大学体验英语综合教程2 第三版 U2 Passage A 课后答案及课文翻译

Unit 2


Read and complete

4. 1. version, 2. publications, 3. click, 4. spotted, 5. refugees, 6. entries, 7. financial, 8. full-time, 9. detailed, 10. annual

5. 1. set up, 2. came across, 3. referred...to , 4. check out, 5. learnt of / learned of

6. 1. career, 2. interview, 3. procedure, 4. exhibit, 5. profile

Read and translate

7. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2. 我想在还车之前把油箱加满。(fill up, fuel tank): I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.

3. 如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure)

If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 4. 要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without) We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help.

5. 暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for) After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.

Read and simulate

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts, and then translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1. Choice Sentence

He had just been promoted to director of marketing for a company that produces tradeshow exhibits and wasn’t looking for a job. Simulated Reproduction

He had just been promoted to Governor and wasn’t planning a visit to the elementary school he graduated from. Simulated Translation

那时他刚刚被提升为公司副总裁不久,所以他并没有期待六个月内还会有升职。 Answer: He had just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasn’t expecting another promotion in six months.

2. Choice Sentence

Two interviews later he jumped to a new job. Simulated Reproduction

Having finished the training, he immediately jumped to a new job. Simulated Translation


Answer: Shortly after he graduated from school, he jumped to a satisfactory job.

3. Choice Sentence

Most major newspapers and trade publications have online versions of their classified listings, enabling job-seekers to scan for work available across town, in another state, or around the world.

Simulated Reproduction

Most dormitories in our university have Internet connection, enabling students to scan for information available on the Internet with a click of the mouse. Simulated Translation


Answer: Most colleges and universities have their own

homepages, enabling applicants to scan for the information available about the universities they want to apply for.

4. Choice Sentence

With a click of her mouse, Mello sent her résumé to the company via e-mail and soon received an invitation for an interview. Simulated Reproduction

With a click of her mouse, she found hundreds of websites about English study and soon downloaded some of them on her computer. Simulated Translation


Answer: With a click of her mouse, she submitted her assignment to the tutor and soon got the reply.

5. Choice Sentence

By accessing an online real estate service, she saw color photos of rental properties, including detailed floor plans. Simulated Reproduction

By accessing the website of the company she is interested in, she saw a prospectus of the company, including a brief account of the general manager. Simulated Translation


Answer: By accessing the website of the university she was going to study in, she saw color photos of the university, including a detailed map of the university campus.

Reference Translation



史密斯选择了四个关键词:Chicago(芝加哥),business(商务),marketing(营销),full time(全职)。她马上就找到45个工作合乎她的标准,其中一个是芝加哥商业学院行政助理。四个星期以后,她得到了这份工作,底薪32,000美元。




图尔斯填写了一份简历,关键词是market manager(行销经理),并输入了自己的电子邮箱地址。不到一个星期,他的邮箱里就塞满了可供选择的职位。他去了两家公司面试,然后就跳槽了。“有了因特网,就像雇了一个私人助理,”图尔斯说。“你可以毫不费劲地留意到一些机会,让你的事业上一个新台阶。”




她访问了著名的yahoo!网站,输入了teaching English in Japan(在日本教英语),找到了一个招聘机会的列表,然后按照在线申请的要求提交了申请。一星期后,她接到一个电话,与芝加哥的一名招聘人员进行了面试,得到了这份工作。

27岁的内德扎德·多兹里克,当时在浏览Houston Chronicle网站,了解最新的棒球消息。在线时,他查看了分类广告,发现一家当地的汽车交易商招聘司机。多兹里克是波斯尼亚的战争难民,曾从事过多种不同的工作,但现在他想换个工作。他从该交易商的网站上了解了该职位的更多情况,然后拨通了上面提供的电话。两天后,他被雇用了。“真有意思,”他说,“我本来只是在查看体育消息,结果却找到了一份更好的工作。”


为了了解该公司的更多情况,她又点击了Artitron的主页,以及它的母公司Ceridian Corp.的主页,查看了一份该公司的年度报告及其财政状况。



