

当然本节课中也存在几个需要继续探索的问题: 一、师生均是初次接触任务型教学,对其仅是好奇及尝试,尚未能领会其主旨。





1. 介绍更多的英文姓名,并且区分出姓和名; 2. 学习英语中姓名(name/ full name)、姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)的用法; 3. 通过用英语说出自己的电话号码的任务,学习数字0—9;

4. 制作身份证,以综合运用所学的姓名和数字; 5. 德育目标:我长大了,学会对人有礼貌、学会感激。


1. 了解英语与汉语中姓与名的位置不同,准确掌握英语的姓与名的表达;

2、 听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。 3. 重点句型:What’s your English name? My English name is …

What’s your last name/ family name? My last / family name is … What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is … 主题词 (斜体字为扩展词): last name family name

second name surname Tanaka Barnes Green Mitchell Jones Lim Smith Brown Cooper Locke first name

given name Tony Bill Paul Mark Amy Gina Kenji Lisa Chi-yong Mary Kate Katherine Elizabeth Kim Mike Nick Tom John telephone number 课前准备

1. 学生课前准备:父母或朋友的录音磁带、硬纸卡片

2. 教学器材:电话、小皮球、录音机、电脑 3. 教学课件:身份证课件 教学设计

Tasks Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1. Game: throw the ball while asking and answering the question. In groups, one student throws the ball and asks: “What’s your English name?”, the other one answers it ,then throw the ball again. Do this game first as an example.

2. Guess, “Who is he/ she?” Play students’ tape and ask the other students to guess who the speaker is. Introduce two words: family name and first name.

3.Create the Class Telephone Book Interview other students what are their telephone numbers. Direct.

4.Check the telephone number from 114. One student is the operator, others can check the telephone number by asking : “What’s ×××’s telephone number?” Ask the students to do it,and tell them the rules.

5.Make ID Card. They can add some information as a real ID Card. Then, make their own ID Card in groups.

Show students the teacher’s ID Card on the computer.


一、接力游戏询问学生的英文名。首先由教师仿做,教师拿出一个小皮球,任意抛向一名学生,同时问:“What’s your English name?”,这个学生接住球并回答:“My English name is …”, 然后由这名学生将球抛向另一名学生, 第二名学生在接物品时必须回答:“My English name is …,his/her English name is …(只要重复前一名学生的名字即可)”,然后传递下去并问:“What’s your English name?”。最后将学生分为几组在组内做。在这个活动中,学生的积极性很高(球必须接住,否则也算做失误),达到《课标》中要求的既从学生的兴趣出发,又具备易操作的特点 。

二、做“新学期的新祝愿”。在这个活动中,同时引入姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)与汉语的位置区别。将学生所录制的带有家人或朋友的祝福的磁带放在录音机中,同时用英语介绍:“ His/Her family name is …, his/her first name is …,do you know who
