5. 根据生活常识或者社会经验, 丰富文章的一些细节; 6. 平时多练写微作文, 找到自己能掌控的句子长度。 7. 多种句型反复尝试, 找到自己能掌控的句子类型;
8. 平时注意积累记叙文, 故事方面的词汇、句型和句段, 丰富自己的记叙文英语语言材料库; 9. 注意续写部分的语言风格要和原文的风格相一致; 10. 适当运用一些篇章技巧, 重点情节要浓墨重彩; 11. 脑中先成文, 落笔一气呵成; 12. 精准使用常见标点符号。 提升训练
一. 请根据中文完成下列描述性的句子,注意用词的准确性和生动性。 1. 她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。
She tried to ____________________________. 2. 这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。
The treatment offers __________________________ for cancer sufferers 3. 一束束光线透过树丛照射下来。
_______________________________through the trees. 4. 他的这番话引起了一片叫喊声, 有震惊, 也有愤怒。
His statement led to _________________________________________. 5. 她来到的时候, 我感到一阵激动。
I felt _____________________________ when she arrived. 6. 她心中突然涌起一阵嫉妒。
A rush of jealousy __________________________ her. 7. 烟在空中缭绕。
The smoke _________________________________. 8. 小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。
___________________________ hung over the town. 9. 乔已经病了几个星期了, 这使他很沮丧。
Joe’s been ill for weeks now, which is really ____________________________.
10. 福里斯特盯着他的汽车, 气得浑身发抖。
Forester stared at his car, ___________________________________. 11. 卡罗尔气得呜呜哭, 被送往医院。
________________________________, Carol was taken to the hospital. 12. 那孩子在她怀里发抖。
The child ___________________________ in her arms. 13. 好运在最后时刻降临到她头上。
Luck _________________________________ at the very last moment. 14. 她发现有个高高的黑影在注视着她。
She _______________________________ a tall dark figure watching her. 15. 他有时间反思他的成功和失败。
He had time to _______________________________________________. 16. 不断加重的污染引起环保人士的担忧。
Environmentalists ________________________ the increase in pollution. 17. 蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子, 老是撞到家具上。
Tim was a clumsy boy, always _____________________ the furniture. 18. 我吃力地下床走进浴室。
________________________________________________ and into the bathroom. 19. 他停下来歇口气, 然后继续上山。
_________________________________, and then continued up the hill. 20. “不是的,” 他不假思索地答道。
“No,” he replied, ______________________________________. 21. 查尔斯悲痛欲绝。
Charles was __________________________.
22. 他的目光落在她的包上。“你是不是要去什么地方?”
His eyes _________________ her bag. “Are you going somewhere?” 23. 只有一个人尽力帮助我们, 其余的人都只是一声不吭地袖手旁观。
Only one man tried to help us, and the rest just ___________________________________. 24. 他腾地站起身, 冲过去追她。
He _______________________________ and rushed after her.
25. 泪珠顺着她的脸颊滚落。
Tears ________________________ her cheeks. 26. 他那红红的烟头在黑暗中幽幽发光。
The red tip of his cigarette was ________________________________________. 27. 她抬头凝望着他, 脸上洋溢着幸福。
She ___________________________________, glowing with happiness. 28. 弗朗基凝望着窗外, 深深地叹了口气。
Frankie stared out of the window and _____________________________. 29. 他紧紧抓着我的手臂, 快步往门口走去。
He _________________________ my arm and marched towards the door. 30. 她在花园里跪着除杂草。
She was ______________________, weeding the garden. 31. 她从我身边飞奔过去, 跑进屋里。
She _______________________ into the house. 32. 杰克焦虑地瞥了母亲一眼。
Jack_______________________________________ at his mother. 33. 工作很辛苦,但是给了她极大的满足。
It was hard work, but it gave her ________________________________. 34. 他羡慕地看着其他人。
He watched the others ________________________. 35. 一阵喜悦涌上她心头。
________________________________________ swept over her. 36. 爆炸之后, 现场陷入一片可怕的寂静。
After the explosion, a terrible silence ___________________________ the scene. 37. 一声高声尖叫打破了沉寂。
A loud scream _________________________________. 38. 我鼓起勇气一个人走了出去。
I ______________________________________ to go out by myself. 39. 救护车赶到时, 司机仍然神志清醒。
The driver _________________________ when the ambulance arrived.
40. 想到要见一位真正的电影明星, 他们就满心激动。
They were __________________________ at the thought of meeting a real movie star. 41. 他激动得想不起她的名字了。
_____________________________ he couldn’t remember her name. 42. 他俯过身来在我耳边低语。
He______________________ me and whispered in my ear. 43. 亚当在上班路上愉快地吹着口哨。
Adam _____________________ on his way to work. 44. 本悄悄地溜出了房间。
Ben _______________________ the room. 45. 我抓住她的手, 小心地带她离开。
I took hold of her hand and ____________________________________. 题目一
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
hide her anger a ray of hope Rays of light filtered
cries of astonishment and anger a rush of excitement swept through/over hung in the air A thick mist dragging him down
10. trembling with anger 11. Sobbing with rage 12. was quivering/shaking 13. came her way 14. was aware of
15. reflect on his successes and failures