
仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 41 -

Topic 1 We are preparing for a food festival

Section A

任务一:1a,I,听录音,补全下面的答句。 1. What does Maria know about Daniel Igali?

She knows that he wants to build a new __________ for his poor village in Nigeria. 2. What does Jane think that must be a problem for him? She thinks __________ must be a problem for him.

3. What does Kangkang advise to raise money for his school? He says they shall have a food ___________.

4. When and where does Kangkang think they can have it?

He thinks they can have it on their school __________ on _________. 5. What will they do?

Maria will turn to their _______. Michael’s task is to make a ___________. Kangkang will get in ___________ with Daniel. Jane will think about how to ___________ the food festival. II. 读对话,完成1b和下面的解析。

1. “I think money must be a problem for him.” 的意思是_____________________________. 句中“money must be a problem for him” 是整个句子的_________成分。因为它是一个句子,所以叫做_______从句。那么我们可以总结,当一个句子充当________时,这个句子就称之为_________从句。请你找出对话中其他宾语从句的例子。

①_____________________________________________________________ ②_____________________________________________________________

*从句通常都有引导词,并与从句的引导词有:that,if/whether, 特殊疑问词(what, who, how, where ….),that做引导词的时候通常是可以省略的,。在本课中出现的并与从句引导词都是that.

2. “I will turn to our teachers.” 意思是___________________________________. 短语turn to …意思是______________. 其同意短语为_______________。例:如果你遇到麻烦,你可以向他求助。 You can ____________ __________ him if you are in trouble. 或 You can ________ him ________ ________ if you are in trouble.

3. “I’ll get in touch with Daniel.” 意思是___________________________________。短语get in touch with sb. 意思是_____________________。 与之相似的短语“keep in touch with sb. ”意思是与某人保持联系。例:康康今天每来上课,他的老师正试着与他的父母取得联系。Kangkang didn’t come to school to day, his teacher is trying to _____________ ______________________.

4. “Let’s try our best to make it successful.” 意思是_________________________________.短语try one’s best to do… 意思是_____________________________。 例:医生将尽最大努力来拯救整个女孩的生命。Doctors will _______________________________________. III. 1c,根据图片想象美食节的样子并写下来。

I imagine (that) ___________________________________________________________。 任务二:2,先将方框中的短语归类,然后两人一组仿照例子练习对话。

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 42 -

Need to… (5) Don’t need to … (4) A: Do you think (that) the children need to …? B: Yes, I think so. I think they need to ….

No, I don’t think so. I don’t thin they need to … 【注意】think + 并与从句时,要否定前置。


What do you think you can do to help the people there?

_____________________________________________________ 任务四:总结本课出现的重点短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 向某人求助 与某人取得联系 尽某人最大努力去做某事 Section B

任务一:1a,读对话,完成下面的解析和1b。(找出每种事物对应的国家)并练习对话。 1. “ I have a sweet tooth.” 意思是_______________________. 2. “What’s more.” 意思是_______________________。 3. 写出下列各词对应的国名。

Greek(希腊的,希腊人,希腊语) →____________(希腊)

Indian(印度人,印第安人,印度的,印第安人的) →__________(印度) Italian(意大利人,意大利的,意大利语)→___________(意大利) African(非洲人,非洲的) →_____________(非洲)

Russian (俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人,俄语) →_____________(俄国)

4. “That’s good enough.” 意思是_________________________. enough意思是________. 可用作形容词或副词,用来修饰名词时要放在名词___________(之前/之后). 如:我们没有足够的时间。We don’t have _________ _________. 用来修饰形容词或副词时,放在他们的____________(前面/后面)。 如:他足够富有,可以买下这座大房子。He is ________ _________ to buy this big house.

任务二: 2, I听录音,补全绵绵的答句。

1. What did Li Weikang and his friends decide to do?

The decided to help Daniel _________ _________ __________. 2. What did Li Weikang invite Daniel to do?

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He invited Daniel to _________ __________ __________.

3. Why did Li Weikang want to know about Daniel, his village school and Nigerian Children? Because they decided to __________ __________ _________ about Dainel. II 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “May I invite you to our food festival?” 意思是__________________________________. 本句是用来表达邀请的一种方式,还常用句型____________________来表达邀请。如果接受邀请则回答_______________________, 如果拒绝邀请则回答__________________。 2. “It’s a great pity, but never mind.” 意思是_________________________________. Never mind 的同义表达为____________________.

3. “I’ll send you an e-mail later on.” 意思是____________________________. 短语later on 的意思是__________________. 任务三:听录音补全对话。

任务四:总结本课出现的短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Section C

任务一:1a,I,听录音完成下面的邀请函。 Dear Uncle Yang I would like to _________ you to the international ________ festival at Ren’ai International School at 11:00 a.m. on __________, May 16th. We students will cook many delicious international foods for sale in order to ________ money for a village school in Nigeria. Hope to see you then! Sinserely. Kangkang II. 读对话和邀请函完成下面的解析。

1. “What’s up.” 意思是____________________. 2. “What a surprise!” 意思是___________________.

3. “I’m pleased to hear that.” 意思是________________________.短语be pleased to do sth. 意思是______________________.

4. “keep up the good work.” 意思是___________________________.短语keep up 意思是_________________. 意思相同的短语为________________. 例:这场雨持续了两天。The rain _________________ for two days.

爱吃甜食 还有;另外 那太好了 邀请某人参加… 很遗憾,不过没关系。 稍后 仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 7 Food Festival - 44 -

5. “We students will cook many delicious international foods for sale in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria.” 意思是___________________________________________ _______________________. 句中的food 用的是__________ 形式,意思是__________.不可数名词的复述通常表示________. 如:drinks, fruits …等。短语for sale 意思是_______________。例:这座放在要出售。This house is _________ _________. 短语in order to do sth. 意思是_________________。 例:他努力工作为了能买一幢新房子。He works hard _________________________________.

任务二:2a,读Daniel 写给Kangkang 的e-mail 完成2b的表格,并完成下面的解析。 1. “I hope your food festival is a big success!” 意思是_______________________________。 短语a big success 意思是__________________。

2. “Thank you for inviting me to your food festival.” 意思是_________________________. 短语“因为… 而感谢你”的表达为_______________________________.

3. “Let me tell you something about myself.” 意思是_____________________________. tell sb. something about… 意思是___________________________. 例:你能告诉我一些关于长城的事么?____________________________________。

4. “Nigeria children are as lovely as the children everywhere else.” 意思是______________ ___________________________________. 短语everywhere else 意思是_____________。Else 意思是_____________, 常用于__________ 词和___________词之后。例如:你还想喝点什么?_________ __________ would you like to drink? 我们还需要邀请一些人。We need to invite ___________ __________. 5. “What’s worse.” 意思是_________________.

6. “I’m very pleased with what your are doing for us.” 意思是_________________________ _____________ . 句型be pleased with…意思是______________________________. 例:我对你的帮助感到很高兴。______________________________________. 句中的what you are doing 意思是_________________________. What 引导的从句常表达“所……的;凡是……的事物”例:他所需要的是一件大衣。______________________ is a coat. 我不能同意你所说的。I can’t agree to _____________________. 任务三:总结本课出现的重点短语和句型。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 什么事? 真让人惊喜 很高兴做某事 保持;继续;持续 待售;出售 为了…… 因为……感谢你 极大的成功 告诉某人关于某事 其它任何地方 更糟糕的是
