
8. 她们从莫比尔的小酒馆楼上的窗户探头张望,或者在一长排狭窄拥挤的房间走廊上爬来

爬去,或者坐在公共汽车站,捧着纸袋哭喊,坐着身边的妈妈不断对她们说,“住嘴!” 9. 佩克拉转身找到房门,她看到耶稣正在低头望着她,眼神是悲伤的,却不惊讶,他那褐

色长发从中间分开,鲜艳的纸花拧成麻花状环绕在他面庞的周围。 10. 不过,头垂得再低,她也看得到雪花纷纷飘落到人行便道上并立刻消融。


1. Simile. When one sings a hymn, the first few notes fill one’s heart with an air of freshness,

just like opening a window. The sound of Meridian’s four-syllable name has the same effect. 2. Metaphor. But these girls are strongly influenced by their hometowns, and the influence stays

with them forever even after they leave their hometowns.

3. Simile. These girls behave in a nice and sweet way but they look plain and ordinary, lacking

special or exciting qualities.

4. Metaphor. The brown girls try hard to repress their emotions and passions. However, these

natural human emotions cannot be wiped out totally. Sometimes they will emerge and burst out, and they will develop, become stronger and stay with the brown girls. So whenever and wherever this funk bursts out, the brown girls will do their best to stifle it. Then it emerges again, and they will kill it again. The brown girls have to fight the battle constantly all their lives because the funkiness comes back naturally.

5. Metaphor. Although the husband is right in thinking that the brown girl can keep house well

and bear children easily, he is not aware that the brown girl will build her power to control the house little by little and defend it as her own territory, allowing nobody to intrude.

6. Antithesis. Poor girls like Pecola were ignorant and uncomprehending; they did not know why

their lives were so miserable and so had many questions but were unable to explore the questions further. At the same time, as they were poverty-stricken and practically had nothing, their eyes revealed their desire for anything that could make their lives easier.

7. Antithesis. In the eyes of these girls one could see that they were in despair and without any

hope from the beginning and for the future and that their entire lives would be nothing but a meaningless waste.

8. Metaphor. Where these poor girls live, good and beautiful things never happen while there is

nothing but garbage -- used tin cans and tires. They live in a wasteland.
