
D . fourth

23. (2分)— Is the school trip on December l2th? — ________.Let's ask Lisa. A . Yes,it is B . You're right C . I'm not sure D . Have a good day

24. (2分)一Angelababy gave birth to a baby in January. Who will replace her in the reality show Keep Running?

一 Dilraba. She is famous for acting in Diamond Lover (《克拉恋人》). A . strict about B . well-known for C . friendly to

25. (2分)Though she is a ____ woman, she often dances with young people. A . sixty years old B . sixty-years-old C . sixty-year old D . sixty-year-old

二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共20分)

26. (10分)短文填空。

Do you know Zheng Xinyi? She is________artist from Hong Kong. When she was young, Zheng Xinyi was very ________. She liked ________ junk food very much. She ate it two ________ three times a day. Later she decided ________ go on a diet(节食). She only drinks a glass ________ milk for breakfast, for lunch, she only eats some vegetables.

And she only eats an apple for ________. She runs ________ an hour every day. Look, she is much thinner than(比)________. She60.________ pretty. She made a lot of movies. She is popular and famous now.

27. (10分)完形填空,阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

People like dolphins because they are both lovely and clever. They have an 1 IQ (智商). Dolphins can 'talk'. Scientists try to ‘talk' with dolphins, and the results make them 2. They find that dolphins 3 understand them so well.

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4 animals enjoy playing, but dolphins like to make their games different. On a beautiful day in 1997, scientists on a beach 5 a little dog going into the sea. They were surprised to see the dolphins come up to the dog and then start throwing(扔) it into the air. The dog 6 the 'game' and kept playing with the dolphins for over an hour.

Dolphins live in a very different world from 7, but they are very good at our 'IQ tests(测试)'. For example, in the picture above, a dolphin jumps 8 the water when he hears a whistle noise(哨声). He does this because he will get a fish 9 an award.

There is 10 much to learn about these lovely friends. (1)

A . interesting B . important C . usual D . amazing (2)

A . surprise B . surprised C . surprising D . interesting (3)

A . must B . may C . can D . should (4) A . Very few B . No C . Most D . None (5) A . looked B . saw

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C . learnt D . watched (6) A . disliked B . hated C . missed D . enjoyed (7) A . theirs B . ours C . his D . mine (8) A . into B . out of C . onto D . across (9) A . with B . as C . for D . without (10) A . still B . sometimes C . never D . seldom

三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共55分)

28. (10分)(2016?孝感)阅读短文,然后根据其内容选择正确答案。

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Full of happinessand sadness, the year 2015 is coming to an end and we invite you, the foreignfriends to share your stories with our millions of readers all over the world.We will choose some of the best and give prizes to the writers.

Foreigners withsome experiences about China during the past year. You may have visited forjust a few days, stayed longer here or just met with Chinese in your owncountries.

What to write?

Anything aboutChina or Chinese people that happened to you. It can be Chinese food,buildings, tradition or anything you think worth writing about.

How to join?

E-mail yourwriting to readers@chinadaily.com.cn.

Rules: At least200 words and one photo about your story. More words and photos are encouraged.Please write the information, such as who, what, where and when, below yourphotos.

Prize: A mobilephone.

Deadline(截止日期): December 26th, 2015.

(1)Which can be filled in “ ” in Paragraph Two? A . Who can join? B . When to write? C . How to write? D . Where to join?

(2)A foreign friend can NOT write about in his/her story. A . the mooncake B . Western food

C . the Dragon Boat Festival D . the Great Wall

(3)What is necessary about your story? A . One mobile phone. B . One prize. C . Only 100 words. D . One photo.

(4)The purpose of this passage is .

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