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天灾,罢工,火灾,洪水,战争,(无论通知与否), 暴乱, 原料毁灭, 延期, 暂停或不利天气, 禁止船只出入的危险港口, 意外事故, 政府限制(包括分配, 要求, 限额和价钱控制).

15.3 No reduction or suspension in the deliveries or receipt of Gas Oil due to any of the reasons set forth above,

shall extend the term of this contract or terminate the same. However, any of the aforementioned circumstance(s) persist for more than thirty (30) days.

由于任何原因使得在交付或者收到油过程中未降价或者暂停,将延长这份合同的时期或者结束,然而, 双方可以对另一方通过书面通知结束这份合同,若受难当事人对违 约原因不赞同, 将有权要求损害赔偿.

15.4 The certificate issued in original by the competent recognized authority should be deemed as sufficient proof

for the claim force Major and duration.



16.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.

此合同由英国法律决定其有效性, 解释或履约.


17.1 Subject to clause 15 herein, In the event failure by the seller or Buyer to comply with any of the obligation

assumed under this contract, shall entitle the other party, without prejudice to any other or recourses available to it, to consider such failure as breach of this contract and to terminate the same, or to unilaterally suspend its performance until such failure is corrected, and in both cases, may claim direct damages for the breach of this contract.

根据第15条, 如果在遵循这份合同任何义务的情况下, 卖方或者买方无法履行义务,将 授权另一方,不损害其他可提供的任何义务,认为无法履约违反了这份合同或者停止合同,或者单方面延期直至双方修正结束, 可根据合同要求损害赔偿费.


18.1 All disputes arising in connection with the present contract shall be settled in an amicable way firstly. Should

the parties reach no agreement, and then the case shall be brought for final settlement under the rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in London, England, by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.

若发生与本合同有关的纠纷,首先友好协商.若双方无法达成协议,则应提请国际商会并在英国伦敦指定一位或多位仲裁人按国际商会的 “商务仲裁规则” 作最终裁定.

18.2 Each Party shall appoint one Arbitrator who in turn will appoint a third Arbitrator. Nothing in the agreement

shall be construed to prevent any Court having jurisdiction from issuing injunctions, attachment orders or orders for other similar relief in aid of any arbitration commenced by the Arbitrator(s) may entered in any Court having jurisdiction hereof.

双方各委任一名仲裁者, 在协议里的没有任何解释可以阻止任何有审判权的 法庭发布的命令,仲裁者授权的判决可计入具有审判权的法庭。仲裁由伦敦法庭(英国)或者瑞士法庭(瑞士)执行.

18.3 Neither party shall fail to comply in a timely way with the obligations of this part to be performed in pursuant

to this contract even though a dispute may have been arisen and preceded into arbitration.


18.4 Finding as assessed by the designated third Arbitrator, without any possibility of recourse, will final and

binding on both parties.

由委任得第三名仲裁员最终裁决, 仲裁的判决将最终对双方具有约束力.


19.1 Buyer warrants that it has exerted and shall continue to exert its best efforts to avoid any action, which might

be in any manner detrimental to Seller?s interest in the negotiation, execution and performance of this contract.


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在此合同的协商, 执行和履约中, 买方保证尽力不发生任何有损卖方利益的事件.

19.2 The parties hereby agree that all terms, which are not specifically confirmed and agreed upon in this

contract, have to be referred to the general rules of the ICC INCOTERMS Edition 2000 with latest amendments.

双方在此同意此合同中无需特别确认的所有条款必须遵守ICC国际商会国际贸易 2000最新修订本中基本规则.

19.3 The delivery schedule must report the dates of shipments, names of vessels (if not available it will be

sufficient to state ? TBN? -To Be Nominated) and the quantity to be loaded.

交货时间表须写明货船日期,油轮名(若不提供,则为 “TBN” 状态指定船舶), 和装载量.


19.4.1 The undersigned Parties do hereby accept and agree to the provisions of the International

Chamber of Commerce for Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure with regards to all and anyone of the Parties in this transaction.



To include but not limited to the Buyer, Seller, their agents, mandates, nominees, assignees, and all intermediaries party to this agreement/contract.

此合同机密性包括买方, 卖方, 他们的代理商, 授权人, 委任方, 代理人和所有 中间人.


This agreement shall be kept in the strictest confidence between them for at least Five (5) years from the date hereof.



Neither party is entitled to transfer their rights and/or obligations under this contract to a third party with exceptions of Financial Agent of the Seller/Buyer, as it is provided in appendix No F of the present contract, and except where the third party is an entity whose majority ownership is the same as the original ownership contract partner. In any case the transferring party will notify the other party in writing (Including Telex). After signing the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the Parties in this connection will be considered null and void. If the Seller ceases the Contract for any reason or fails to comply with the conditions thereof, Performance Bond shall enter into force.

任何一方在执行合同之中,在得到对方同意的情况下,转让本合同的买卖权利及其义务给第三方。一旦本合同正式签立之后,以前有关双方类似交易文件自动终 止。如果卖方因为任何原因无法执行合同,违约保证金 将交付买 方。

19.5 DOCUMENTS (文件)

19.5.1 A full set of 3/3 originals plus 3 N/N copies of Ocean Bill of Lading made out ? Clean on Board?

marked ? Freight Pre-Paid? . The B/L to be signed in original by the ship?s Master and “bank” issued or endorsed for the destination, identification of the loaded cargo with quantity expressed in US Barrels at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and Metric Tons.

一套提单,3/3原本及3 N/N 复印件, 船单上印有 “船上整洁” 及标记 “已付船款”. 船单正本由船长签名, 空白处签出或标明目的地, 证明装载货物 在60华氏摄氏度下US桶 数和公吨数.


Original quantity and quality certificates plus two (2) copies as issued at loading port by an Independent Surveyor Company SGS.

由买卖方指定的独立检查公司于装货港签出的商品数量和质量证明, 原本和复印件两(2)份. 当地商会确认的证明原本和两(2)份复印件.

19.5.3 Certificate of Origin plus two (2) copies countersigned by a local Chamber of Commerce. 19.5.4

Signed commercial invoice based on the delivered quantity/quality as determined by clause 9 of this contract.

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根据 本合同条款9中所确定的交货的数量/品质, 所签名的贸易发票为最终代表根据

19.5.5 Any other documents pertaining or related to the current trip duly signed by the authorized

persons, including certificate of Insurance, (1 original plus 3 copies), confirmed original SGS report at the loading port, all loading details including loaded quantity, quality, and B/L date will be faxed directly to the Buyer prompt after completion of loading from loading port. Third party documents are acceptable by the Buyer for full payment to Seller. .

由船长于装载港发出的准备就绪通知, 原本及复印件三(3)份 写明船期, 船名, 装货量和交 货状态. 保险契约, 载港收取标准样本原件和复印件三(3)份, 任何其他与当前合同有关的 文件. 买方允许第三者文件

CLAUSE 20 - LAYCAN-LAYTME-DEMURRAGES (装卸货权利 -装卸货时间 - 逾期费) 20.1. LAYCAN (装卸货权利)

20.1.1 Seller and Buyer hereby agree on a quarterly delivery schedule specifying the Laycan?s at Buyer

designated discharge port(s) per each single batch to be delivered.

买卖双方在此同意详细季度交货时间表, 在买方指定卸货港每一批商品的装卸货权 利.



Each fifteenth (15th) day of the third (3rd) month of the current quarter, the next quarterly delivery schedule shall be agreed upon by parties.


Laycan?s at Buyer?s designated port(s) to be fixed with three (3) days range.


20.2 LAYTIME (卸货时间)

20.2.1 Buyer warrants that Seller?s nominated vessel(s) will be allowed to discharge her cargo within

One hundred & Twenty (120) free running hours SHINC, plus six (6) hours NOR, and however, maintaining at the ship?s manifolds an average discharge pressure of not more than ten (10) kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm2).

买方保证卖方所指定货船允许卸货时间在 120小时内, 星期天和节假日包括在内, 加上6小时准备就绪的时间. 然而, 维持船平均压力不得超于十千克 每平方厘米(10KG/CM2).


Notice of readiness (N.O.R) shall be given, on ship?s arrival at the Buyer?s designated discharge port(s), by the ship?s master to Buyer and/or Agent, by radio, cable or by hand, at any time including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

当货船即将到达买方指定卸货港, 船长须通过无线电或电报通知买方或者代理 商告知其已经准备就绪. 通知时间不限定, 包括星期六, 星期天和节假日.


Laytime shall commence upon the expiration of six (6) hours after tender of notice of readiness, or upon vessel being all-fast in berth, whichever is earlier.

卸货时间从发出准备就绪通知后, 六小时准备时间结束开始计算, 或者停泊处货船速度很快, 则选择快的那一个时间.

20.2.4 Time spent for customs/health/port authority formalities, pilot age from anchorage area to berth,

mooring, or crossing river mouth, shall not to count as laytime.

停泊处, 或江口, 海关/健康检查/港务局仪式所花费时间, 停泊点领航员年龄, 不计入装卸货时间.


20.3.1 Demurrages at both load and discharge ports, if any and if not caused by Buyer?s nominated

discharge terminal, will be paid by the Seller to the Buyer at sight, at first and simple written request. Conversely, if demurrages have been caused by the Buyer?s discharge terminal, then the corresponding amount shall be borne by the Buyer to be paid to the Seller at sight, at first and


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simple written request. Time shall not count against playtime or if the vessel is on demurrage, or demurrage when spent or load.



Demurrages amount shall be computed at the Chartered party rate. For this purpose, Seller shall provide the Buyer with a copy of the original Charter Party.


20.3.3 20.3.4

Demurrages will be based on daily rate or pro-rata thereof.


若货船于20.1.3条中规定时间提前到达卸货港,通知仅在前三天00.01小时有 效,除非卸货港在此时间前让货船开始卸货。若货船晚于规定时间到港,卸货港会发挥最高效率,减少卸货的延误。然而,若此情况发生,装卸货时间将仅仅启动于货船在停泊港快速的情况下。


If the vessel arrives at the discharge terminal ahead of the range of days in accordance with clause 20.1.3, such notice shall only be effective as from 00.01 hours on the first of these days, unless the discharge terminal begins to discharge the vessel before such time. In the case of the vessel arriving later than the range of days accepted, the discharge terminal will use its best efforts to minimize the delay to discharge. However, in such cases, LAYTIME will only start to count upon the vessel being all-fast in berth.

21.1 In case the Seller is not able to deliver to the Buyer in due time the set of original bills of lading of each

cargo?s batch, and then the Seller has to provide the Buyer with a hard-copy of letter of indemnity to temporarily missing original bills of lading.


21.2 Wording of this letter of indemnity to be acceptable to the Buyer and shall cease to have effect upon

presentation of the original bills of lading.


21.3 In the event of unusual circumstances, which prevent the Seller from presenting to the Buyer the original

bills of lading within a sixty (60) days period, the Seller agrees to provide the Buyer and the Buyer agrees to accept a second and subsequent letter of indemnity covering the cargo batch in question.



22.1 Seller/Buyer may at any time assign this contract or its total or partial performance hereof to any other

Company, which assumes the obligations of the Seller/Buyer under the terms of the assignment. Formal notice of the assignment shall be rendered to the other party.


22.2. The Buyer/Seller, express indicating thereon the assignee?s address. The assigning party must have written

permission from the assigned party approving the new partner.




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