
(3) Systems of attendants, promotion, rewards and punishments of workers;

(4) Workers’ welfare system; (5) Financial system.

合营公司通过董事会制定下列规章制度: (1) 职工守则; (2) 劳动工资制度;

(3) 职工考勤、升级与奖惩制度; (4) 职工福利制度; (5) 财务制度。

3.8 More Longer Sentences

A typical warehouse or distribution center will receive stock of a variety of products from suppliers and store these until the receipt of orders from customers, whether individual buyers (e.g. mail order), retail branches (e.g. chain stores), or other companies (e.g. wholesales). 不管客户是个体买家(如邮购)、零售分店(如连锁店)或其他公司(如批发商),一个典型的仓库或配送中心,在收到客户订单之前,会从供应商处接受各种产品并把它们存储起来。

Any unilateral measure taken under Article 3 of the MFA (Multi-Fibre Arrangement) prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement may remain in effect for the duration specified therein, but not exceeding 12 months, if it has been reviewed by the Textiles Surveillance Body (referred to in this Agreement as the “TSB”) established under the MFA.


In this way the distinction between heavy current electrical engineering and light current electrical engineering can be said to have disappeared but we still have the conceptual difference in that in power engineering the primary concern is to transport energy between distant points in space, while with communications systems the primary objective is to convey, extract and process information, in which process considerable amounts of power may be consumed.

