成熙英语 中级班 听力脚本

A: Hmm, how old are you, Terry? B: Uh, twenty-six.

A: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?

B: Oh, you didn't know? She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.

A: I'm sure you will.

B: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?

A: I'm not sure, but I'd really like to move to another city. I'm sick of this place. I need to live somewhere more exciting.

B: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here at times.

Yeah, I really need a change. I've been doing the same things for ever five years now, and I'm just not learning anything new. It's the same routine every day, and I am really sick of sitting in front of a computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I want to be in a profession that involves meeting people.

I really need to join a club or sports team to give me something to do on weekends. I get really bored on the weekends, and if I joined a club. I'd probably get to meet people and make new friends.

I should take a typing course this summer. I really need if it for my school work. And people say that if you can type really well, it's something you'll find useful later in life.

Gosh, I really have to go on a diet. I've gained ten pounds since last year, and everyone tells me I look fat. And if I don't lose weight now, I won't be able to get into any of my summer clothes.

Unit 4

(10) Hey, this sounds good-snails

A: Hey, this sounds good-snails with garlic! Have you ever eaten snails? B: No, I haven't

A: Oh, they're delicious! I had them last time. Like to try some? B: No, thanks. They sound strange.

C: Have you decided on an appetizer yet? A: Yes. I'll have the snails, please. C: And you, sir?

B: I think I'll have the fried brains.

A: Fried brains? Now that really sound strange!

A: Oh, good. Here comes the waitress now!

C: Here are your snails, madam. And for you, sir? the fried brains.

B: Thank you.

A: Mmm, these snails are delicious! How are the brains?

B: Well, I think they're? yuck! Oh, sorry, I guess brains are pretty strange after all. Um, I think I'm going to order something else, if you don't mind. A: Oh, sure. Go ahead. B: Miss! Excuse me, miss! C: Yes?

B: Uh, I really don't care for this appetizer. Could you bring me something else? C: Yes, of course. What would you like instead? A: Try the snails.

B: No, I don't think so. I'll tell you what. Just forget an appetizer for me, and bring me a nice, juicy hamburger? medium rare?with French fries and a large soda.

(11) Have you finished with this A: Have you finished with this? B: No, I'm still drinking it. Thanks.

A: Did you order this?

B: Yes, that's mine. Mmm, it looks great and smells delicious!

A: Don't you like it?

B: I haven't tasted it yet. I'm waiting for the waitress to bring me a fork.

A: Did you enjoy it?

B: Well, it was a little tough. I think it was cooked for too long.

A: How is it?

B: Great. Just the way I like it: black and strong.

A: Your turn or mine?

B: It's my treat this time. You paid last time. Remember.

Unit 5

(12) I'm so excited!

A: I'm so excited! We have two weeks off! What are you going to do?

B: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans?

A: Well, my parents have rented a condominium in Florida. I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming. B: Sounds great!

A: Say, why don't you come with us? We have plenty of room. B: Do you mean it? I'd love to!

A: So, what are you planning to do for your vacation, Judy?

B: Oh, I'm doing something really exotic this year. You know, I went to Hawaii last year, and just stayed on the beach for two weeks. This year, I'm going white-water rafting! A: Ooh, that sounds great. But what is it, exactly?

B: Oh, well, you know, it's in Colorado. They have all these trips down the rapids. The water gets really rough, but I think it'll be really exciting. Oh, I'm doing some rock climbing, too. A: And you call that a vacation?

(12) What are your plans for the summer A: What are your plans for the summer, Paul?

B: Oh, I'd love to go and lie on a beach somewhere, but I need to save some money for school. I think I'll stay home and get a job. A: That doesn't sound like much fun.

B: Oh, it won't be too bad. Some of my friends are going to work this summer, too, so we'll do some partying on the weekends.

A: Have you planned anything for the summer, Brenda?

B: Yeah. I'm going to work the first month and save some money. Then I'm going to go down to Mexico for six weeks to stay with my sister. She's working in Guadalajara. She says it's really interesting there, so I want to go and see what to go and see what it's like. It will also give me a chance to practice my Spanish. I'm really looking forward to it.

Unit 6 Sure. No problem! (13) Jason?Jason!

A: Jason?Jason! Turn down the TV a little, please. B: Oh, but this is my favorite program! A: I know. But it's too loud. B: OK. I'll turn it down. A: That's better. Thanks.

B: Lisa, please pick up your things.

A: They're all over the living room floor. B: In a minute, Mom. I'm on the phone. A: OK. But do it as soon as you hang up. B: Sure. No problem.

A: Goodness! Were we like this when we were kids? B: Definitely!

A: Have you noticed how forgetful Dad is getting? He's always forgetting where his car keys are. It drives me crazy.

B: And he can never find his glasses either. A: I know.

B: You know what drives me crazy about Mom? A: What?

B: Those awful talk shows she watches on TV. She just loves them. A: Yeah, I think she watches them for hours everyday.

B: Oh, well. I guess they're just getting old. I hope I never get like that. A: Me, too. Hey, let's go and play a video game.

B: Great idea. By the way, have you seen my glasses anywhere?

A: James, please turn that down?James! B: Yes, Mom?

A: Turn that down. It's much too loud.

B: Sorry, Mom. I had it turned up because I wanted to hear the game.

A: Molly, put the groceries away, please. There's ice cream in one of the bags. B: I can't right now, Dad. I'm doing my homework. A: What's this, James! B: Yeah, Mom?

A: Why are there all these wet towels on the bathroom floor? Please pick them up and hang them up to dry.

B: Gosh, I'm really sorry, Mom. I forgot all about them.

A: Justin, come help me. We need to wash these dishes before your mother gets home. B: Oh, Dad. I'd like to help, but I have to call Laurie. It's really important.

A: Aimee, I think the dog is trying to tell you something!

B: Well, I can't possibly take him out right now. I'm doing my nails

(14) Hi. I'm your new neighbor

A: Hi. I'm your new neighbor, George Rivera. I live next door. B: Oh, hi. I'm Stephanie Lee.

A: So, you just moved in? Do you need anything? B: Not right now. But thanks.

A: Well, let me know if you do. Um, by the way, would you mind turning your stereo down? The walls are really thin, so the sound goes right through to my apartment.

B: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize that. I'll make sure to keep the volume down. Oh, by the way, is there a good Italian restaurant in the neighborhood?

A: Yeah. There's a great one a couple of blocks from here. Try their lasagna. It's delicious!

A: Hello. I'm sorry to bother you, but I think your car is parked in my space downstairs. B: Really?

A: Yes. Do you drive a blue Honda? B: Yes, I do.

A: Well, there's a blue Honda parked in space 13 and that's my space.

B: Oh, I'm so sorry. My son must have put it in the wrong space. Ours is the one right next to yours-number 12. Let me get my keys, and I'll go right down and move the car. A: Thanks.
