综合教程3答案 - 图文

are only mentioned in passing, are also distinctive and lifelike. The artistic achievement of the novel is so extraordinary that it can hardly be rivaled even among world-famous literary works.

Text B

Reading Comprehension


1) You have a lot of opportunities. 2) I’m just ordinary, and so are you.

3) Biff is so angry that he is almost going to attack his father. 4) You were just an ordinary and insignificant hard-working travelling salesman who ended up poor, like other travelling salesmen.

5) Only great men can conquer difficulties like those dangerous situations in the jungle.

6) The jungle is dangerous but it has the fortune that you are longing for, Willy.

Language in Use

2. ?

1) utter

? 2) descend

? 3) proposition

? ?

4) inform 5) choke

? 6) fury

? 7) magnificent

? 8) swarming


? 1) fumbling for

? 2) breaking down

? ?

3) At the peak of 4) settled down

? 5) sit back

? ?

6) on the verge of 7) crashed down

? 8) is preoccupied with


1) 我不是当头头的料,威利,你也一样。你根本成不了气候,你只是一个拼死卖命的跑街,到头来就像所有的跑街一样,落得个给人家扔进垃圾桶的下场!我是干一个钟头拿一块钱的,威利!我跑了七个州,还是加不到工钱。一个钟头一块!你明白我的意思吗?我再也不可能往家里带奖杯了,你也别再指望我带了。

2) 白天,屋里笼罩着树叶的阴影。查利和伯纳德穿着深色衣服登场,敲了敲厨房门。他们进去的时候,比夫和哈比也慢慢下楼来到厨房。大家静了一会儿,这时林达穿着丧服,从门帘后走进厨房,手里捧着一小束玫瑰花。她走到查利身边,挽起他的胳臂。现在所有人都穿过厨房墙线,走向观众。在台口边沿,林达放下花束,跪下来,然后跪坐在自己的脚跟上。所有人都低头呆望着坟墓。

Writing 1

1) This concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of the essay. 2) This concluding paragraph gives a (humorous) comment. 3) This concluding paragraph suggests a solution.

4) This concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of the essay. 5) This concluding paragraph suggests a solution.


1) people, British, culture, restaurants, different

2) The UK can be divided into different regions and each has its own characteristic foods influenced by the culture of the people who live there.

3) People who come from other countries to live in the UK have brought their own traditions and customs and added them to British culture. 4) It is an effective conclusion. The conclusion echoes the introduction very well by repeating some key words. The summary statement restates the idea in the thesis statement. The last sentence in the conclusion is a good comment on the significance of keeping the immigrants’ cuisine customs.


Listening and Speaking


Everyone goes through rough times where they feel 1) sad or low-spirited. It’s pretty normal to feel that way on occasion. However, when such a 2) negative mood seems to be going nonstop, that probably 3) forecasts depression. It is important that we know the signs of depression so that we can deal with it and have it 4) relieved. If a friend or family member has shown several (not just one or two) of the following symptoms for more than two weeks, it is possible they are suffering from depression and need 5) professional help.

(1) The person has drastic change of 6) appetite.

(2) The person has a sudden change in sleeping patterns.

(3) The person suddenly loses interest in things and activities they used to enjoy.

(4) There is energy loss and 7) presence of fatigue. (5) The person feels they are 8) unworthy. (6) The person starts losing hope.

(7) The person 9) feels guilty without any reason at all. (8) The person becomes indecisive. (9) The person is suicidal.

(10) The person becomes 10) mentally disturbed.

(11) The person has a “My life is passing by” feeling. (12) The person becomes antisocial.

Text A

Reading Comprehension


1) For VahehHartoonian, life was not something to be happy about, and he was bothered by thoughts of self-contempt and guilt and repeated discontentment. In Hartoonian’s opinion, depression involves feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt, and he sees his depression as being stuck in a negative circle. 2) He was kept from telling his problem and seeking help by the fear of being labeled and perceived differently. 3) He might have committed suicide as he was invaded by the thought and had even gone so far as to have planned it out. 4) An estimated 1-in-10 Americans are struggling with depression. 53 percent of college students have experienced some form of depression.
