安徽省江南十校2016届高三上学期摸底联考英语试卷Word版含问题详解 doc


27. Why did the author write the text?

A. To introduce African elephant. B. To show the cruelty of poaching.

C. To describe his filming experience. D. To ask readers to protect wild animals.


Like many old towns in the forested valleys of the Northwest,Albany,Ore. ,has seen its

share of ups and downs over the years,but when the locaL economy began to decline (T沿)

some 15 years ago,the downs seemed to outnumber the ups.

\was changing completely. We had to find a way to reinvent ourselves,\

Kirbey,the former owner of a coffee shop downtown. So in 2002,Kirbey,69,proposed (提议) a

project she hoped would help her town rediscover its pride:a Victorian-style carousel (j/fE转木

马),the animals carved by the townspeople themselves.

\felt like the perfect fit for our historical town,\she says. Despite a sceptical city council

(议会) and a starting budget of onLy $ 150,Kfrbey and a handful of volunteers got to work.



Ten years later,more than 300 people have spent nearly 150,000 hours on the Albany

Carousel,making a lively herd of unusual creatures. Each of the 52 animals has been \

by a sponsor,who oversees its creation and often adds a personal touch.

The project has shown the diverse skills and creative talents of Albany (pop. 50,000).

\amazing thing about this attempt is that whenever we- ve needed something,it s been pro-

vided for us,\down to lend a hand\

Kirbey says it wiLl take two more years to complete the project. But the carousel is already

working its magic. \is our town~ s No. 1 attraction,\says Rod Porsche of the Albany Visitors

Association. As the animals are completed,they're put on show in local hotels,restaurants and

shops; people who come to see the fantastical figures around town and tour the workshop (as

many as 2,000 visitors a month) are helping Albany with its economic recovery. \can-t imagine how

great it~s going to be when the carousel is up and running,\



78. What can we learn about the carousel?

A. It cost a fortune. B. It looks very modern.

C. It received support from all walks of life. D. It took ten years to build.

29. By saying the underlined sentence,Kirbey wants to tetl us _ .

A. help is at hand B. it is a small world

C. uncles and aunts make great efforts D. the townspeople are closely linked

30. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Porsche has made an outstanding contribution to Albany. B. Porsche is sceptical of the town-s attractions.

C. Porsche has made many friends through the project. D. Porsche thinks highly of the project. 31. The text is mainly about . A. the ups and downs of Albany

B. how a struggling town found a way to create a ~ittle magic C. how the carousel would help a town recover its culture D. the creative talents of Albany D

Much of my work as a coach includes helping people make an important




\offers,which one should I accept?\

DifficuLt decisions like these remind me of a comment made by Scott McNealy,CEO of c:

Microsystems for years during a lecture white I was in a business school at Stanford. He v

asked how he made decisions and responded,\s important to make good decisions. Bu

spend much less time and energy worrying about making the right decision and much more ti

and energy ensuring that any decision I make turns out right. \

In fact,before we make any decisions,particularly those difficult ones,we re anxious t

focus on identifying the \side effect

that mindset (现念模式) is that we pay too much attention to the moment of choice and le

sight of everything that follows. It~ s what happens next that finally determines whether a gh decision was \

Another aspect of this mindset is that our focus on making the \

