
up committing suicide. A. which

B. whose

C. where

D. when

29. It’s reported that in many countries there are rescue centers for girls who are forced into early marriages, and boys who to look after farm animals. A. drop in

B. drop away

C. drop off

D. drop out

30. About 10 bike-sharing companies have gone broke since last September, failing to return deposits to users and their deserted bicycles crowding sidewalks. A. some of which

B. some of them

C. of which some

D. which of them

31. Nearby, Mrs. White, stretching out cautiously to collect her costly jewels. A. standing on a wooden box was B. was standing on a wooden box C. on a wooden box was standing D. was on a wooden box standing

32. —I can’t believe it. Tom failed the test again!

—He would not be So upset now your advice. A. would he follow B. should he follow C. did he follow D. had he followed

33. —Does Jack still hang about every day?

—No, he has mended his ways. After his father died, he set his hand to his business and has already put it . A. in order

B. in chaos

C. in effect

D. in store

34. —It’s so cold here! Why haven’t you turned on your air-conditioner?

—Well, it turn on. A. shouldn’t

B. can’t

C. won’t

D. shan’t

35. —There will be no going back to the world before the smartphone revolution.

— , but we can surely find ways to enjoy the benefits.

A. You must be joking B. That’s for sure C. That’s all right D. It’s better than nothing


请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A.、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

If the law punished addiction, we would all be in prison because we are addicted to our phones.

We’re hopelessly 36 by them, helplessly devoted to them. Our hands and minds are 37: texting, tweeting,

liking, emailing, sharing. We find ourselves 38 stimulated(刺激).

My iPhone is the last thing I look at when I go to bed and the first thing I look at when I 39. When it’s not

there I feel its 40 like an amputee(被截肢者) still feeling a(n) 41 leg. It is my entry to culture and fun. I love it. You love yours.

But the comment on this enormous 42 in our behavior has been completely 43. The central claim is that

technology make us 44 what we already know about life, and it 45 us developing fully independent selves. And the quality of human relationships is said to have 46. Parents are distracted by work emails at the dinner table and in the playground; children cry for 47 until they finally get an iPad for Christmas. Gatherings of old friends can’t do a couple of hours 48 checking their Gmail every 10 minutes. Technology sucks the life out of us, and takes our souls in 49 for the convenience of not having to learn how to read maps properly.

I simply do not 50 the idea that we aren’t fully whole due to our phones, just because we can talk to our

friends whenever we want, without any 51 for the limitations that space and 52 used to set on us. This helps us to get 53. It doesn’t set us apart.

54 we will film. We will photograph. We will edit. We will 55, like, love and envy. Finally, in our own strange way, we will control our heavily doctored lives. 36. A. surprised 37. A. lost 38. A. commonly 39. A. get home

B. Distracted B. Vacant B. Constantly B. have dinner

C. Frightened C. occupied C. Usually C. wake up

D. punished D. awkward. D. Ordinarily D. go out

40. A. reference 41. A. healthy 42. A. consequence 43. A. changeable 44. A. rebuild 45. A. prevents 46. A. benefited 47. A. happiness 48. A. after 49. A. request 50. A. buy 51. A. anxiety 52. A. chance 53. A. stronger 54. A. Therefore 55. A. publish

B. Confidence B. Remaining B. interest B. Negative B. review B. keeps B. balanced B. discipline B. upon B. exchange B. know B. consideration B. time B. smarter B. However B. ignore

C. Absence C. artificial C. challenge C. Consistent C. forgives C. suggests C. suffered C. attention C. by C. preparation C. have C. demand C. energy C. greater C. Moreover C. share

D. appearance D. missing. D. shift D. inspiring D. forget D. Finds D. improved D. freedom D. without D. search D. refuse D. eagerness D. effort D. closer D. Meanwhile D. delete

第三部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)

第一节:(共10个小题; 每小题2.5分,满分25分)

请认真阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Second-Hand Finds It’s hard to know what is worth buying at a garage sale. These can be of great value.

PLASTIC AND WOODEN TOYS LARGE FURNITURE Many old-fashioned wooden toys are solid The key to buying big items is to wait enough to be passed from generation to until the end of the day. By then, the generation. Clean wooden and plastic toys sellers are wondering how they are with a mixture of bleach (漂白剂) or vinegar going to get that huge sofa back into and hot water. But stay clear of stuffed the house. animals, which are always hard to clean. BABY GEAR BICYCLES AND SCOOTERS Bikes can be a great find, but it’s important to take them for a test drive as possible, making them a garage-sale staple. before you buy. With scooters, if the In case of future recalls, s make sure the frame is solid, you can often replace model number is still visible. Don’t buy: missing or worn parts (handlebar second-hand car Seats ( the structure could covers, brakes. wheels) for much less have suffered from damage) and drop-side than the cost of new ones. cribs(落地式婴儿床). 56. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Sofa sellers are always confused how they can sell their items out.

B. If the frame of the bike is solid, we can often replace anything missing or worn. C. Stuffed animals are not recommended for they are always difficult to clean. D. Car seats and drop-side cribs are always out-of-date and unfashionable. 57. How does the writer recommend finds to buyers? A. By introducing characteristics of items. B. By offering detailed descriptions. C. By telling different stories of the items. D. By comparing items with others.


Fun is hard 10 have.

New parents want to get rid of out-grown baby swings, high chairs and strollers as soon
