2017年秋季课程外研版初三英语第17讲 Module7-12复习模块 教案

A.with B.to C.for D.about

8.You must ______ at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. A.check with B.check to C.check on D.check in 9.Not only the students but also the teacher ______ hard. A.work

B.works C.are working D.have worked

10.The restaurant is so popular here.Look,there are so many ______ here. A.food

B.dish C.people


11. —What wonderful music!

—Thanks. Neither my classmates nor my mother ______ the piano better than me. A.is playing B. plays C. play D. are playing 12. —Wow. It is rather hot today. —Yes. ______ yesterday. A. So it is

B. So is it C. So was it D. So it was

13. He‘s working hard he can pass the exam. A. because B. so that C. but D. because of 14. —What‘s wrong with you? —I can‘t decide ______ next.

A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. how can I do

15. If you have a chance to study abroad, you must catch it and remember ―Change always ______ about new possibilities.‖ A. brings

B. takes

C. fetches

D. Reaches

【答案】1-5 BCBCB 6-10 AAABB 11-15 ABBCB 1)完形填空




How many plastic bags do you use every day? Is there any chance for us to live without them? What can we do to have 1 plastic pollution? A performance in Hangzhou makes people think more about the overuse of plastic bags in our lives.

In front of a supermarket in Hangzhou, five volunteers 2 white plastic bags and walked around and through the crowd. The performance called on people to use more cloth bags 3 plastic ones.

Some of the plastic bags worn by the performers were collected from customers in two food markets and 4 were collected by 700 students from a middle school.

On that day, when leaving the food markets? Customers 5 to hand over 6 plastic shopping bags. 7 plastic bags were collected in two hours.

\ 8 about it, the earth will be eaten up by white pollution. And human beings will become ?plastic men',\

\can you breathe in so many plastic bags.A 9 woman asked one performer.\can the earth breathe 10 there are too many plastic bags?\performer answered. Starting in June 2008, plastic bags were 11 given for free in supermarkets, shopping malls or food markets all over the country. People are 12 to use cloth bags when they go shopping. 1. A. few B. much C. fewer D. less 2. A. worn B. wore C. tried on D.Try on 3. A. instead B. take the place of C. instead of D. take place


4. A. other B. the other C. another D. the others 5. A. told B. were told C. were telling D. tell 6. A. helpful B. unnecessary C. useful D. necessary 7. A. Hundred B. Hundreds of C. Hundred of D. Hundreds 8. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything 9. A. 40-year-old B. 40-years-old C. 40 year old D. 40-years old 10. A. until B. because C. if D. unless 11. A. no longer B. always C. not longer D. usually 12. A. called on B. asked for C. told about D. talked about 【答案】D B C D B B B A A C A A 2)完型填空二 Surprise use progress gift present lazy useful 1. He makes great in listening. 2. Let's welcome the headmaster the prizes to the winners. 3. He is very that's why he is often late for school. 4. We were so at the kangaroos jumping alongside our car. 5. I wanted to buy a car at a low price. 【答案】1.progress 2.to present 3.lazy 4.surprised 5.used

Nowadays more and more people care about the exploitation of the natural resources, such as on. The more oil we use, the 1 will be left for the future.

Oil can 2 in many ways and it's difficult to imagine what the modern world will be like without oil. But oil isn't easy to find and get out of


the earth. Men must 3 The rocks. 4 They think the rocks in a certain place may have oil, a metal tower is built. A machine in the tower cuts a hole down into the ground. At the same time, a steel pipe ( 钢 管 ) is pushed down to stop the sides from falling in and to keep out water. At last if the men are right, usually the oil rushes up high into the air. 1f the oil catches a light, there will be a terrible 5 . So a kind of cover is fixed on the top of the pipe, and the oil can run out through taps (活塞).

【答案】1.less 2.be used 3.study 4.When 5.fire


Americans like to travel on vacations. Today more and more travellers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of hotels. They get a room for the night and the breakfast for the 1 morning. Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have become 2 in the United States. Many of these American bed-and-breakfast places are old historic buildings. Some bed-and-breakfast inns have only a few rooms. Others are much larger. Some inns do not 3 telephones or televisions in the rooms while others do.

Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from 4 at a hotel. Usually the 5 is much less. Staying at an inn is almost 62. visiting someone's home. The owners are glad to tell about the area and the interesting places to visit. Many vacationists say they enjoy the chance to meet local families. 【答案】1. Next 2.popular 3.provide 4.staying 5.cost 6.like

