
仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 45 -

12. 对…感到高兴 Section D

任务一:1,阅读美食节的海报,回答下面的问题。 1. When and where will the food festival be held?

_______________________________________________ 2. What do they have the festival for?

_______________________________________________ 3. Who is Daniel?

_______________________________________________ 4. What’s Daniel’s favorite food?

_______________________________________________ 任务二:听录音补全短文。

任务三:按照题目要求家长会的邀请函。 Dear Mr/Mrs____________ I would like to invite you ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Sincerely _______________

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 46 -

Topic 2 Cooking is fun!

Section A


1. “I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.” 意思是________________________________. 句中”whether I can cook it well.” 做 谓语 “be sure” 的_______语。是一个_______从句。 引导词whether的意思是____________。 也可以替换成if。 例: I don’t know if/ whether you are right.

【注意】whether 与 if引导宾语从句时,一班可以通用,但在下列情况下只用whether ,而不用if。

①从句中有or not 时。

e.g. I don’t know whether it will rain or not.

②discuss后面只能跟whether, 而不能跟if。

e.g. We discussed whether we should let him join our team. ③当从句充当介词的宾语时.

e.g. They’re talking about whether he will come here. ④后面接不定式时。

e.g. I don’t know whether to stay or go. 练习: 同义句转换。

Are you able to cook fried rice? I’m not sure.

→I’m not sure _____________________________________- Did she find her pet dog? I don’t know.

→I don’t know ______________________________ or not. 【注意】从句必须用陈述句的语序。

2. “It’s very kind of you.” 意思是__________________________. 也可以用_______替换kind。这个句型还常加“to do”构成句型“It’s kind of you to do sth.”例:你能帮助我真是太好了。__________________________________________.

3. “cut some cooked meat very finely.”意思是_______________________________. 句中的cooked 是一个_________词,修饰_______。 cut … finely 意思是_________. 末尾的finely 是一个______词,修饰_______。 句中类似的短语还有____________, _______________.

4. “Well done!” 意思是___________________, 其同义的表达还有 Good job!

任务二: 2a,I阅读关于做面条的操作说明,用所给词的适当形式填空,并完成下面的解析。

1. 请你总结表达步骤时常用的词或短语:

_________________________________________________ 2. 请你总结做饭时常用到的动词及短语。 ①切 _____________, 切碎_______________

②填加______________, 向…中填加__________________

③烧;煮________________, 煮滚;烧开_____________________

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 47 -

④放_____________, 放在… 里_________________

⑤装;填_______________, 用… 装/填(满)… ___________________ ⑥炒;煎;炸__________________, deep fry 油炸, fry up 煎一下。 3. 请你总结常用来修饰这些动词的副词。


II, 2b 再读一遍2a,然后按正确顺序排列图片,在横线上写出表示步骤的副词。 任务三:听录音选择正确答案,并完成下面的解析。

“They’re tired of cooking.” 意思是_______________________. Be tired of sb./sth./doing sth. 意思是 _______________________. 例:我听腻了你的唠叨。 I ________________ your words.

任务四:总结本课出现的重点短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 你真是太好了。 真棒;干得好! 切碎 向…中填加… 用…装、填(满)… 对某人、某事、做某事感到厌烦

Section B


pour, spread, cut, put, take ___________, ________ a pear in to small pieces.

___________, ________ two pieces of bread and ________ butter on them. ___________, ________ the pieces of bread together. ___________, ________ some honey over the pear. ___________, ________ them on the bread. II, 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “spread butter on them” 意思是_____________________________, spread … on … 意思是________________.

2. “cut a pear into small pieces.” 意思是________________________, cut … into … 意思是______________.

3. “pour some honey over the pear.” 意思是_________________________, pour … over … 意思是____________________.

4. “put the pieces of bread together.” 意思是__________________________, put .. together 意思是___________________.

5. “Would you mind if we learn to make it from you?” 意思是_____________________, 句型“Would you mind if …+从句”意思是__________________________. 与之意思相近的句型还有____________________________, ____________________________. 如果要表达“你介意不做某事吗?” 句型是_______________________________。如果介意就

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 48 -

回答__________________________, 如果不介意可以回答_________________________. 6. “Practice makes perfect.” 意思是__________________________________. III. 1c, 看图,连线。

任务二:I,2a,听录音回答问题。 1. Is it polite to eat noisily in Cuba?

________, ____________. It’s ____________. 2. Is it polite to do that in Japan?

________, ____________. It means you ________ the food very much. II. 2b. 听录音补全对话并完成解析。

“ There’s no need for knives, forks or chopsticks.” 意思是__________________________. There’s no need for sth. 意思是_______________________. 例如:我们可以做好这件工作,不需要其他人。We can _________________ well, ______________________________. 【拓展句型】There’s no need for sb. to do sth. 意思是“某人不需要做某事。”例:明天你不需要早起。___________________________________tomorrow. 任务三:总结本课出现的重点短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 把…涂抹在…上 切成… 把…倒在…上 把…和起来 熟能生巧 请随便吃、喝… 不需要… 某人不需要做某事 Section C

任务一:1a,1b,I 阅读课文,给图中的物品命名并判断1b中句子正T、误F。 II,再读一遍课文,完成下面解析。

1.”for the first time.” 意思是_________________. 例:去年我第一次去长城。I__________ ________________ last year.

2. “start with.” 意思是________________。 例:昨天聚会以一首歌开始。____________ _______________________.

3. “eat up” 意思是_________________. 例:快点,把土豆吃完。Come on, __________________.

4. “don’t take more food than you need.” 意思是________________________________, 5. “drink to sb.” 意思是___________________________. 例:让我们举起酒杯,敬Jane 和Tom。Let’s raise our glasses and __________________________________. 6. “Take only a sip” 意思是_______________________.

7. “just do as other people do.” 意思是_________________________________. do as … 意思是________________. 例:按照我说的做。________________________.
