


1.What did they buy yesterday? 2. What is she? 3. Who is she? 4. Which one did he buy? 5. Whose coat is it? 6. Who do you looking for? 7. When do get up? 8. Where are you from? 9. Why are you late? 10. What is the weather like today? 11. How are you get on with it? 12. What color is your bag? 13. Whose bag is it? 14. What subject do you like best? 15. How much are they? 16. How often do you wash it? 17. How soon will he be back? 18. Why didn’t you come to class yesterday?

19-24 CCDDBA 25-30 ABACCC

31.Where does;have 32.How soon 33.When did;hurt 34.What time did;get 35.What were;doing 36.Why didn't 37.Which;had 38.How is 39.Which girl 40.How often does come. 41. How often does he go to see his grandma? 42. How does your father go to work ? 43. How long does it take for a ferry to cross the river? 44. What number 45 . What did ; put 46. What did students do last week? 47. What is 3 and 9? 48. Where did; came from? 49. Which is ; keep fit 50. Where did V就划线部分提问答案

I go to see my grandpa every Saturday. How often you do to see your grandpa? My father is a doctor. What does your father do? The school trip is on June first. When is the school trip?

She usually goes jogging before breakfast. When does she usually go jogging? My favourite hobby is playing chess. What is your favourite hobby? There is a little fish in the fridge. How much fish is there in the fridge? The computer cost 4,000 yuan. How much did the computer cost? It’s Sunday today. What day is today?

My father’s friend owns a big house. Who owns a big house?

Most students do homework every day. What do most students do? Mr. Li works in a factory.



Where does Mr. Li work? The bike is black. What colour is the bike? The black bike is mine. Which bike is yours? Today is January 14. What’s the date is today? He lived twenty years. How long did he live?

It is ten minutes’ walk from your home to your school. How far is it from your home to your school?

It is two kilometers away from your home to your school.


