
1) insolent2) soothing 3) cheerful 4) fruity voice

1) lax 2) carefree 3) casual 4) ambivalent attitudes 1) obscene 2) rude 3) theatrical 4) defiant gesture

4 Did you notice the suffixes -ful, -less in words that you have come across fromUnits 1–6, such as harmful, dreadful, joyless, restless? Both suffixes can beadded to nouns or verbs to form adjectives. When added to nouns, -ful canmean “full of” or “having the quality of”, such as careful; while -less can mean“without” or “not having the quality of”, such as careless. In this case, -ful canbe understood as the opposite of -less. But when added to verbs, -ful can mean“apt to, able to; accustomed to”, such as forgetful, while -less can mean “cannotbe -ed”, such as countless.

Now complete the following table by adding -ful and -less to the words. Somewords can be combined with only one of the prefixes. Consult a dictionary ifnecessary.

Nouns / Verbs Adjectives with -fulAdjectives with -less count—— countless doubtdoubtful doubtless eventeventful eventless forgetforgetful —— fruitfruitful fruitless hopehopeful hopeless mercymerciful merciless peacepeaceful peaceless powerpowerful powerless thoughtthoughtful thoughtless

Translate the following into English, using the words you have thus formed.

1) 一个轻率的决定a thoughtless decision 2) 一位多产的作家a fruitful writer 3) 一位仁慈的老人a merciful old man 4) 一个强大的国家a powerful nation 5) 一个和平的解决方案a peaceful solution 6) 一次令人愉快的聚会a delightful party

7) 一个健忘的人a forgetful man 8) 一个多事的年代an eventful age 9) 一个充满希望的未来a hopeful future 10) 一次毫无结果的调查a fruitless investigation

Grammar in Context

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention tothe WITH phrase. Reflect on the grammatical function of the WITH phrase in eachsentence and then do the following two tasks.

1) The other boy suddenly stood up and with a quick, deliberate swing of hischubby arm threw a spadeful of sand at Larry. (Para. 1, Text A)

Adverbial of manner

2) He stood with his legs spread apart, rocking a little, looking at Morton withutter scorn. (Para. 16, Text A)

Adverbial of accompanying circumstances; adverbial of manner

3) He walked awkwardly, almost limping with self-consciousness, to thesandbox. (Para. 17, Text A)

Adverbial of cause

4) With all the dignity she could summon, she pulled Larry’s sandy, perspiringlittle hand, while Morton pulled the other. (Para. 18, Text A)

Adverbial of accompanying circumstances

5) Slowly and with head high she walked with her husband and the child out ofthe playground. (Para. 18, Text A)

Adverbial of manner

Task 1: Combine each pair of sentences into one containing a phrase introducedby WITH.

1) a. She was holding the baby. b. She was very careful with the baby.

She was holding the baby with great care.

2) a. His chin was cupped in his hands. b. He looked at his mother sitting opposite him.

With (his) chin cupped in (his) hands, he looked at his mother sitting opposite him.

3) a. A truck screamed down the pathway.

b. Its headlights were flashing and its horn was blaring.

A truck screamed down the pathway, with (its) headlights flashing and (its) hornblaring.

4) a. The teacher entered the classroom.

b. There was a cup in his hand and a textbook under his arm.

The teacher entered the classroom, with (a / his) cup in (his) hand and (a / his)textbook under (his) arm.

5) a. The children stepped into the museum. b. Their eyes were wide open out of curiosity.

The children stepped into the museum, with their eyes wide open out of curiosity.

Task 2: Translate the following into English, using WITH phrase where possible.

1) 她喜欢闭着眼睛听音乐。

She likes listening to music with (her) eyes closed.

2) 他向我挥手告别,眼里噙满泪水。

He waved me goodbye, with eyes filled with tears.

3) 游客在导游的带领下向海边走去。

With the guide leading the way, the tourists walked towards the seaside.

4) 第一轮谈判结束,双方未能达成任何协议。

The first round of negotiations ended, with no agreements reached between thetwo sides.

5) 说话的时候嘴里塞满食物是一种不好的餐桌礼仪。

It is bad table manners to talk with (the / one’s) mouth full of food.


Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.

In recent years, there seems to be a rise in disrespectful behaviour displayedespecially by the younger generation. Peace and harmony will be instantlydisrupted the moment an individual is seen as discourteous in particulartowards the older generation. Due to this, parents, teachers, community leadersconstantly talk about respect to their children, students and residents. Thereare indeed many ways or alternatives (1) to inculcate respect. This passage willdiscuss three significant ones.

First of all, a conducive learning environment is crucial in inculcating the valueof respect to children especially in our current (2) society where etiquette andrespect appear to be in decline (3). Adults are good role models for children intheir growing years. For example, if parents treat their elderly in a very rude (4)manner, there is a great likelihood that the children too will be disrespectful (5) totheir grandparents or they may ignore (6) their grandparents. And the reversecan be true too.

Second, being respectful is about being sincere in our actions and gestures (7).That means not only should we practice them in our everyday lives, but weshould also do so with conviction instead of out of sheer (8) obligation. AlbertEinstein once said “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is thegarbage man or the president of the university.” If we can be true and sincere tothe people we interact with, we will have treated them courteously (9).

Third, the media (10) plays a crucial role in spreading (11) the message ofrespect. There seems to be a trend (12) in television where some sections (13)of programmes treat impoliteness or lax (14) attitudes about manners in a lightheartedway. If this is not addressed, the situation may get worse.

In summary, respect is one important aspect of civility that we must embraceand practice so that we may remain humane. In addition, we should notcontinue to be ignorant (15) but take appropriate actions to stop this slide inmoral values. Translation

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given inbrackets.

1) 没有别的选择,你所能做的就是调整自身适应新环境。(alternative, adjust)

There’s no other alternative, all you can do is to adjust yourself to the newenvironment.

2) 对绝大多数人而言,财富和名望对建立幸福感没多大促进作用。 (contribute to, a sense of well-being)

For most people, wealth and fame does / do not contribute much to creatinga sense of well-being.

3) 房子已经很长一段时间没有人住,家具上都有了一层厚厚的灰尘。 (deserted, a layer of)

The house has been deserted for a long time and there is a thick layer of duston the furniture.
