

are informed of a watch or a warning, they have more time to prepare. It is best not to get caught unaware when a tsunami is on the way.

25.Elephants are acting strange mostly because they_______.

A. dislike the huge wave B. are afraid of the big fish

C. can sense something out of the ordinary D. see the ocean drawing back from the beaches 26.Why do Tsunamis cause so much destruction?

A. They are not familiar to most people. B. They are very powerful and long-lasting. C. They break on the coast, unlike normal waves. D. They are caused by underwater earthquakes. 27.From the text, we can learn that_______. A. a tsunami travels as fast as normal waves B. a tsunami is formed by huge normal sea waves C. a tsunami warning is more serious than a watch D. a warning and watch both mean a tsunami has formed 28.What is this text mainly about?

A. How to guard against tsunami B. Differences between waves types C. What to do with tsunami waves. D. Causes and effects of tsunami C

Once upon a time, there was a king who had a wise advisor. The advisor followed the king everywhere and his favorite piece of advice to the king was “Everything happens for the good.” One day the king went hunting and had a small accident. His foot was injured. Fortunately he was not badly injured but as always he was forced to ask his advisor what he thought about the accident, to which the advisor replied,“Everything happens for the good.”

This time the king was really angry and put his advisor in prison. The king then asked his advisor,“Now, what do you think?” The advisor again answered,“Everything happens for the good.” About a week later the king went on another hunting trip. It turned out that the king was caught by some cannibals (食人者) and taken to their camp where he would be prepared to be their evening meal. Before putting him into the cooking pot, he was examined and the cannibals realized that the king's foot was injured. They decided to throw him back into the forests. It is the tradition for the cannibals not to eat anything that was in any way injured.

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It is true that everything in our lives happens for a purpose, and most often for our own good. If you think about it, all our past experiences actually happened to bring us to where we are today and make us a better person. So whatever challenges that we may face today, consider it happening to bring us to the next level.

29.When the advisor was put in prison, he was still________. A. nervous B. angry C. calm D. upset

30.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that________.

A. everything happens for its own reasons B. it is unnecessary for us to think about experiences C. challenges will make you do anything D. our life experiences are our best teacher 31.By telling the story, the writer________.

A. tells us the danger of hunting B. wants us to think positively C. asks us not to hunt any more D. wishes us to follow others' advice D

NOT all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars(伤口). Often they relive(再体验)these experiences in nightmares.

Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories. The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce, or possibly erase(抹去), the effect of painful memories.

In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing(释放)chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased. The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it.

Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers’ troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories.

"Some memories can ruin people’s lives. They come back to you when you don’t want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions," said Roger Pitman, a professor at Harvard Medical School. "This could reduce lot of that suffering."

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But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity(特质). They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past. " All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. I’m not sure we want to wipe those memories out," said Rebecca Dresser, a medical expert.

32.The passage is mainly about __________.

A. a new medical invention B. a way of erasing painful memories

C. an introduction to the function of a new pill D. an argument about the research on the pill 33.The drug tested on people can __________.

A. cause the brain to fix memories B. stop people remembering bad experiences C. prevent body producing certain chemicals D. erase the emotional effects of memories 34.We can infer from the passage that __________.

A. not all of the people support the research B. taking the pill will do harm to people’s health

C. the pill has probably been produced in America D. the pill will put an end to people’s bad experiences

35.Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser probably agree with?

A. Some memories can ruin people’s lives. B. People want to get rid of bad memories. C. Experiencing bad events makes us different from others. D. The pill will reduce people’s sufferings from bad memories. 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) Green: More than just a color

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.36.. Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished.

37.A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice

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and other grains.38.The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

39.The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play Othello. In most places in the world, a green light is a sign to move ahead. 40.In everyday speech, a green light means approval to continue with a project. We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week.

A. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. B. Someone is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy. C. Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. D.A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on. E. The new plants produced much larger crops F. It is also the color of most growing plants.

G. About one hundred years ago, having a green thumb was a popular expression in the American west.



One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor _41___ the question papers, with the text facing down as usual. __42__ he handed them all out, he asked his students to _43___ the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no __44__, just a black dot (点) in the center of the page. The professor, seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following:

“I want you to write what you __45__ there.”

The students, __46__, got started on the inexplicable (令人费解的) task. At the end of the class, the professor __47__ all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no __48__, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been __49__, the classroom was silent, the professor began to explain:

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