


The History of Economics Thoughts


课程名称:经济史与中国思想史专题 学 时:48 学 分:3 考核方式:考试 先修课程:

政治经济学 西方经济学 世界经济史


To make students edify dialectic materialism and historic materialism based on the understanding of fundamentals of economics of capitalism and improve the ability of recognizing, analyzing, evaluating economic theories, economic policies and economics thoughts and further establish scientific Weltanschauung and methodology of Marxism by systematically teaching the production, development history and its discipline of economics of capitalism, emphasizing on commenting on the history of classical economics, neoclassic economics and vulgar economics.

Course Code:030093A

Course Name:The History of Economics Thoughts Periods:48 Credits:3

Assessment:Examination Preparatory Courses:

The Political Economics Economics

The History of Economics





课程代码:030123A/030123B 课程名称:微观经济学 学 时:48 学 分:3 考核方式:考试/考查 先修课程:

政治经济学 高等数学


The research object of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principle of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory.

Course Code:030123A/030123B Course Name:Microeconomics Periods:48 Credits:3

Assessment:Examination/ Inspection Preparatory Courses:

Political Economy Higher Mathematics




Western Economics

课程代码:030134A/030133B 课程名称:西方经济学 学 时:64/48 学 分:4/3 考核方式:考试/考查 先修课程:政治经济学、





Aggregative Economics, also known in our country as western economics, includes microeconomics and macroeconomics. From the perspective of western economists, economics studies how rare recourses are effectively distributed in their different optional functions in order to meet the need of human beings to a great extent. As a theoretical course, it has become a theoretical foundation of many other subjects such as management economics, marketing, international economics, money and banking, international finance and so on.

The research subject of microeconomics is the behavior of consumer, firm and market. By studying microeconomics, students can understand the basic principles of microeconomic action. The main contents of this course include market theory, utility theory, production theory, cost theory, firm theory, general equilibrium theory, welfare economics and market failure theory. The research object of macroeconomics is the macro-economic activity. The aim of this course is to demonstrate the macroeconomic function and the determinant of output of a nation. By studying this course, students can understand the basic principles of macroeconomics. The main contents of macroeconomics include national income accounting, simple national income determination, IS-LM model, macroeconomic policies, AD-AS model, inflation and unemployment, economic growth and business cycle theory.


Course Code:030134A/030133B Course Name:Western Economics Periods:64/48 Credits:4/3

Assessment:Examination/inspection Preparatory Courses:Political Economy,

Higher Mathematics



Intermediate Macroeconomics

课程代码:030143A 课程名称:中级宏观经济学 学 时:48 学 分:3 考核方式:考试 先修课程:微观经济学

宏观经济学 高等数学



Macroeconomics is a theoretical economics course which studies the general social economic activities i.e. the operation of macro-economy. It tries to explain how macro-economy is operated in a market economy and in what way it can be improved.

By studying this course, students will understand the principles of intermediate macroeconomics and basic mathematic model, find the base of other courses, and have the ability to apply macroeconomic theory to analyzing the macroeconomics problems. This course is significant to improve the level of economic theory and macroeconomic policy of the students.

Course Code:030143A

Course Name:Intermediate Macroeconomics Periods:48 Credits:3


Preparatory Courses:Microeconomics,

Macroeconomics Higher Mathematics

