

11. Supplier’s subcontractors 11、卖方的供应商

The Supplier shall inform X-Company of any change in Supplier’s subcontractors. Supplier shall be responsible for its subcontractors’ performance.

若卖方的供应商发生了变化,则卖方应当通知X公司。卖方应当对其供应商执行合同的情况负责。 12. Warranty 12、质量保证

The Supplier warrants that the Products supplied are free from defects. A Product shall be considered defective if it:

(i) in any respect deviates from the technical specification,

(ii) does not possess the characteristics that the Supplier has referred through samples, prototypes or in marketing,

(iii) is not as safe as X-Company could reasonably have expected,

(iv) is not fit for the particular purpose for which X-Company intended it to be used, or (v) otherwise deviates from what X-Company reasonably could have expected. 卖方应当保证产品没有缺陷。在下列情况下,产品将被认为是有缺陷的: (1)产品不符合技术规格说明书要求;

(2)产品不具备卖方在样品、样机及市场营销中所展示的性能; (3)产品的安全性没有达到X公司的合理预期; (4)产品无法用于X公司所需的特定用途; (5)其它偏离X公司合理预期的情况。

The warranty period is 24 months from the date on which the end product has been taken into use, but shall not exceed 36 months from the date on which the Products have been delivered to X-Company. Claims shall be presented no later than 6 months after the end of the warranty period. 质保期为自最终产品投入使用之日起24个月,但最长不得超过产品交付之日起36个月。相关索赔应当在质保期结束后6个月内提出。

If any repair under the warranty period is made after X-Company’s customer has put the Product(s) or part thereof in service, the warranty period in respect of repaired or replaced Product(s) or part thereof shall be extended by 12 months from the date when the repair or replacement work was

approved by X-Company’s customer.


The above-stated time limits shall, however, not apply, should there be a risk of personal injury or damage to property other than the defective part, or of a repetitive defect.


It is implied in the guarantee that the faults and defects found under the guarantee period existed already when the Products were delivered to the X-Company. The warranty under the Supply Agreement shall be in addition to and not in limitation of all other warranties, guarantees, remedies or indemnities required and/or arising pursuant to applicable law.

发现缺陷和瑕疵后,默认为该产品在交付X公司时即已存在。本合同中的质量保证措施包括但不限于本合同所适用的法律所规定的各种保证、担保、修正或者赔偿。 13. Liability for defects or shortcomings 13、产品质量责任

As X-Company’s international operations in the global marine business demand all due promptness and reliability, it is understood that the Supplier appreciates and accepts the fact that time and quality is of the essence. Therefore the Supplier shall fulfil all obligations he has undertaken under the Supply Agreement with particular care and understanding that even a minor breach of the Supply Agreement may have a detrimental effect on and cause considerable damage to X-Company or its customer(s). The Supplier shall use his best efforts to fulfil his obligations in respect of the quality, quantity and delivery time of the Products.

X公司在全球都有海事业务,需要保证一定的及时性和可靠度,因此时间和质量是极其重要的因素,这一点卖方应当理解和接受。卖方应当认识到,即使是极小的违约,也可能对X公司及X公司的客户造成不利影响并导致大量的损失。因此,卖方应当特别注意按合同约定履行其所有合同义务。卖方应当尽最大努力履行其在质量、数量和交付等方面的合同义务。 In the event that a Product is defective or a delivery does not contain the agreed quantity, X-Company shall be entitled to (i) demand immediate rectification, or (ii) demand immediate delivery of substitute Product(s).

如果供方交付的产品存在缺陷或者数量不符,X公司有权要求:(1)供方立即整改; (2)供方立即交付替代产品。

If a defective Product cannot be repaired or replaced without delay or if there is a risk of production disturbances at X-Company or delivery disturbance from X-Company, X-Company shall be entitled, without obtaining the Supplier’s consent and at the Supplier’s expense, to make the necessary repair work or completely or partly annul the purchase of the Product and other such

Products that X-Company does not consider having any use of due to the defect or shortcoming, and also to undertake substitute purchases from another supplier.


The Supplier shall compensate X-Company for any and all costs, expenses, losses and damages arising out of or relating to any defect or shortcoming in the Product(s), any error in design or drawings, any work performed by the Supplier or its subcontractors, a faulty or incomplete delivery or any other breach of the Supply Agreement, including but not limited to costs for assembly and disassembly, detection and analysis, scrapping and transportation.


If X-Company due to a delivery of a defective Product considers it necessary to inspect all Products of the same kind delivered by the Supplier, X-Company is entitled, after giving the Supplier notice thereof, to make such inspection at the Supplier’s expense and without awaiting the Supplier’s approval. The notice shall describe the nature of the defect as well as the time and place of the inspection. If possible, the Supplier shall be present at the inspection.

因卖方交付了缺陷产品从而导致X公司认为有必要检验所有相同产品的,X公司有权在通知卖方后立即实施检验,无需得到供方同意,且由此产生的费用由卖方承担。该通知应写明缺陷的性质以及检验时间和检验地点。如果可能,检验时卖方应当在场。 14. Indemnity 14、赔偿

Except to the extent the Product has been designed or specified by X-Company, the Supplier shall assume liability for the Product being in compliance with the requirements of valid laws, statutes and regulations.


The Supplier shall indemnify and hold X-Company harmless against any losses and claims for injuries or damage to any person or property which may arise out of or in consequence of the performance of the Supply Agreement by the Supplier and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect thereof or in relation thereto. The Supplier’s liability to indemnify X-Company as aforesaid shall be reduced proportionately to the extent that an act or omission of X-Company, its employees or representatives may have contributed to the said loss, injury or damage.


If there is a risk of an end-product causing personal injury or property damage due to defects in the supplied Product, X-Company has the right to decide on the recall of the end-product, and if X-Company thus decides, the Supplier shall compensate X-Company for its costs related to such recall.

若因卖方产品的缺陷从而导致最终产品可能造成人身、财产损害的,若X公司有权决定召回该最终产品。如果X公司决定召回,卖方应赔偿由此产生的成本。 15. Product Liability Insurance 15、产品责任险

The Supplier shall enter into and maintain on a continuous basis a global product liability insurance (or a general liability insurance which includes global coverage for product liability) with an insured amount of not less than one million (1.000.000) Euro per event and, which shall be valid as long as claims can be made against X-Company under applicable laws or regulations. The Supplier shall at X-Company’s request also supply X-Company with a copy of the insurance certificate. The Supplier may not terminate such insurance without prior written consent of X-Company.

卖方应购买持续性、全球性的产品责任保险(或者全球性的承保产品责任的一般责任保险),保险金额不少于每个项目100万欧元。只要根据所适用的法律法规提出产品责任赔偿,就必须保证该保险持续有效。若X公司要求,卖方应当向X公司提供保单的复印件。未经X公司书面同意,卖方不得终止该保险。 16. Tooling 16、工具

If X-Company is supplying tools or equipment for the manufacturing of the Product or if the Supplier acquires such tools or equipment at the specific request of X-Company, such tools shall be the property of X-Company. The Supplier shall at his own cost undertake to maintain tools and equipment in such a way that the Product specifications are complied with. The Supplier reassures that all tools that are the property of X-Company will at all times be marked as specified by X-Company and will maintain sufficient documentation as to verify that these are the property of X-Company. The Supplier will also undertake to inform X-Company in due time in the event that renewal will be needed. The Supplier shall at all times carry sufficient insurance, to cover any damage to these items. The procedure with use and return of the tools shall correspond to what is mentioned above under section 1 and 2 for drawings and documents.

