



The Chinese government crisis public relations research

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关键词:公共关系 政府危机公关



In recent years,China’s economy has been rapid development,the people’s material culture and spiritual and cultural life has been greatly improved and enhanced,this is something we are pleased and fortunate,however,in economic development,social prosperity,the people live and work behind,we would also like to see a variety of unexpected events in recent years have often occurred in.Therefore,the Government crisis in public relations has become the core of the reform of our government on the issue of government crisis public relations soon became the main topic of domestic scholars to explore.In this paper,the actual situation,defines the concept of public relations from the crisis,the government’s public relations theory,the government’s public relations crisis public relations ability to expound the Government’s crisis,the basic connotation of public relations;analyzed the ability of government crisis public relations to enhance the requirements of a democratic society,information society demands,but also the requirements of building a socialist harmonious society;a brief analysis of the status quo of China’s government crisis and public relations problems of the reasons for that;As the government crisis public relations is a new subject introduced from abroad,in China there not a long time,coupled with the impact of China’s traditional political culture,our governments at all levels and their staff in a very long time,the awareness of the crisis public relations is not strong,the experience of handling sudden public crisis,the lack of response mechanisms are not perfect.At the same time must be including government leaders to improve awareness of the crisis in public relations and crisis public relations capabilities,and the timely reporting system to establish acrisis and the formation and provincial county anticrisis management institutions build government crisis public relations system,build an effective crisis early warning mechanism.

Key:Words:public relations,goverment crisis public relations



1 概述

1.1 选题背景 1.2 研究目标 1.3 研究现状

2 公共关系和政府危机公关概述

2.1 公共关系概述 2.2 政府危机公关概述

3 我国政府危机公关的现状及存在问题的研究

3.1 我国政府危机公关的现状 3.2 我国政府危机公关的问题

3.3 我国政府危机公关存在问题的原因

3.4汶川大地震中我国政府危机公关的成功之处 3.5 汶川大地震中我国政府危机公关的不足之处

3.5.1 缺乏行之有效的多元参与机制 3.5.2 缺乏科学完善的危机预警机制 3.5.3 缺乏长期有效的危机保障机制

3.6 汶川大地震中我国政府危机公关不足的原因

3.6.1 各级政府危机公关水平参差不齐

3.6.2 民众普遍缺乏危机意识和危机自救的能力 3.6.3 非政府组织参与危机公关的能力不足

4 我国政府危机公关存在问题的解决方案

4.1 我国政府危机公关应遵循的原则

4.2 解决我国政府危机公关问题的具体对策

4.2.1 构建有效的预警机制

4.2.2 完善政府危机管理决策协调机制及资源保障机制

结论展望 致谢词 参考文献
