
4.英语中没有顿号“、”。要表示句中较短的并列词语之间的停顿,汉语习惯用顿号,而英语只能用逗号;汉语中连词“和”、“及”等之前不可用顿号,而英语中连接一系列并列项目的“and”或“or”之前往往可以用逗号。 5.使用所有格符号时,要注意放在正确的位置上,以免引起意义上的混淆。如my sister’s book不能写成my sisters’ book。

6.汉语中直接引语前的“某某说”等词语之后一律用冒号。而英语中既可用逗号,也可用冒号。当“某某说”等词语在直接引语后时,汉语的引语末尾用句号,而英语一般用逗号。如句子 “It's none of your business,” the young men said rudely.其汉语译文是:“这不管你的事。”年轻人粗暴地说。

7.问号用在直接疑问句之后。间接疑问句是作为一个从句来处理的,不能用问号。如 I didn't know what he meant by that. 8.英语中没有书名号《 》,书名一般用引号。如:Yesterday she saw an English film “Gone with the Wind”。


常见标点符号的用法(Use of English Punctuation Marks)

1.句号 Period [.] (full stop) 表示句子的结束。常用句号的情形有: (1)用以表示一个句子的结束

Hockey is a popular sport in Canada.

The federal government is based in Ottawa. (2)用在缩写中

B.C. is the province located on the West Coast. Dr. Bethune was a Canadian who worked in China. The company is located at 888 Bay St. in Toronto. It is 4:00 p.m. in Halifax right now. (3) 省略词后,例如:

Mr. Mrs. Dr. Ph.D. U.S.A. a.m.

注:当一个句子直接引用时,跟有he said 这样的语句,句末不能用句号,可以用逗号、问号或感叹号。例如,

“You are welcome,” the girl said. “What do you want?” he asked.

“Quiet, please!” shouted the teacher。 2. 问号 Question Mark [?]

(1) 在句子的结尾使用问号表示是直接疑问句: How many provinces are there in Canada? 注意:在间接疑问句结尾不要加问号: The teacher asked the class a question. Do not ask me why.

(2) 对某个词、数字或日期有怀疑时,可在该句后加问号,但要放在括号中。例如,

He was born in 1915(?) and died in 1970.

3. 叹号 Exclamation Mark [!] 表示感情强烈的句子末尾的停顿,常使用感叹号的情形有: (1)在句子的结尾使用叹号表示惊讶、兴奋等情绪:

We won the Stanley Cup! The forest is on fire!

(2) 有时用在表示愿望的口号后。例如, Long live the people’s Republic of China !

4. 逗号 Comma [,], 表示句子内部一般性的停顿。常使用逗号的情形有: (1) 句子中的停顿

Therefore, we should write a letter to the prime minister. (2) 在直接引语中引出说话人:

“I can come today,\ (3) 排列三个或以上的名词:

Ontario, Quebec, and B.C. are the three biggest provinces. (4)引出非限制性定语从句

Emily Carr, who was born in 1871, was a great painter.

(5) 并列句中的连词(but , or , for , nor , so , yet )的前面。例如: He knocked at the door , but nobody answerer . Study hard , or you will fail in the examination . He is not handsome , yet she loves him .

注:平行的主语、宾语、表语、谓语或状语只有两个时,在多数情况下,它们之间都用and而不用逗号;如果在两个以上,则通常最后的两个之间用and ,不用逗号。但近几年来,and 前加逗号的情形不少,特别是在美语中。

(6) 英语中没有顿号,所以起同样作用的词或短语,用逗号隔开。例如: She bought apples, beef, cucumbers and bread. (7 ) 插入语的前后用逗号分开。例如:

The fire, although it had been burning for several days, was still blazing fiercely. (8) 写日期时,如按月、日、年的次序书写,日和年之间加逗号。例如: I was born on February 7, 1966

(9) 书写千以上的数字时,从右往数每三个数字后加逗号。例如: 1,285 12,308,343

(10) 在图书索引中,姓与名之间常用逗号。例如: Twain , Mark 1835~1910

(11) 附加疑问句前或类似词语和句中其余部分隔开。例如: Your mother is a teacher, isn’t she? (12) 信件和讲稿的称呼之后。例如,

Dear Sir, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen , 5. 撇号Apostrophe ['] (1)表示所有

This is David's computer.

These are the player's things. (things that belong to the player) 注意: 对于复数形式的名词,只加'

These are the players' things. (things that belong to the players) (2)缩写

I don't know how to fix it.

6.引号Quotation Marks [“”] 一般用于出现在文中的引语,或作者希望特别引起注意的词。在英语中通用单引号,在美语中通用双引号。例如,


The prime minister said, “We will win the election.” “I can come today,” she said, “but not tomorrow.” (4) 作者希望特别引起注意的词:

He called himself a “gentleman”, but you would never have thought so from the way he behaved.

7. 冒号Colon [:] 表示提示语后或总括语前的停顿。常用冒号的情形有: (1) 引出一系列名词

There are three positions in hockey: goalie, defense, and forward. (2) 引出一个较长的引语

The prime minister said: “We will fight. We will not give up. We will win the next election.” (3) 一长列项目前,such as , for example ,as follows 等短语之后。例如,

Your first aid kit should include the following items :cotton wool, lint ,antiseptic lotion ,sticking plaster ,bandages and safety pins . (4) 记时间时用来区分小时和分钟,例如, The train leaves at 11:05 p. m.

(5) 信件和讲稿的称呼之后也可用冒号。例如, Dear Sir: Mr. Chairman: Ladies and gentlemen:

8. 分号Semicolon [;] 表示长句或分句组之间的停顿。常用分号的情形有: (1) 将两个相关的句子连接起来

The festival is very popular; people from all over the world visit each year. (2) 和逗号一同使用引出一系列名词

The three biggest cities in Canada are Toronto, Ontario; Montreal, Quebec; and Vancouver, B.C.

(3) 从句中已有标点,即使句中有连词也应用分号。例如,

When he dressed up, it started to rain; but he had to go to work by bike. 9. 破折号Dash [—] 标示注解、语意的转变等情况。常用的情形有: (1) 在一个句子前作总结

Mild, wet, and cloudy — these are the characteristics of weather in Vancouver. (2) 在一个句子的前面或后面加入额外的注释

The children —Pierre, Laura, and Ashley - went to the store. Most Canadians — but not all —voted in the last election.

(3) 表示某人在说话过程中被打断

The woman said, “I want to ask —”when the earthquake began to shake the room. (4) 表示思想中断或语气改变时。例如,

He might do many good things for us – if he was elected. (5) 有些作家在叙述对话时用破折号代替引号。例如, —Would you come at 5 p.m.?

—I’m afraid I can’t leave my office that time. 10. 连字符Hyphen [-] (1) 连接两个单词 sweet-smelling fire-resistant

(2) 连接前缀 anti-Canadian non-contact (3)在数字中使用 one-quarter twenty-three

11. 省略号(suspension points)

英语中三个稍稍分开的句点连用即是省略号。常使用省略号的情形有: (1)不需表示详尽时,也就是要省略部分词、短语或内容时,例如,

There are many things on the desk: two pencils, a ruler, a pen … (2)用来表示语言中断或说话迟疑。例如,

I mean … well, I mean he is a bad guy. 附录

附1:国家标准GB7713-87规定的科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式,规定报告与论文由以下两大部分构成: (1)前置部分 (3) 主体部分

封面、封二 题名页

序或前言(必要时) 前置 摘要 部分 关键词





正文-2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 … 2.3.2 … … … 主体 部分

图1(或图2-1) 图1(或图2-1)

表1(或表2-1) 表1(或表2-1)
