六级笔试新题型模拟试卷02 - 图文

13. [听力文本资源] Why cannot the woman swim? [听力文本资源] A) Becuase she doesn't have a good coach.

B) Becuase her confidence was destroyed by her parents in her early life.

C) Becuase she is afraid of water since her friend was drowned when she was little.

D) Becuase she didn't learn it when she was little and now she doesn't have the courage to start learning. √ 答案:D 解析:根据音频内容,女士不会游泳的原因,在于其年龄小的时候并未学会游泳,而随着年龄的增长,自信心就变得不足了,所以选D。 14. [听力文本资源] What does the woman think of the view that the best time to learn swim is in childhood? [听力文本资源] A) It makes sense because children can learn everything in a quick pace.

B) It makes sense because children don't know fear as they are so young.

C) It makes sense because children have some natural instinct to learn how to swim. √

D) It makes sense because children are fond of water.


解析:音频中男士告诉女士,据专家称,最佳学习游泳的时间是babies or children。女士同意他的观点,她认为儿童天生就是很好的游泳者(a lot of babies are natural swimmers),言下之意就是他们对于游泳这一运动有一种自然本能。因此此题应选C。 15. [听力文本资源] What do we know about \ [听力文本资源] A) It has programs every Saturday.

B) It is a program teaching children how to swim. C) People can learn some techniques about swimming. D) The coaches there have many methods to encourage adults to swim. √ 答案:D

解析:从音频中可知Big Slash是一个教游泳的项目,教学对象是成人和儿童,里面的教练懂得运用技巧鼓励成人克服入水的恐惧。音频中并未提及此项目的具体时间和日期,因此A不正确;此项目的对象既有儿童也有成人,因此B也不正确;音频中并未提及学员可以在此项目中学到些游泳技巧,而是说教练会运用些技巧鼓励成年人学习游泳,因此C也不够准确,所以选D。

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).


Technology experts, government officials, policy makers and engineers are meeting this week in Italy. They have gathered in Rome for the first Green Standards Week conference.

Italy's Ministry of Economic Development and the International Telecommunications Union organized the conference. The event calls attention to the need for information and communication technologies to fight climate change and to build greener, more environmentally-friendly economies. In recent years, the world has changed because so many people now use computers, mobile phones and other kinds of electronic devices. But the increasing use of information and communication technologies also has led to more pollution, especially carbon dioxide emissions. This is mostly because of the energy used to manufacture, transport and operate such equipment. Still, many experts say these technologies offer the best chance for reducing greenhouse gases.

The Global Information Society reported last year that information and communication technologies could help to cut total production of greenhouse gases by as much as 15 percent by 2020.

Alan Finlay, an expert in economy, says the effect of using information and communication technologies to build cleaner environments is far more powerful than their harmful effects.

He says when people are looking at greening with information technologies, they are looking at the impact of these technologies on the environment but also what these can be used in order to improve the impact of other industries on the environment. And these technologies can do more good in a sort of bigger context.


16. [听力文本资源] What is the main purpose of the conference? [听力文本资源] A) To create more environmentally-friendly economies. B) To boost economy in Italy by using telecommunications.

C) To find some solutions to deal with the rapid climate changes.

D) To use information and communication technologies to fight against environmental problems. √ 答案:D 解析:音频开篇提到,此次技术专家、政府官员和一些工程师在意大利罗马参加会议。会议的议题便是运用信息和通信技术来对抗气候变化,以建设更加绿色的社会,所以选D。 17. [听力文本资源] Why did the use of information and communication technologies lead to more pollution in the eyes of some experts?[听力文本资源] A) Because the energy used on them produces more greenhouse gases. √ B) Because some electronic devices like computer, mobile phones emit harmful radiations. C) Because some engineers in Rome use polluted materials
