Checkpoint防火墙安全配置手册V11 - 百度文库

(2) VPN-1 & FireWall-1 Enforcement Module

(3) VPN-1 & FireWall-1 Enterprise Primary Management

Checkpoint Firewall-1/VPN-1ְֶ֧װģʽFirewall-1/VPN-1Ҫģ飺




Enforcement ModuleݰõĹģ飬ֻManagermentͨţ


ѡManagementEnforcement Moduleװͬһ̨豸ϣ

ѡ1ManagementEnforcement Moduleֱװڲͬ豸ϣѡ23ڴ˴ѡ1

Enter your selection (1-3/a-abort) [1]: 1 IP forwarding disabled

Hardening OS Security: IP forwarding will be disabled during boot. Generating default filter Default Filter installed

Hardening OS Security: Default Filter will be applied during boot. This program will guide you through several steps where you will define your Check Point products configuration.

At any later time, you can reconfigure these parameters by running cpconfig

Configuring Licenses...

======================= Host Expiration Features

Note: The recommended way of managing licenses is using SecureUpdate. This window can be used to manage local licenses only on this machine. Do you want to add licenses (y/n) [y] ? n

ѯûǷҪװCheckpoint Licenseڴʱ룬Ҳڰװʱзʽ룬ΪʹзʽΪ㣬ûڰװϺʹcopy -> pasteķʽLicenseڴ˴ѡn

Configuring Administrators...

============================= No Check Point Administrators are currently defined for this Management Station. Administrator name: fwadmin

(Checkpoint Firewall-1/VPN-1ĹԱûעϵͳCheckpoint


Password: Verify Password:


Permissions for all Management Clients (Read/[W]rite All, [R]ead Only All, [C]us

tomized) W


Administrator fwadmin was added successfully and has Read/Write permission to all management clients

Add another one (y/n) [n] ? ʾǷ񻹼û

Configuring GUI clients...

========================== GUI clients are trusted hosts from which

Administrators are allowed to log on to this Management Station using Windows/X-Motif GUI.

Do you want to [C]reate a new list, [A]dd or [D]elete one?: C

Checkpoint GUIҪװһ̨PCϣGUIIPַҪ壬ڴ˴ѡCһGUI IPַ

Please enter the list hosts that will be GUI clients.

Enter hostname or IP address, one per line, terminating with CTRL-D or your EOF character.

Is this correct (y/n) [y] ?


Configuring Groups...


Check Point access and execution permissions -------------------------------------------

Usually, a Check Point module is given group permission for access and execution.

You may now name such a group or instruct the installation

procedure to give no group permissions to the Check Point module. In the latter case, only the Super-User will

be able to access and execute the Check Point module.
