六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文

C) The economic realities. D) The economic √ depression. 答案:C

解析:根据关键词more troublesome for men和strike a balance between work and family life,可以锁定出处为第二段第三句,所以选C。 57. Who are most inclined to encounter the conflict between the demands of home and work? A) Those men who work without supportive coworkers. B) Those men who live without spouses or partners. C) Those men who reject traditional views of men's and women's roles.

D) Those men who view men's and women's roles in a conventional way. √ 答案:D 解析:题目是“下列选项中哪种人最容易遇到家庭与工作之间的矛盾?”对比各个选项,回文章找到相关的信息。选项A,在文章的信息是\they had supportive coworkers\,与题干问题不符;选项B,在文章的信息是\men not living with a spouse or partner, including single dads, were less likely to report high levels of family-work conflict\,这类人一般很少遇到这类矛盾;选项C,在文章的信息是\did.\;选项D,在文章的信息是\and women's roles reported conflict between the demands of home and work,\,所以选D。 58. Which of the following is helpful for men to ease their work-home pressure? A) Earning enough money to support the family. B) Having flexible schedules for work and rest. √ C) Feeling the supervisor does not want them to succeed. D) Enjoying comforts and rewards of a fulfilling family life. 答案:B 解析:根据关键词ease their work-home pressure可以锁定出处为第四段第二句,所以选B。 59. According to the passage, what part does technology play in men's home and work life? A) B) C) D)

It reduces the contacts among family members.

It leads to the increase of work and home tension. √ It allows men to accomplish more in their work lives. It clearly defines the role of men in modern society.

答案:B 解析:根据关键词technology可以锁定出处为最后一段:科技对于家庭与工作矛盾的作用。综述相关表述,科技使得工作与生活的界限日益模糊,这更加大了工作与生活之间的压力。所以选B。 60. What message does the author want to convey to readers? A) Work-family tension decreases as time goes on.

B) Harmonious families contribute to the men's success. C) Competition between work and family is stressing out more men. √

D) Economic depression increases men's economical burden. 答案:C

解析:选项A 与文章表述内容相悖;选项B为文章没有提到的信息;选项D错误的转述了文章信息。因此选择答案C。



The challenges of human migration due to climate change have been underestimated as millions of people will either move into or be trapped in areas of risk by 2060, rather than migrating away, a British government report showed on Thursday. The report, by the government-backed Foresight Program, examined the likely movement of people both within and between countries to 2060. It found the greatest risks will be borne by people who are unable or unwilling to relocate.

Those risks may also be made worse by policies which seek to prevent migration. \millions of people will also migrate into vulnerable areas and there will also be those who cannot migrate out,\British government, told reporters. \pose different challenges to the international community,\

The United Nations estimates there were 210 million international migrants in 2010. A further 740 million were internal migrants in 2009. An average 25 million people a year have been displaced due to weather-related events since 2008, which will likely rise as such events become more extreme and frequent, Beddington said.

The report estimates there will be between 154 and 179 million people living in rural coastal floodplains by 2060 who will be unable to move away due to poverty. These trapped communities will need to be made more resilient (适应能力强的) to environmental events. Up to 192 million people will also move into urban coastal floodplains in Africa and Asia by 2060 in search of work and a better economic situation. This kind of migration could be beneficial by opening up new sources of income which help people become stronger and more resilient, enabling households to stay in a place for longer, the report said. Migration should be considered when funds are being allocated at UN climate talks in November in Durban, South Africa, the report said. The cost of doing nothing will be higher than the cost of measures to tackle migration, especially if they reduce the likelihood of displacement, it added. \to see initiatives on migration, forestry and agriculture to follow the Durban meeting,\said Beddington, adding that he does not expect a universally binding emissions reduction agreement to emerge this year.

Policies to restrict or prevent migration are risky and could lead to greater impoverishment (赤贫) and displacement, the report said. For some individuals or groups, planned migration could, however, allow some populations to stay in place for longer. Temporary migration—when people move to other countries with the option of returning to their home country—will become more important as more extreme climate events occur.

61. According to the passage, which group of people will mount various challenges to the international community?

A) Those who are unable or unwilling to migrate into other places. √

B) Those who are in search of work and a better economic situation. C) Those who will be trapped in areas of risk and poverty by 2060.

D) Those who will migrate into the developing countries by 2060. 答案:A

解析:根据题干的关键词international community和challenges可以锁定出处为第二段最后一句They pose different challenges to the international community,在第一段和第二段中找到they指代的人,所以选A。 62. Why are there so many internal and international migrants in recent years? A) Because more and more people hope to move out of rural floodplains.

B) Because the world population has been experiencing continuous growth.

C) Because there are many policies which encourage migration around the world.

D) Because there is an increase in frequency and intensity of severe climate events. √ 答案:D 解析:根据题干的关键词internal and international migrants可以锁定出处为第三段第三句话,所以选D。 63. What's the ultimate purpose of opening up new sources of income for those moving into urban coastal floodplains in Africa and Asia? A) To enable them to shake off poverty. B) To enable them to live in a better life.

C) To make them stay there for a longer time. √ D) To make them much stronger and more adaptable.

答案:C 解析:根据题干的关键词increasing the incomes和moving into urban coastal floodplains in Africa and Asia可以锁定出处为第四段的最后一句话This kind of migration could be beneficial by opening up new sources of income which help people become stronger and more resilient, enabling households to stay in a place for longer,结合问题内容,所以选C。 64. Which kind of migration will enjoy greater popularity in the future? A) Permanent migration. B) Internal migration.

D) International

C) Temporary migration. √

migration. 答案:C

解析:根据题干关键词enjoy greater popularity可以锁定出处为最后一段最后一

句话Temporary migration will become more important as more extreme climate events occur,所以选C。

65. What message does the author want to convey in this passage? A) It is of great risk to restrict or prevent global migration.

B) The challenges of climate-driven migration are given more attention to. √

C) Agriculture enjoys greater priority in combating climate change.

D) Weather-related events force men to move from one place to another. 答案:B


Part IV Translation

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.

1. 长城是世界历史上最伟大的工程,参与人数之多,延续时间之长,工程难度之大,在世界上无出其右。长城在中国历史上发挥的作用是巨大的。在冷兵器时代,长城在军事防御上起到了不容置疑的作用,尤其在防御北方民族所谓“马背上的进攻”方面,效果是明显的。同时,长城给予民族心理上的安全感,和它的实际军事价值比起来有同样重要的意义。


The Great Wall is unparalleled in the world in its scale and span of construction, as well as for the great quantities of labor and the degree of difficulty involved. The Great Wall played a significant role in history. It certainly served the purposes of military defense in the age of cold steel, especially in preventing northern peoples on horseback from attacking people in the south who were mostly engaged in farming. Meanwhile, the sense of security provided by the Great Wall to the people is as important as it's actual military value.
