
第三十条 带薪年休假

1. 根据《职工带薪年休假条例》规定,员工连续工作1年以上的,享受相应天数的带薪年休假:累


可享受带薪年休假部分 员工累计工作时间 可享受天数 不满1年 实施办法 0 公司原则上保证员工休足可享受的带薪年休假; 公司统一安排的年休假日如确因工作需要无法 休假的天数原则上在当年度安排补休年休假,不 能安排补休年休假的,对当年度按国家规定应休 满1年不满10年 5 满10年不满20年 10 未休的年休假天数,公司按照该员工日工资收入 的300%支付年休假工资报酬 满20年 15

Article thirty

Paid annual leave

1. According to the provisions of Regulations on Paid Annual Leave for Employees, the employees who

continuously work for more than one year can enjoy paid annual leave with corresponding days; the annual leave shall be five days for employees who have accumulatively worked for 1-10 year(s); 10 days for the employees who have accumulatively worked for 10-20 years; 15 days for the employees who have accumulatively worked for 20 years or more. The annual leave doesn’t contain national legal days and off days. Accumulative working time of the employee Enjoyable days Enjoyable paid annual leave Implementation method

Less than one year 0 In principle, the company shall ensure the enjoyable paid annual leave of employees; for the days the unified annual leave arranged by the company can’t be rested, the company will arrange compensatory time for annual leave in that year in principle; if fail to arrange compensatory time for annual leave, the company will pay 300% daily salary of the employee for annual leave salary for the days which have not been rested that year as per the national regulations. More than one year but less than 10 years More than 10 years but less than 20 years 5 10 20 years or more 15

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第三十一条 请假程序

1. 员工请假时,应于事前亲自填写《请假申请单》,并提供相关证明文件,办妥请假手续并安排好自




Article thirty Procedure about asking for leave

1. The employees shall personally fill in Application on Asking for Leave in advance when ask for leave and

provide relevant documentary evidence; after transact leaving procedure and arrange own job, then can leave his work post. If meet state of an illness needs emergency treatment or emergent accident, implement according to the following procedure:

The employees need to ask his subordinating leader for leave if he is unable to transact the written approval procedure in some special occasions, and he/she should make up the above procedure for asking leave after the event.

For the employee that is unable to transact the written approval procedure due to sudden illness or emergency injury and is sent to the hospital for treatment, he/she or his/her family members should inform the subordinating leader in time, and make up the sick-leave procedure within 3 days afterwards and present the medical record or the diagnosis certificate; but for the those that are unable to transact the written approval procedure due to sudden illness or emergency injury but are not sent to the hospital, the employee himself should contact the subordinating leader in time, and make up the sick-leave procedure on the following working day by presenting the written statement of the subordinating leader.

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2. 员工请假流程

部门经理 √ √ √ √ √ 综合管理部经理 √ √ √ √ √ √ 总经理 审批 假期种类 3天以内 一般员工 事假 3天以内 部门主管 超过3天 部门经理 4-7天 超过7天 部门主管 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

审批 部门主管 假期种类 病 假 工伤假 产前检查/产假/晚育护理假/哺乳假 计划生育手术假/配偶绝育手术照顾假 公 假 独子假/婚丧假 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 部门经理 综合管理部经理 总经理 √

2. The process for the employee to ask for leave

Approve Category of vacation Within 3 days general employee Casual leave Supervisor Dept. Manager 4 to 7 days Exceed 7 days Within 3 days Exceed 3 days

HR Mgr. √ √ √ √ √ √ GM √ √ √ √ Supervisor √ √ √ √ √ Dept. Manager √ √ √ √ √

Approve Category of vacation Supervisor √ √ Dept. Manager √ √ HR Mgr. √ √ GM sick leave industrial injury leave antenatal examination/maternity leave/nursing leave for late childbirth /breast-feeding leave operation leave of family planning, caring leave of family planning for spouse, only-child leave leave of absence to attend to public affairs only-child leave/marriage and funeral leave

√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Page 30 of 72

第三十二条 迟到、早退


Article thirty-two Come late and leave early

Come to work late for less then 30 min is regarded as being late; leave work in advance within 30min is regarded as leaving early.

第三十三条 旷工


1. 未按第三十一条请假程序办理请假手续而不上班的;

2. 擅离工作岗位或工作场所达30分钟以上4小时以内为半天旷工,超过4小时为旷工一天;

3. 延迟30分钟以上4小时以内上班或提前30 分钟以上4小时以内下班为旷工半天;超过4小时


4. 员工发生旷工,其所在部门应立即以书面形式报告综合管理部,旷工者应有书面检查并记入个人


Article thirty-threeAbsenteeism

The following conditions are disposed as absenteeism:

come to work;

1. Don’t transact leaving procedure according to Article 31 Procedure about asking for leave and also don’t

2. Leave work post without permission or work place for 30min to 4h, which is regards as half-day

absenteeism; more than 4h, regard as one-day absenteeism;

3. Come to work for 30min to 4h late or leave work in advance for 30min to 4h, which is regarded as

half-day absenteeism; more than 4h, regard as one-day absenteeism;

4. When an employee is absent from work without permission, his department must immediately report in

written form to the comprehensive management Dept, and the employee must write a self-criticism, and such circumstance will be recorded in his/her personal archive.

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