2017年秋季课程外研版初三英语第17讲 Module7-12复习模块 教案

9.promise sb.to do sth承诺某人薇某事 10.allow sb.to do sth_允许某人做某事 11.instead of doing sth,代替做某事 12.It seems+(that)从句看起来好像......

13.hundreds of millions of十复数名词数亿的....... 14.keep sb/sth_away使避开,使不靠近 15.brush sth off sth把某物从某物上刷掉 16.be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 17.manage to do sth、设法做某事 18.congratulations to sb,祝贺某人

19.protect十宾语十against保护.......,使.......不受 20.It's no use doing sth做某事是没有用的。 21.What...do with...?······怎样处理······? 22.if possible如果可能 二、重点句型整理

1.But I think I‘d describe Confucius more as a teacher and a thinker than a writer. 但是我认为我更愿意把孔子描述为教育家兼思想家,而非作家。 2.Shakespeare‘s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也仍然很有意义。

3.It is a pity that his foot problems stopped him from completing the 2012 London Olympic Games.遗憾的是他的脚伤使他没有完成2012年的伦敦奥林匹克运动 会。

4. Will books be replaced by the Internet?书籍将被因特网取代吗?

In those days,books were only produced one at a time by hand. 在那个年代,书 5.是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。


Later, development in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly 6.and cheaply.后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便捷的书籍成为可能

7.She has become a symbol of how different cultures in Australia can get along. 她已经成为澳大利亚不同文化如何能够和谐相处的一个象征。 8.I‘m sure you‘re in with a chance.我肯定你有机会。 9.Compared with other years,we received many more photos. 与往年相比,我们收到了更多的参赛照片。

10.Congratulations to your winners and thanks to everyone who entered the 11.competition.祝贺我们的获胜者,并感谢所有的参赛者。 12.It‘s no use talking about things we can‘t do. 讨论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。

13.Do you take your own bag when shopping and ask for a plastic bag. 购物时你带着自己的袋子而不要塑料袋吗?

14.We are still influenced by Confucius‘s ideas.我们今天仍然被孔子的思想影响。 15.I had to brush them off my clothes,especially my trousers.我不得不把它们从衣服上刷掉,尤其是我的裤子



一、重点单词拓展: 1. discuss(v.)→discussion(n.) 2.wise(adj.)→wisdom(n.)

3. dead(adj.)→die(v.)→death(n.)→dying(adj.垂死的) 4. pay(v.)→paid(过去式)→paid(过去分词) 5. decision(n.)→decide(v.)


6.break (v.)→broke(过去式)→broken(过去分词) 7. borrow(v.)→keep(延续性动词) 8. compare(v.)→comparison(n.)

9. development (n.)→develop(v. 发展,培养) 10. introduction(n.)→introduce(v.介绍,说明) 11.height (n.)→high(adj.高的)

12.surprise(v.)→surprise(n.)→surprised/surprising (adj) 13. general(adj.)→generally(adv.)

14.feeling (n.)→feelings (cn.)→felt(过去式)→felt(过去分词) 15.difficulty(n.)→difficult(adj.)

16. winner (n.)→win(v. )→won(过去式)→won(过去分词) 17.pollute(v.) →pollution(n.污染) 18.waste(v./n.)→wasteful (adj) 19.hopeless(adj.) →hopeful(反义词)

20. throw(v.) →threw(过去式)→thrown(过去分词) 二、用词的适当形式填空:

1. All of the workers agreed with the manager's (decide) 2.Betty was (choose) for the volunteer group last year.

3.There are few ( different ) between Jack and Sam because they are good friends.

4.In my third year I'll work (hard) than ever before. 5. Remember (close) the door when you leave the classroom. 6. The pictures ( put ) up on the school website next week. 7. Computers ( use) more than books in the future?

8. We are told that a new car factory (build) here next year.


9. You ( show) around our school this afternoon. Now, please have a good rest.

10. Can you tell me by whom the talk (give) tomorrow 11. At that moment we ( do) homework together. 12.During different (period) of the day, we do different things.'' 13.I enjoy (lie) in the sun.

14.On the ( two ) day, we went to Beijing.

15.This photo shows the different (colour) on the hill. 16.This photo shows a girl (help) an old lady cross the road. 17.It is the (tall) hill in Xiangshan Park. 18. ( compare ) with other years, we received many more photos. 19.The photo (take) by Tom last week. 20.. Congratulations to the (win). They are great. 21. Many people use education (make) a better living now. 22.We are sad about the (pollute) of our beaches with rubbish. 23.Books can be ( recycle ), shouldn't throw them away. 24.People today seem to have (little)time for each other.

25. We tried to stop the fire spreading, but we knew it was (hope). 2)短语翻译

1.受到······的影响 ______________ 2. 有很多意义_________________ 3.决不______________

4. 受(某种病痛)折磨___________________ 5. 遗憾的是.......______________________

