
1.His income was______compared with that of other chief executives. 2.Whatever happens,the young girl always______a cheerful smile. 3.Her presence greatly______up the evening party last night.

4.Happy,healthy,and vibrant people______positive energy to those around them. 5.The______and skill of both partners are critical to a venture’s success. 6.He had______a considerable personal fortune from his uncle. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.With greatly increased workloads,everyone is_____pressure now. 2.He would often strike______conversations wit complete strangers. 3.Windy days are characteristic_______March in Beijing. 4.______luck would have it,there was on seat left. 5.They converted the old school______luxury flats.

6.I nearly jumped out of my______when I saw her face at the window. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets. Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

A smile costs nothing,but crates much.It enriches those who receive,without impoverishing those who give.It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.None are so rich that they can get along without it,and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.It creates happiness in the home,fosters goodwill in a business,and is the countersign of friends.It is rest to the weary,daylight to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad.Yet it cannot be bought,begged,borrowed,or stolen,for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile,may we ask you to leave one of yours?For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!

IV.Writing Section A

Directions:Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into compound or complex sentences,or sentences with participial,prepositional,or other phrases.

Example:The dean issued a bulletin It said the library will remain open on weekends.

Revision:The dean issued a bulletin,which said the library would remain open on weekends. 1.The chairman’s daughter gave me a patient smile.Her name is Ann. 2.There is a large stadium.It is the south of the city.

3.The river was slowly rising.It began to overflow its banks.

4.He had fought all his life for these goals.The goals no longer seemed important to him. 5.He is influenced by a famous psychologist.He chooses to major in psychology. Section B

Directions:Choose from the following transitional expressions and put them in the blanks in the paragraph.

In addition as finally for example even if also

The erosion of the middle of the labor market is easy to misinterpret,because its roots are multiple.During the 1970s,the entry into the work force of an unprecedented number of women and of young adults born during the baby boom resulted in too many workers for the jobs available,and depressed wages,The decline of the middle______has something to do with the explosive growth in world trade since 1960._______manufacturing technologies have become more mobile,and multinational firms more footloose,production jobs have migrated from the US to countries where wages are low.______,technology itself has helped to provoke the shifts in the job market.______,fewer American workers would have been needed to make steel in 1980 than in 1960______the pressures of tasks redundant._______,the high rate of unemployment caused y these trends has tended to drive wages down further,especially at the low end,since it forces unskilled workers to compete for their jobs with unemployed people who are willing to do the work for less. Section C

Directions:Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150words.You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity,coherence and variety of each paragraph.

Li Hua will graduate from university this summer,and he is planning to go back to his hometown and start his own business.However,his parents are encouraging him to find a job in the big city where his university is located.If you were Li Hua,what would be your decision?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 The Great Minds Text A Life Without Limits Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.When Nicholas Vujicic was born,his parents______.

A).felt ashamed to have an abnormal baby B).expected their baby to be a success C).were shocked at the unexpected situation D). strived to give him good medical care 2.In grade seven,Nick______.

A).learned to do his business himself B).finally fulfilled his dream

C).was elected captain of his school D).began working for disabled people 3.At the age of 19,he realized his big dream by______.

A).doing good deeds for others B).doing his business himself

C).finishing his school successfully D).motivating people through speech 4.Nick trave11ed from country to in that_______.

A).he had a strong thirst for trave11ing B).he would share his stories with more audiences C).he was obliged to raise a large sum of money D).he expected to accumulate his experience 5.What does Nick’s speech purposefully convey to audiences?

A).His strong and perevera1 spirit B).The importance of great vision

C).His unique loyalty to his career. D).His experience of confronting challenges. II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.The users may not want to spend the money,or invest the time,to achieve______.(perfect,perfection)

2.We gave a party to celebrate the successful_______of our task.(accomplish,persistent) 3.Her______work paid off when she was offered the job of manager.(persist,persistent) 4.Officials who have too many things at their______will be easily corrupted.(dispose,disposal) 5.The drug industry says its products are safe and______for children.(effect,effective)

6.As a______speaker,I love to share my story wherever opportunities become available.(motivation,motivational) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Fulfill obstacle perspective profound Incredible cease vision define

1.Corruption has been identified as the single greatest______to economic and social development. 2.It seemed_______that people would still want to play football during a war. 3.The manager outlined his______for the future of the company.

4.You must be able to influence business decisions from a human resources______. 5.It was then that the organization finally began to______the hopes of its founders. 6.Her parents’ divorce had a(n)______effect on her life. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.This decision has removed the last obstacle______the hostages’ release. 2.We have to look at everything_______an international perspective.

3.In college,he began to work part-time______the purpose of assuming family. 4.He is such a mean person that we cannot put our possessions______his disposal. 5.The boy finally chose to major_______philosophy at Harvard.

6.The doctor prescribed the patient some drugs,which are effective against a range______bacteria. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

Mark confused intentionally likely potential Known called upon natural as opposed to even if Gifts are those talents and abilities that flow almost effortlessly from us.Gifts are sometimes_____with skills.While skills can be developed,gifts are something we are born with-they are what we discover as we try new things and find that some things are as______to us as breathing.

When we______make a decision to create our life and work based on our gifts,we are not only more______to succeed,but can also more thoroughly enjoy the journey toward creating and realizing our full______.

Take inventory of your life to determine where you are utilizing learned and developed skills______expressing and honouring your innate gifts.Are you operating based on what you think you “ought”to be doing or are you living an authentic life that is rich and fulfilling?

______you are not in a place to pursue a new career based on your gifts,look for ways to make your gifts_____to others and demonstrate them in as many areas of your life as possible.The more your gifts are______,the more naturally you will fully accept and promote those gifts.The more you express your life through your innate gifts,the more you will excel.It’s beautifully self-perpetuating process once you make the decision to begin.

Your gifts are your signature,your unique paintbrushes-use them to express your greatness and make your______on the world! IV.Translation Section A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.The exchange students__________________________________(发现适应新学校很困难)。(adapt to)

2.Mother knew that she was the person who_______________________________(孩子们愿意把自己的故事与她分享)。(share...with)

3.After heated discussion,the group finally_________________________________(推举他们中的一员作为发言人)。(elect)

4.The team tried hard to apply for government funds,______________________________(却发现他们必须自己克服财政困难)。(only to find;overcome)

5.Doctors always______________________________________________(强调平衡饮食的重要性)。(stress the importance of) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

There will be moments when the only thing left is for us to question our existence.There are always days when we get to lonely and depressed and the world has lost its co1ours.There will be times when we lose all reasons for living and life will seem so hard that we wish there was no such thing as tomorrow.But then again,we should also know that problems are just another bitterness in life trying to twist the personage in each of us and corrupt our perceptions about life.When these times happen,do not succumb to the temptations of giving up.Yes,the only way to be happy is to suffer willingly. V.Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.

1.It was,in fact,the little known C1eisthenes. 2.Who is the father of democracy?

3.Not Thomas Jefferson,as many people oddly seem to think.

4.From 508 to 502 BC,he began to develop a series of major reforms,leading to the formation of Athenian Democracy.

5.He first introduced democracy to the Greek city states in 508BC,after he gained political power
