
as well as installing flood doors and other barriers, at a wastewater treatment plant in the Rockaways, Queens, which is currently prone to flooding. \the waters recede we can flip the proverbial (众所周知的) switch and only temporarily shut down,\J) The NPCC, for its part, stresses such flexible adaptation in any core infrastructure plans. An effective response to climate change, the panel wrote in its December 2009 assessment, promotes \that can evolve through time as climate risk assessment, evaluation of adaptation strategies, and monitoring continues.%updating the plan to deal with a continuing climate change, in both the political and physical realms. The first revision of PlaNYC is due April 22, 2011. \can't actually climate-proof a city,\that make sense to do today greatly increase as our climate changes. 46. Places were choosen in New York to produce power by using the sun’s heat. D 答案:D 解析:文章D部分提到纽约市长办公室的公告,确立三个“太阳能开发区”,利用放置于房顶的光电板发电。选择的三个地区分别是Brooklyn's downtown,Greenpoint neighborhoods和 Staten Island's eastern shore。To seed an alternative future, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office announced the creation of three \expansive rooftop acreage and for an electricity use profile that peaks during the day, when the maximum amount of power can be produced from rooftop photovoltaic panels. 47. PlaNYC will be surely revised because we need flexible adaptations to the continuing climate changes. J 答案:J 解析:文章J部分主要讲述气候会持续变化,所以我们应对气候变化的措施也会随时调整。PlaNYC 在2011年已经做出了第一次修正,可以推断将来还会做进一步的修正。Of course the ultimate flexible adaptation will mean updating the plan to deal with a continuing climate change, in both the political and physical realms. The first revision of PlaNYC is due April 22, 2011. 48. The using of solar energy is a part of the PlaNYC to deal with the climate challenges in the future. E 答案:E 解析:文章E部分提到PlaNYC,纽约为了应对2030年的全球变暖以及其他的气候挑战所制定的城市规划,使用太阳能是这一规划的一部分。he efforts to bring solar power to New York, along with the tree-planting, fuel-efficient taxis and watershed efforts, are all part of the so-called PlaNYC—an effort to adapt the city to the realities of global warming and other challenges by 2030. 49. The government has done something to deal with the climate changes. B 答案:B 解析:文章B部分提到恶劣天气正是科学家的预测,应对这样的天气,政府已经开始行动,例如,种树,把出租车改装成节能高效省油的车,等等。这些是应对已经出现的问题的。文章I部分提到的做法,主要强调应对将来还未发生的情况。 50. The local people oppose firmly the nuclear power plant. F 答案:F 解析:文章F部分提到纽约使用的几种能源,煤炭---燃烧会释放大量二氧化碳,天然气---储备丰富,但会破坏城市供水系统,核电站---当地人强烈反对。The region's only large-scale, local low-emission source of electricity—the Indian Point nuclear power plant that provides the single largest portion of New York City's electricity—faces intense local opposition and may be shut down by New York State's efforts to control how it uses cooling water. 51. New York city has to face the temperature changes, and the sea level rise as well. H 答案:H 解析:文章H部分主要是对纽约市未来的并不精确的预测,气温升高,海平面上涨等等,而有着965公里海岸线的纽约市重点公共设施都位于吃水线上。纽约需要想出办法保证这些设施的安全。Nevertheless, in addition to the temperature changes, the NPCC predicts sea level rise of at least 30 centimeters (and as much as 140 centimeters) by 2100. 52. Examples show that New York City was attacked by powerful storms which were considered as climate changes. A 答案:A 解析:文章A部分开头用例子说明纽约市几次被恶劣天气袭击。例子一个是2007年8月8日,另一个是1992年12月。 53. Cities in all over the world now are trying to do something to adapt to climate change. C 答案:C 解析:文章C部分提到并不是纽约一个城市在为气候的改变做调整,世界各地的城市都在想办法适应气候的改变。文章提到芝加哥,也提到英国的伦敦和中国的日照。New York City is not alone in attempting to address climate change, of course. Abroad, efforts range from London's attempts to stem the rising tide of the Thames River with flood barriers to an effort by the small city of Rizhao, China, to become carbon neutral. 54. New York city is trying to be a more energy efiicient city by reducing the electricity demand. G 答案:G 解析:文章G部分提到纽约市正在试图通过节能来减少地方电力需求,并提到纽约目前是美国最节能的城市,而且前景会更好。But, more importantly, the city is attempting to reduce its overall electricity demand. he city hopes to reduce that through new energy efficiency standards. 55. Something has already been done for the climate changes though we don’t exactly know what the climate would be like in the future. I 答案:I 解析:文章I部分主要介绍纽约市为应对将来的气候变化以及海平面上升所做的相应的准备。A mayoral task force of 40 government agencies and other stakeholders is currently evaluating what the estimates for sea-level rise and other climate change risks will ultimately mean for New York City, particularly for critical infrastructure like the water supply, in order to prioritize upgrades. Section C Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter. 文章大意: 在2008年,美国家庭与工作研究所在全国范围内对在各个行业工作的男性进行了一次调查。结果显示:越来越多的男性面临着家庭与工作的冲突所带来的压力。近年来,工资收入没有增加,工作时间却加长,更大的工作压力以及工作与生活的界限被打破,都导致男性很难取得工作与生活间的平衡。家庭与工作研究所还进一步分析了减少工作与生活矛盾的几个因素。 A growing number of men are now suffering from the seductive (诱人的) promise that they can have it all: the comforts and rewards of a fulfilling family life, a job that brings satisfaction and a paycheck big enough to support the needs of the family, and freedom from conflict between the demands of each.That's the conclusion of a new study by the New York-based Work and Family Institute. The study, based on a nationally representative cross-section of working men, updates one conducted more than 30 years ago by the Department of Labor.

A lot has changed since 1977, when the Labor Department last did its \ability to support his family with his work, but by his role as an active and involved father, spouse or partner, and son. And economic realities have made that balance even harder to achieve: average wages for men have remained flat and even declined a bit in recent years; long hours, greater job insecurity, and boundaries between work and home life that have broken down.

In 2008, forty-nine percent of employed men with families reported they experience some or a lot of work-family conflict—up from 34% in 1977. The circumstances of some of the stress may be unsurprising, but others may be unexpected: 54% of men who hold traditional views of men's and women's roles reported conflict between the demands of home and work, while 40% of men who rejected such traditional notions did. And men not living with a spouse or partner, including single dads, were less likely to report high levels of family-work conflict than those who were partnered.

Querying (询问) men on attitudes and policies at their workplaces, the Families and Work Institute discerned what factors lessened conflicts between work and family: men who felt their supervisor wanted them to succeed reported less work-family stress, as did men who reported they had supportive coworkers. The report found that having flexibility to schedule work and time off helped reduce work-family tensions.

Finally, technology is a key factor in men's home and work lives. While it appears responsible for allowing men to get more accomplished in their work lives while keeping up with home front needs, it has clearly blurred the boundaries between the two, with a resulting increase in tension. Almost half of the men whose work-home boundaries were most blurred reported substantial conflicts between demands of family and work; among the men never contacted by their employers outside of normal working hours, only 18% reported such conflicts.

56. What has made it more troublesome for men to strike a balance between work and family life?

A) Their declining wages. B) Their social status.
