人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 7 Whats the hightest mountain in the world 单元导学案

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the


Period One:Section A(1a—1c)

一、学前反馈:Tell the story of the New clothes of an Emperor. 二、导入目标:

1、能力目标:通过形容词的最高级谈论世界之最。 2、知识目标:

重点单词:square, meter, deep, desert

重点短语:the Nile, the Caspian Sea, the Sahara

重点句型:A:What is the highest mountain in the world? B:Qomolangma. 三、自主学习:

1、自学单词:square, meter, deep, desert

2、预习Section A 1a 并根据句意首字母填词。

①The Sahara desert is about 9,600,000 s kilometers. ②The Caspian Sea is the d of all the salt lakes. ③China has the biggest p .

④The ancient people use the Great Wall to p China. 3、完成la.


1、每组由组长组织同学校对答案。 2、分组学习新单词及短语。

3、听力练习,完成1b。并核对答案。 4、练习对话: 五、展示交流: 对话表演1c。 六、达标提升:

1、形容词比较级的构成规则 2、用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。

?Which lesson is (difficult) in Book 2? ②Alice writes (careful)than I.

③That was one of (excited). Moments in 2008.

④Beihai Park is the second (beautiful) park in Beijing. ⑤Who’s (careful),Tom, Jim or Kate?)

Period Two:Section A(2a—2d)


1、上节课我们学习了形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则及用法,请说出它们的构成规则,并举例说明。 2、复习大数的表达及朗读。


1、能力目标:进一步学习大数的表达与朗读和学习形容词及副词比较级、最高级工程师在句中的运用。 2、知识目标:

重点单词:population ,Asia, tour, tourist, wall, amazing, ancient, protect, wide 重点短语:as far as I know, Feel free, The Yangtze River, the yellow River

重点句型:A:Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? B:Yes, I did. It’s much older than my country. 三、自主学习:

1、自学单词: population, Asia, tour tourist amazing,ancient, protect, wide 2、预习2d并朗读对话。


①My schoolbag is (重) about 2 kilos.

②Cheetah is one of the world’s (最快的) animals.

③Giant tortoises live the (最长的) of all animals, including humans. ④An average blue whale is much (large)than the biggest elephant. ⑤Of all the salt lakes,the Caspian is the (最深的). 4、完成la.


1、和partner操练2d对话。 2、听力练习,并核对答案。

3、练习对话:A:Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? B:Yes, I did . It’s much older than my country. 五、达标提升:


2、讲讲形容词及副词三个级别的用法。 3、当堂检测:句型转换。

① He is the tallest in his class.(同义句转换) He is than in his class. ② Mike is the fastest student in his class.(同义句转换) Mike is than in his class. ③Why don’t we ask him about the matter?(同义句转换) ask him about the matter? ④I think their football team will win.(改否定句) I their football team win.

Period Three :Section ( A 3a—3c)


1、米,公尺 2、人口,人口数量 3、…的人口 4、至于,就…而言 5、the Yangtze River 6、feel free to do sth. 7、man-made objects 8、As far as I know 二、导入目标:

1、能力目标:能正确理解文章中的形容词的比较级及最高级。 2、知识目标:


②理解短文大意,把握细节并完成课文题目要求。 三、自主学习: 1、基础单词:

①厚的,浓的 ②包括,包含 ③实现目标 ④达到,完成 ⑤大自然 ⑥paragraph ⑦condition ⑧force 2、核心短语

①吸入,吞入(体内) ②面对(问题、困难) ③even though ④risk one’s life 3、自读,小组互读单词和词组。 四、合作探究:

1、读文章完成以下表格。 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 1/3 List four dangers for List three achievements List four comparisons climbers 2、再读文章回答以下问题。 ① Where are the Himalayas? ② How high is Qomolangma?

③Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even thought it is dangerous? ④What does the spirit of the climbers tell us? 五、展示交流: 组内展示答案 六、达标提升:


? He is the tallest in his class.(同义句转换) He is than in his class. ②Mike is the fastest student in his class.(同义句转换) Mike is than in his class. ③Why don’t we ask him about the matter? (同义句转换) ask him about the matter?

④I think their football team will win (改否定句). I their football team win.

Period Four(Section A Grammar Focus-4c)

一、学前反馈: 1、朗读课文

2、用形容词的比较级及最高级造一些句子。。 二、导入目标

1、能力目标:朗读能正确运用形容词的比较级及最高级造句。 2、知识目标:

重点单词: ocean, the Pacific Ocean

重点语法:形容词的比较级及最高级的用法。 三、自主学习:

1、自学单词:ocean, the Pacific Ocean

2、预习Grammar Focus, 注意形容词的比较级及最高级的用法。 3、预习4a选择所给单词的正确形式填空。 4、预习4b并补全对话。 5、翻译以下句子

①What’s the highest building in our city? ②What’s the largest park in our city? ③What’s the best bookstore in our city?

④What’s the most comfortable cinema in our city? 四、合作探究:

1、练习背诵Grammar Focus. 2、完成4a.4b.4c并核对答案。 五、展示交流:

在全班同学前展示4a,4b,4c的形容词最高级的用法。 六、达标提升:

1、和Partner一起操练4a,4b.4c采用形容词的比较级及最高级。 2、讲讲形容词的比较级及最高级的结构及用法。 3、当堂检测:

? Qomolangma rises the _____ (high)and is the ______ (famous). ?The Nile is 6671 kilometers _____ (long)and it is the _____ (long)river in the world.

? China has the _____ (large)population all over the world.

④The Yangtze River is almost as _____ (long)as the Amazon River

Period Five (Section B 1a-1d)


复习较大数字的读音及用比较级和最高级比较事物 二、导入目标

1、能力目标:学会用数字表达动物的重量,高度等。 2、知识目标:

重点单词:cm=centimeter, weigh, birth, adult. 重点短语:at birth
