
Chapter Eight

Translation of English for Science and Technology《科技英语翻译》

1) 纯专业技术词汇(Pure ST Terms)

The lacuna between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age once supposed to be a real hiatus, is being filled by a Middle Stone Age.


3) 半科技词汇(Semi- ST Terms)

The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.


Each element defines the configuration of an operation in the service.

每个元素定义服务中一个操作的配置。 Concentration

There's been too much concentration of power in the hands of central authorities. 权力一直过多地集中在中央机构手中。

Electrode potential depends on the concentration of the ions.


The determination of trace concentrations of mercury in minerals is described. 文章论述矿物中痕量汞的测定。


Researchers found the heart emoji appeared billions of times a day across the world. 研究者们发现全世界每天会出现几十亿个心形表情符号。

We start with base money and then we'll have what's called M-1, which includes cheque accounts, demand deposits of banks ... and then M-2 which will include some savings deposits, some time deposits.


1) 大量的名词化结构(More Nominalization)


The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理.

Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. (1) 用这种方法测试机器会损失一些功率。

The testing of machines by this method entails some loss of power. (2) 在沸水中加入2%的碳酸钠(sodium carbonate)会增加杀菌效果。

The addition of 2 percent sodium carbonate to boiling water increases the bactericide effect.

(3) 滚动摩擦代替滑动摩擦会大幅减少摩擦力。

The substitution of some rolling friction for sliding friction results in a very considerable reduction in friction.


Exploration and Practice in the Quality Management of Engineering Design 低渗透气藏气井的生产规律研究

A Study of the Production Rules of the Gas Wells in Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs 1.影响销售额的统计分析

Statistic analysis of influential factors on sales 2. 对高校人力资源开发利用的几点思考

Several thoughts on developing and using human resources in colleges and universities 3. 语言和与语言相关的学科的相互交叉研究

An interacting study between language and language-related disciplines 4.质量管理和设计质量考核量化研究

A Quantative Study on the Design Quality Management and Assessment


A Psychological Research on Learning Motivation and Teaching Strategies for Poor Students

大量使用后置定语也是科技文章的特点之一。常见的结构: 1) 介词短语

Documents for the World Wide Web are written in HTML. 万维网的文档是用HTML(超文本标记语言)编写而成的。

The shape of the electron spectrum in beta decay is not dominated by properties of the matrix element.

β衰变的电子谱的形状不取决于矩阵元的性质。 液体的压力与容器壁垂直。

Pressure in a liquid is at right angles to the walls of container. 2) 形容词及形容词短语

In this factory the only fuel available is coal. 该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤。

Engine revolution should not exceed the maximum permissible.



英语中,少数形容词作定语时,须放在被修饰的词之后,可分为如下几种情况: 1)一些前缀a-构成的形容词:

2) 以-able或-ible 后缀结尾的形容词


4)形容词与all, only, every等词或形容词最高级连用修饰名词时 该公司已开发出了适合于这项技术的软件。

The company has developed software adaptable to this technique.

In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light. 热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。


All of the information necessary to build a whole organism resides within a single cell. 没有足以克服阻力的力,静止的物体绝不会运动。

Without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance, bodies at rest will never move.


We’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of electricity. 1. 我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。

The gear teeth should have the strength sufficient to operate.

2. 齿轮的齿必须具备足够的运转强度。

Scientists have found a method of measurement suitable for coastal areas. 3. 科学家们已经找到了一种适合沿海地区的测量方法。



2)名词前有only,very,the first,the last等词或有形容词最高级时,分词放在名词后 3)如果被修饰的词不定代词或指示代词those等时,分词要放在被修饰的词的后面。 4)有时单个分词放在名词前或后,意义有很大的区别 We agreed to meet at a given time and place.


Fill in each of the blanks with the proper form of the verb given.


A direct current (DC) is a current flowing always in the same direction. 直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。

The car will be guided by a differential GPS system that corrects errors arising in global positioning satellite signals。



Some business items affecting the determination of a final net income amount may not relate to the primary operating activity of the business.


1. The results obtained must be checked. 1. 获得的结果必须加以校核。

2. The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 2. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。

3. Accounting is an information system necessitated by the great complexity of modern business.

3. 会计是现代商业巨大复杂性所必须的信息系统。


4. Decision made at any point of the value chain can have an impact on every subsequent point.


5. The color sensation produced by light depends simply on the length of wave producing the light.

Any claim by the buyers regarding the goods shipped shall be filed within15 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination specified in the relative Bill of Lading and supported by a survey report issued by the notary authority approved by the seller.

买方对于装运货物的任何索赔, 必须于货到提单规定的目的地15天内提出, 并须提供经卖方同意的公证机构出具的检验报告。

4) 不定式短语后置定语

The best way to achieve this is by using existing internet standards.

实现这一点的最佳方法就是使用现有的因特网语言标准。 世界的热带地区在寻找新能源的竞赛中将会领先一步。

The tropical parts in the world would have a head start in the race to find new energy sources.

Numerical control machines are most useful when quantities of products to be produced are low or medium.


There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emissions is to replace conventional diesel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels. 人们逐渐认识到实现车辆尾气排放更进一步减少的唯一有效方法是用燃烧更为清洁的燃料代替传统的柴油和汽油。


Flame-spraying is the most versatile way to apply hard-surface coatings. 1. 火焰喷射法是涂硬表层的最常用方法。

A good oil storage to be found at a reasonable depth would rarely happen to the “black gold” industry.

2.“黑金”行业在合理的深度发现不错的油藏的光景将很难出现了。 3. 通常这种电压用于负载时不必先滤波。

Usually there is no necessity to filter this voltage before applying it to the load. 4. 下表所列数字充分说明汽车尾气的危害。

The figures to be listed in the following table will fully demonstrate the hazard from automobile exhaust.


During construction, problems often arise which require design changes. 在施工过程中,常会出现需要改变设计的问题。

The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them.



1. 技术力图为科学所发现的新思想找到应用。

1. Technology tries to find applications for new ideas which science discovers. 2. 光的频率高于无线电波和微波,这就使它具有更大的信息运载能力。

2. Light has a higher frequency than radio waves or microwaves, which gives it a greater information carrying capacity.

3. 在每一块磁铁的周围都有一个磁力作用的区域。

3. Surrounding every magnet there is a region where magnetic forces act.
