



一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) 1. What does the woman order?

A. B. C.

2. Which direction should the boy go first?

A. B. C.

3. What must Jane remember to take?

A. B. C.

4. What does Peter NOT like about camping?

A. B. C.

5. What does David want to do? A. Go cycling.

B. Go swimming.

C. Watch TV.

6. How many people will be at the barbecue? A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

7. What does the man suggest? A. Buying a watch instead.

B. Going to other shops to see more.

C. Buying the necklace at the shop. 8. What is Amy doing all day? A. Practising the violin.

B. Singing. C. Dancing.

9. Why are Millie and Susan arguing (争论)?

A. Millie forgot to buy Susan a book. B. Millie has lost Susan’s book. C. Millie got some paint on Susan’s book.

10. What does Mary advise for getting a better job?

A. To be more outgoing and patient. B. To be more patient and modest.

C. To be more outgoing and modest.

第二部分 听对话和短文答题

听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。 11. Where do they find the mobile phone? A. In the bag.

B. On the bookshelf.

C. On the table.

12. What do they think of the mobile phone? A. Not very useful.

B. Useful and cheap.

C. Useful but expensive.


A Website Designer Experience Characteristics What to do The person needs at least 13 years of experience. The person should be able to work 14 and make good decisions. The person can 15 the company to know more information. B. three B. over the weekend B. go to

C. five C. under stress C. e-mail

13. A. two 14. A. with different people 15. A. phone


16. Why do children look forward to Christmas? A. They can receive gifts.

B. They can have a big dinner.

C. They can play with their friends.

17. What may a woman buy for her husband? A. A tie.

B. A pair of shoes. C. A watch.

18. What are popular gifts these days? A. Toys.

B. Diamond necklaces. C. Computers.

19. What do most people like to do at Christmas?

A. Watch TV.

B. Go travelling. C. Go shopping.

20. Where can you see coloured Christmas lights?

A. On buildings and trees. B. On cars and buses. C. On shelves outside. 二、单项选择

21.--- Have you ever seen ______ Chinese movie Wolf Warriors 2? --- Sure . It’s such an exciting film that I want to see second time. A. the; a B.an; / C. a; a D. the; the 22.--- He is always seen to to hit books till midnight!

-- Oh,he is a curve wrecker(学霸).If he is not in the library,he is on the way . A.give up B. pick up C.stay up D.put up

23.---The hamburgers at KFC are usually much smaller than in the advertisements. ---So they are!That is the Art of Advertising.

A.that B.those C.one D.ones 24.---Have you handed in your plan?

----Not yet.I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just can’t think of _______ one.

A. a better B. the better

C. a best D. the best

25.---The exam is coming, are you ready for it?

----Everything is ready, and all I need is an east wind.

A. that

B. which C. those D. what

26 .—_______ will you receive the sports shoes you bought on T-mall on the Double 11th Day? — _______ next week.

A. How long ; Until B . How soon; Until C. How long; Not until D. How soon; Not until

27. —Would you like to visit Yangzhou Science and Technology Museum with me today? —I’m afraid it’s ______ the visiting hours. Let’s go there tomorrow.

A. on B. over C. beyond D. during 28.Could you tell me _____.

A. when the famous actor will come to our school B. if you like the coat or not

C. that pop star would announce his wedding date D. why were my parents so strict with me 29.The murder _______ a cold winter night last night.

A was taken place on B took place on C was happened in D happened in

30.The _______ documentary describes _______ in the future.

A. two hours’; how Gongdaowill be like B. two-hour; what Gongdao will be like C. two-hour; how Gongdao will be D. two hours’; what Gongdao will be like 31. Runyang Bridge is an important bridge ____________ Yangzhou __________Zhenjiang. A. connected, to B. connected, with C.connecting, to connecting, with

32.—How do you like Justin Bieber’s songs? —I like them very much. ________ voice he has!

A. What attractive B. How attractive C. What an attractive D. How an attractive

33. My grandfather used to build railways for the Japanese army when he was young. He was

_______ to work hard from morning till night. A. invited

B. encouraged

C. allowed D. forced


34.You can’t see my WeChat moments(朋友圈) we become good friends.



C. though

D. unless

35 --- I lost my wallet last week, what’s worse,all my pocket money was in it. ---That is .We should learn the importance of avoiding risks with a plan B. A. Every dog has its day B.Never offer to teach fish to swim. C. It never rains but it pours. D.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 三、完形填空(共15小题;每题1分,计15分)

Tom was leaving school to be a criminal, never to return. He thought he was a lonely boy who was loved by 36 . His best friend, Joe, was looking for Tom for the same reason ,his mother had beaten him, 37 ,he hadn’t done anything wrong. The two boys met Huck who agreed with their plan about starting a life of 38 on Jackson’s Island with some food and tools in the boat .

In the midnight, they landed on the island 5 kilometers away and let the 39 go down the Missouri river. “It is just the life for me ,” said Tom .“I don’t 40 to get up early to hurry to school, and wash, and all those 41 things. I’m free now.” The other two cheered too. It seemed wonderful for them to live 42 on the lonely but happy island.

On Wednesday, Tom returned home and hid under the bed .He heard everyone missed them very much and searched the river ,they thought the boys had drowned(溺亡).
