
The Cake Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions:Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with the information given in the text;N(for No)if the statement contradicts the information given in the text;NG(for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text.

( )1.Cindy made a delicious fruit cake all by herself the first time in her 12 years. ( )2.Cindy worried a lot about the mess even though she ha created something. ( )3.Her parents failed to slip in quietly for Cindy would give them a surprise.

( )4.Her mother didn’t notice the cake because she only focused on the mess in the kitchen. ( )5.All parents are suffering from situationa1 Timbercu1ar G1aucorma all the time.

( )6.A little mud even on new carpet doesn’t matter much compared to a child’s se1festeem.. Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.After Cindy finished her cake,the kitchen looked______.

2.Cindy was excitedly waiting for her parents so as to present______to them. 3.Her mother never looked at the cake on the table but______. 4.Her father stood wordlessly because he didn’t know______.

5.Parents may sometimes permit themselves to be unaware of issues of______. 6.Parents should always remember that they are______. II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.I’m______upset that she forgot my birthday.(slight,slightly)

2.He needed surgery to cure a _______back injury.(trouble,troublesome)

3.S1even used to visit him for the_______days and weekends.(occasional,occasionally) 4.The documents are available for public______.(inspect,inspection)

5.Last moth’s bad weather was______for the crop failure.(responsible,responsibility)

6.Despite all my efforts,my carefully planned party turned out to be a complete______(disaster,disastrous) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Significance deserve issue glance Frustration present emerge awfully

1.The mayor______him with a gold medal at an official city reception. 2.I could sense his______at not being able to help.

3.It’s a/an______long time since we last saw each other. 4.Chris______our special thanks for all his efforts.

5.Ideas about the social______of religion have changed over time. 6.Could you______through this letter and see if it’s alright? Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.

1.We’ll have to do the whole thing again______scratch.

2.Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running______. 3.The children exploded______giggles when seeing the clown.

4.He tried to use his own weight to push the attacker off but he was______balance. 5.I used to stay______late with my mom an watch movies.

6.The discovery of the new drug is______great significance for people. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.________________________________________(她扫视了房间)to see who was there.(glance) 2.He made no answer but walked on,___________________________________(示意我跟上).(gesture)

3._____________________________________________(一旦把纸正确装入),the printer should print with no problems.(position)

4.Is it right for the Church to____________________________________(就政治问题发表看法)?(issue)

5.______________________________________(把医疗物资送达这个地区非常重要).(it is vital) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

There are several key abilities that allow successful people to fail forward instead of taking each setback personally.First,successful people don’t blame themselves when they fail.They take responsibility for each setback,but they don’t take the failure personally.Second,successful people don’t define themselves by individual failures.They recognize that each setback is a small part of the whole.Third,achievers are willing to vary their approaches to problems.That’s important in every walk of life.If one approach doesn’t work for you,If it brings repeated failure,then try something else.To fail forward,you must do what works for you,not necessarily what works for other people,Finally,successful people are resilient.They don’t let one error keep them down.They learn from their mistakes an move on. IV.Writing Section A

Directions:The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent.Improve them.

Example:Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities were caused by the disease..

Revision:Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities was caused by the disease. 1.Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as being a great scientist.

2.Roger plays with rabbits but also hunts them.This is one reason why Roger likes rabbits. 3.Hanging by their tails from the branches,the children gazed at the monkeys.

4.Last night I had my first taste of sake(日本清酒).It is a Japanese beverage made from rice. 5.John Wayne was the biggest box-office attraction of his time who appeared in over 200movies.

Section B

Directions:Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph.

_____________________________________________________.A good starting point is narrowing down the type of car you want or need.Be realistic.You may envision yourself cruising around town in a little convertible,but that won’t leave much room for the kids and dogs,Once you’ve settled on the basic vehicle,do some research to find out which vehicles have good reliability ratings.The Internet and books can help you pick out the high maintenance turkeys.The next step is finding the model you are looking for.Used car lots will give you an idea of price,but they can be expensive and full of used car salesmen.Check your local paper,car buyers’ magazines and the Internet.When you finally track down what looks good,arrange to have your mechanic inspect it Never omit this step.After your mechanic gives the car the OK.all that’s left is to haggle over the price.

Section C

Directions:Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150words.You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity,coherence and variety of each paragraph.

The annual English Speech Contest in Beijing is coming!This year,the topic is The Most Important Way to Success.You, as a promising candidate,should write out your speech to make your idea clear.Please strive for your best performance to achieve your success in the contest.Best wishes for you.

Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty

Text A Reflections:Friendship and Loyalty Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.According to the passage,what is the new trend on the Internet? A.To make friends with anybody. B.To get reconnected with old friends. C.To search friend’s private matters. D.To seek loyal Net-friends.

2.In the passage,loyalty in a friend is compared to______. A.interest gained from deposits B.Making deposits in one’s account C.A person’s total welfare D.A best friend’s well-being

3.As a B.L.F,YOU cannot______. A.avoid gossiping about friends B.take advantage of friends C.Invite others to your party D.Seek loyalty in best friends.

4.In the last paragraph,the author suggests that reader______. A.be alert to smiling faces on the web pages B.Reconnect with former loyal friends C.Recall meaningful lyrics in old songs

D.Pay attention to smiles on friends’ faces 5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The trend of making friends on the Internet. B.The reflections on friends and loyalty.

C.The introduction of a friendmaking website. D.The contrast between B.F.F and B.L.F II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the proper of the words given in the brackets.

1.He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of______.(recognize,recognition) 2.After long______we decided to purchase the house.(reflect,reflection)

3.For years General Motors(GM)was the______giant of the world’s car industry.(disputed,undisputed)

4.We can’t conclude that the frequent transfer from one job to another undermines______.(loyal,loyalty)

5.Vitamins are_______to the proper nourishment of the body.(essential,essentially) 6.They answered with______that it was against the rules.(assure,assurance) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Request challenge seek exploit Mutual premise generation virtue

1.Legal advice should be______before you take any further action. 2.All club members are_______to attend the annual meeting. 3.The company is ready to meet the______of the next few years. 4.I hope we can at least agree to disagree in a spirit of______respect.

5.Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a__________. 6.Each______has its own standards of judgment. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.I had never seen such a multitude______stars before.

2.Only 10% of American adults engage______regular exercise. 3.The car dealer had assured me______its quality.

4.There were signs warning______fog as soon as we got onto the motorway. 5.Families should stick together______thick an thin no matter what happens. 6.________essence,both sides agree on the issue. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

while share on unique whatever that opposites a couple of personalities wisely

In the daily drama and comedy of our life,it’s nice to have friends._______family is extremely important,friends are a different support system of your choosing.As the saying goes,”You can’t choose your family,but you can choose your friends.”Choosing them______can make your life
