 10%

4. around £40 a year 5. heat an empty house 6. when you’re out

7. come on just 30 minutes 8. a lovely warm house

9. not losing heat from your house 10. close doors in between rooms Unit 11 Part 1 Section A

1. things everywhere are looking better and better. 2. to work in China’s developing economy.

3. how much attention this has received in foreign news.

4. to have a lot more confidence in their country’s companies. 5. the environment has suffered

Section B BCBC DCBA Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A ACD Section B FTF Conversation 2

Section A DBCA

Section B 1. For copying its products. 2. The poor countries will start copying China’s products. 3. It could be like America’s one day. 4. Manufacturing 5. To clean its environment while maintaining economic growth Part 4

Section A DAB BDB DBAC Section B FTT

Section C 1. Over 6,000 2. 79% 3. Export Section D

1. trade relations with China 2. the same trade benefits 3. had no opinion 4. in 1991 and 2000 5. on the public view

6. have stopped buying Chinese goods 7. Another 7 percent

8. depending on the type of product 9. usually do not buy goods from China 10. view Chinese products favorably Unit 12 Part 1 Section A

1. They’re also on my list

2. it was the capital of the famous Qin dynasty 3. I think I would need one year to do it 4. I hope I can visit and see them myself 5. I plan to visit there next year Section B DBCA CCAC Part 2

Conversation 1 Section A CAD

Section B 1. The class trip to Guilin. 2. Researching about the city Conversation 2

Section A BDCD Section B TFT Part 4

Section A DDB BDC CBCD Section B TFT

3. 4 days Section C 1. McDonalds 2. In good restaurants 3. 10 days Section D

1. life is very different

2. so much I had to remember 3. where you put your chopsticks 4. in your rice bowl

5. Chinese people often eat in big groups 6. try and get the best bits 7. closest to you 8. got into trouble 9. wherever you want 10. told me to stop
