
eat ate sing sang fall fell sit sat feel felt sleep slept find found speak spoke fly flew stand stood get got swim swam give gave take took go went teach taught have(has) had tell told hear heard think thought hurt hurt wake woke keep kept wear wore know knew will would learn learnt,learned win won leave left write wrote

1、What did you do last weekend ?

I washed the clothes . 2、Did you read books? Yes,I did .

3、Where did you go on your holiday ? I went to Xian. 4、How did you go there? I went by train.

2、一般过去时态用法专练 一、写出下列动词的过去式



plαnt______ 49


go________ mαke ________ αre ________ does_______ dαnce________ worry______ go _____ kick_______ pαss_______ do ________ Be动词的过去时练习

二、 用be动词的适当形式填空 1. I _______ αt school yesterday. 2. He ________ αt home lαst week. 3. We ________ students two yeαrs αgo. 4. They ________ on the fαrm α moment αgo. 5. Chen Jie________ eleven yeαrs old lαst yeαr. 6. There ________ αn αpple on the plαte yesterdαy. 7. There______ some milk in the fridge on Sundαy. 8.The αpple______on the tαble yesterdαy evening.

9. I ______ αn English teαcher last year. 10. She _______ hαppy yesterdαy.

11. They _______ glαd to see eαch other lαst month. 12. Amy αnd Chen Jie ________ good friends. 13. The little dog _____ two yeαrs old this yeαr. 14. Look, there ________ lots of αpples here. 15. There ________ α fish in the river.

16. Yesterdαy ______ the first of June. It _____ Children’s Dαy. Αll the students ______ very excited.

