
A.Parents pay little attention to school reports. B.Not all parents support the system.

C.Parents believe that they know how to educate kids.

D.Working-class families should spend more time with children.


答案:B Ⅳ.七选五


Are you spending your holidays sitting around bored with nothing to do? You can find many ways to fill your days.

Step out into the fresh air.__1__.Not only is a quick trip out of the house interesting and mood-lifting,but also a great opportunity for exercise.If you have been thinking of losing weight,then go out.You can walk,ride your bike,play your favourite sport or even try a new one.Any of these kinds of activities is a good way to get healthy.

__2__.If you have been thinking of doing something new and never have the time to do it,then do it.Do not waste your time sitting in front of the TV and watching films over and over.You could be broadening your horizons (拓展视野) with a totally-new experience.


·Trying a new kind of food ·Joining a new club ·Playing a new sport

Making money. If you're saving up for something,try to set up an outdoor sale outside your house.It's the easiest thing to do—get some old toys and make some food,and you're done.If it doesn't go that well,at least you had fun trying.__4__.Check with your community to make sure you are allowed to do this.You can also do housework for money.Try babysitting,car washing,garden tidying,house-sitting,pet-sitting,dog walking,etc.

Relax.__5__Just do whatever you want or do nothing at all.Have a day in and relax,or go kite-flying.It's up to you! Try cloud-watching.It's a good excuse for lying on the ground and just watch the sky fly by.

A.Below are just a few ideas

B.If the weather is bad,then go to the gym C.Simple outdoor activities should be valued D.Do something you have never done before

E.If none of these ideas can attract you,perhaps it's a rest day F.Remember to practice good safety habits when going to a new area G.And you've tidied out the old things to make way for the new 答案:1.C 2.D 3.A 4.G 5.E




Last week,I stepped out during the lunchtime and on my way back to the office,I stopped to get a salad from Potbelly Sandwich Shop.I __1__the salad,made it back to my desk and hung up my coat there.That's when it __2__me that my wallet was missing.

I told myself I should remain__3__.But unfortunately,I got into a panic.I __4__ everywhere for it,even in the bag the salad came in,__5__it was nowhere to be found.I thought of my beautiful pink wallet,which was new.I'd__6__dropped it at Potbelly.What were the__7__that it was still there? The answer might be “No”.This is a place where__8__usually warn you to watch your wallet if you ride the subway.I made a__9__to Potbelly and a man answered.“Hello,” I said.“I think I left my wallet...” “Is it__10__?” The man said before I could finish.“I keep it for you.” I __11__ over to Potbelly and met the waiter who'd kept it__12__for me.I thanked the man who treated me and my__13__kindly.

And then I remembered this wasn't the first time__14__had helped me.Back in June,I visited a museum;afterward I stopped at Cosi for lunch.I__15__into my bag for my wallet...but found__16__.It turned out that I'd left my wallet at home! I explained to the waiter what had happened and said “Sorry”.I__17__him to take the food I had ordered away.But the waiter just__18__me the food and said,“Don't worry about it,and come back tomorrow.” She had no way of knowing whether I'd__19__or not.But she decided to help me out.

The kindness from strangers impressed me a lot.And a__20__act of kindness can make a big difference.

【语篇解读】 本文讲述了作者在一家三明治店里买了色拉,将它拿回到办公室时发现她的钱包掉了。她给店里打电话,店里回答有人拾到,已为她保管的故事,说明陌生人的善意行动会让人感动,即使是小小的善意也可以意义重大。

1.A.ate up B.waited for C.threw away D.paid for

解析:根据上文“I stopped to get a salad”以及“made it back to my desk”可知,作者在一家三明治店里买了沙拉,付款之后,将它放在她办公室的桌子上。

答案:D 2.A.hit B.annoyed C.changed D.attracted

解析:根据下文“my wallet was missing”可知,作者挂衣服的时候突然意识到自己的钱包不见了。hit在此处是“使突然想起”之意。


3.A.young B.calm C.happy D.active

解析:根据下文“But unfortunately,I got into a panic.”可知,发现钱包丢了之后,作者告诫自己要保持冷静,但是不幸的是,她变得惊慌失措。


4.A.noticed B.put C.searched D.carried


解析:根据上文第一段“my wallet was missing”可知,发现钱包丢了之后,作者开始到处寻找。

答案:C 5.A.or B.so C.and D.but

解析:根据下文“it was nowhere to be found”可知,但是作者到处都没找着。 答案:D

6.A.mainly B.probably C.suddenly D.finally

解析:根据下文“dropped it at Potbelly”可知,作者推断她很可能将钱包遗失在那家三明治店里了。


7.A.ideas B.times C.chances D.reasons

解析:根据下文“The answer might be ‘No’”可知,作者在反问,钱包有没有可能性仍然在三明治店里呢?答案可能是“No”。


8.A.policemen B.teachers C.drivers D.scientists

解析:根据下文“to watch your wallet if you ride the subway”可知,作者所处的城市是一个警察要经常提醒地铁乘客注意自己钱包的地方。即这个城市很容易丢东西。


9.A.decision B.mistake C.wish D.call

解析:根据下文“a man answered”以及“Hello”可知,作者给三明治店打了电话。 答案:D

10.A.dark B.full C.pink D.dirty

解析:根据上文“I thought of my beautiful pink wallet”可知,作者的钱包是粉红色的,所以接电话的人问“钱包是粉红色吗?”


11.A.jumped B.rushed C.flew D.moved

解析:根据上文“I keep it for you”可知,接电话的人说在替作者保管钱包,作者急忙跑过去领取。


12.A.safe B.free C.open D.clean

解析:根据上文“I keep it for you”可知,作者见到了帮自己保管钱包的人。 答案:A

13.A.phone B.food C.wallet D.watch

解析:作者向那个友善地对待她和她钱包的人表示感谢。 答案:C


14.A.writers B.visitors C.managers D.strangers

解析:根据下文最后一段“The kindness from strangers impressed me a lot.”可知,作者想起这不是第一次得到陌生人的帮助。


15.A.knocked B.reached C.walked D.fell

解析:根据下文“my bag for my wallet”可知,作者将手伸进包里去拿钱包。 答案:B

16.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything

解析:根据上文“but”以及下文“It turned out that I'd left my wallet at home!”可知,后来证明作者把钱包忘在了家里。故当作者把手伸进包里拿钱包时,她什么也没找到。


17.A.warned B.forced C.ordered D.expected 解析:根据上文“I explained to the waiter what had happened and said ‘sorry’.”可知,作者向服务员解释了自己没有带钱并且向收银员表示歉意。因为没有钱,作者预料服务员会把作者点的食物带走。


18.A.sold B.handed C.cooked D.prepared

解析:根据下文“Don't worry about it,and come back tomorrow”可知,服务员对作者说不用担心,明天再来(付款)。由此可知,这位服务员把东西递给了作者。

答案:B 19.A.pay B.eat C.return D.buy 解析:根据上文“come back tomorrow”可知,服务员对作者说让她第二天再来,作者说那位服务员不知道作者明天是否会回到那个店里,但仍将东西给她,服务员是想帮助作者。


20.A.small B.funny C.normal D.special

解析:根据上文“The kindness from strangers impressed me a lot”可知,作者说陌生人们的善意行为使她很感动。作者认为,一个小小的善意行为可以意义重大。



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Animal conservation

