六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文

to manufacture the electronic devices.

D) Because information and communication technologies cause other industries to do harm to the environment. 答案:A 解析:音频中提到,信息和通信技术给环境带来了更多的污染。原因则在于用来生产、运输和操作这种设备所使用的能源会加剧温室气体的排放,所以选A。 18. [听力文本资源] What is Alan Finlay's opinion towards information and communication technologies? [听力文本资源] A) He agrees that all the bad should be eliminated just like throwing the bath water.

B) He thinks that the information and communication technologies indeed bring more harm to the environment. C) He thinks that information and communication

technologies have more merits than demerits on the issue of greenhouse effect. √

D) He suggests that the conference should consider information and communication technologies as a whole and

do not evaluate from a certain angle. 答案:C

解析:音频中提到Alan Finlay对于此事的看法:信息和通信技术在宏观的条件下产生的益处更大(these technologies can do more good in a sort of macro context)。因此,他是赞成信息和通信技术的优点大于缺点,所以选C。


United Nations agencies are warning of food shortages next year in South Sudan. The Food and Agriculture Organization says the new country is likely to produce only half the food it needs this year. The Food and Agriculture Organization blames the situation on unpredictable rains, the return of thousands of refugees, and conflict.

In August, the Food and Agriculture Organization did a study called a rapid crop assessment. It estimated that farmers in South Sudan could produce, at most, 500,000 metric tons of food this year.

South Sudan became an independent nation in July after years of civil war with the Sudanese government in Khartoum. People in the south depended heavily on food aid during the war. Now they are trying to produce more of their own food.

Separation from the north was peaceful when it came. But since then South Sudan has faced tribe conflict and rebel violence in several areas. And many refugees have returned from the north, adding to the population.

And in some places, armed conflict interfered with clearing the land and planting the seeds. Farmers also had to deal with high fuel prices, labor problems, stolen cattle and disputes over grasslands and water sources.

Although South Sudan has a good supply of fertile land, but only four percent is farmed. It is estimated that 1.2 million people in South Sudan will face major food shortages this year. Last year, the number was 970,000.


19. [听力文本资源] Which is not the reason of food shortage in South Sudan? [听力文本资源]

A) B) C) D) The terrible weather. The barren land. √

The crash within the country.

The return of the people after the war.

答案:B 解析:音频中提到苏丹食物短缺的原因有unpredictable rains, the return of thousands of refugees, and conflict即不期而至的大雨、成千上万的难民回归以及国内冲突,所以选B。 20. [听力文本资源] How many people in South Sudan will encounter food shortage this year? [听力文本资源] A) 1.2 million people. √ B) 970,000 people. C) Half of the population. D) 4% of the population. 答案:A 解析:音频中提到It is estimated that 1.2 million people in South Sudan will face major food shortages this year,即预计今年会有120万南苏丹人可能会面临重大粮食短缺,所以选A。 21. [听力文本资源] Which statement is true according to the passage? [听力文本资源] A) During the civil war, the South Sudan mainly depended on food aid. √

B) South Sudan has many fertile lands so they could conquer food shortage in a short period.

C) There was a severe fight between the South Sudan and Sudanese government before the separation. D) The Food and Agriculture Organization will give South Sudan some help to get through this tough period. 答案:A

解析:文中曾提到,内战期间,南苏丹人们严重依赖粮食援助(People in the south depended heavily on food aid during the war)。选项B中,虽然南苏丹拥有肥沃的土地,但其中只有4%被耕种,而且文中也并未提及南苏丹人是否可以在短期解决粮食短缺问题,因此此选项不准确;南苏丹与北苏丹是以和平分手告终的(Separation from the north was peaceful when it came),因此选项C也不正确;文中并未提到粮农组织是否会给南苏丹帮助,因此,选项D也不准确,所以选A。


\everyone agrees that a person's weight has an impact on the chances for a long and healthy life,\believe that weight has an impact on attractiveness, either a little or a lot.\but just 40 percent believe themselves to be too fat, according to a study published on Tuesday.

Government statistics show that more than 60 percent of the US population is overweight, and half is obese, meaning they are at serious risk of health effects from their weight.

But the Pew Research Center telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults found that many people overestimate how tall they are and underestimate how much they weigh—and thus do not rate themselves as overweight, even when they are. The survey finds that most Americans, including those who say they are overweight, agree that personal behavior—rather than genetic disposition or marketing by food companies—is the main reason why people are
