
[62]. The pudding on the plate was such a____ for him that he could not resist it at all. A. appeal B. attraction C. interest D. temptation

[63]. The stranger____ into the room and threw himself into the armchair. A. stumbled B. mumbled C. wavered D. motioned

[64]. Let's wait here for her; I'm sure she'll____ before long. A. turn down B. turn off C. turn up D. turn over

[65]. Advances in technology often____ new forms and styles in art, for example the art of photography(摄影术) and cinema.

A. give birth to B. get rid of C. have access to D. make use of

[66]. Hi, John, could you show me how to____ graphics (图表) with text on the same screen? A. fuse B. clone C. merge D. mingle

[67]. He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all____. A. reserved B. engaged C. used up D. taken up

[68]. These plants are sensitive____ light. A. to B. of C. from D. with

[69]. A fund will be____ for the dead men's families. A. set down B. set out C. set to D. set up

[70]. She said____ so I presumed it wasn't common knowledge.

A. in essence B. in a whisper C. in a flash D. off his feet

[71]. If negotiations fail, we shall have to____ to strike action. A. retreat B. resort C. recite D. retract

[72]. He agrees that it can be a fun to learn that strange language, but he won't spend any time on it as he doubts the____ of the language.

A. usefulness B. truth C. uselessness D. accent

[73]. ____ all the collected information, the computer points out the best landing path of the aircraft.

A. Having been compared B. Comparing C. Having compared D. Compared

[74]. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers____ before their time.

A. be bloomed B. bloom C. bloomed D. blooming

[75]. The speakers at the graduation ceremony are always among the most____ members of the community.

A. distinguished B. disappointed C. discouraged D. disgusted

[76]. Yesterday's English examination looked simple, but it turned out to be____ easy. A. nothing but B. everything but C. something D. anything but

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[77]. He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he____ to the meeting. A. had come B. would come C. could come D. would have come

[78]. I'll need a bit more____ information before I can help you. A. background B. underground C. beforehand D. downstairs

[79]. I've got a____ schedule today. Can we make it tomorrow? A. serious B. heavy C. tough D. tight

[80]. She is____ a very old lady but in fact she is only fifty. A. evidently B. actually C. apparently D. obviously

[81]. I am easily hurt because my feelings are very____.

A. sensible B. sensational C. sensitive D. sentimental

[82]. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region,____ were surprising.

A. as results B. which results C. the results of which D. the result of it

[83]. You ought to take every____of improving your English. A. time B. chance C. thing D. case

[84]. I thought she was the secretary, but she____ to be the president of the company. A. turned out B. turned up C. turned over D. turned on

[85]. The latest model this year produced by the factory is an improvement____ that of last year.

A. to B. in C. for D. on

[86]. The man had a____ expression on his face when he was brought before the judge. A. criminal B. motive C. guilty D. prison

[87]. He never used to swim in winter,____?

A. did he B. didn't he C. was he D. wasn't he

[88]. I didn't know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite____. A. obvious B. evident C. arbitrary D. fortunate

[89]. Do you like any of the music____ you've listened? A. for which B. that C. to which D. which

[90]. It____ that it was a nice and sunny day.

A. turned out B. turned up C. turned to D. turned upon

[91]. I enjoy playing basketball and then____. A. eating B. to eat C. eat D. ate

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[92]. ____, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.

A. Having paid my taxes B. My taxes had been paid C. Paying my taxes D. My taxes having been paid

[93]. The garage sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience____ on benches, chairs or boxes.

A. seated B. fixed C. stood D. kept

[94]. This diving device is equipped with an automatic television____ so that it can send pictures of the sea floor to the control center. A. screen B. holder C. projector D. camera

[95]. \A. soundly B. very good C. sounder D. very better

[96]. Studies show that the things that____ most to a sense of happiness can not be bought. A. contribute B. distribute C. attribute D. apply

[97]. He has been____ to give up much of his time to house work. A. executed B. crammed C. reduced D. compelled

[98]. As a teacher, we'd better not always attribute the students' poor performance____ their lack of intelligence.

A. on B. to C. in D. for

[99]. It is reported that all the____ of this new computer system are designed and produced by our own technicians and workers.

A. hardwares B. programmers C. instruments D. interiors

[100]. The crabs we ate at the restaurant last night is marvelous. I’d like to have again even if it costs____.

A. as twice much B. as much twice C. much as twice D. twice as much

[101]. We all insist that we____ until we finish the work. A. rest not B. not rest C. do not rest D. rested not

[102]. You'll have nobody but yourself to blame, and,____ you'll get no sympathy from anybody. A. in particular B. what's more C. however D. in any case

[103]. Look, what you've done! You____ have been more carefully. A. must B. might C. should D. would

[104]. If you deny your children nothing, you will surely____ them. A. damage B. spoil C. injure D. hurt

[105]. The professor thought the article was well written and worth____. A. publication B. illustration C. appearance D. greatness

[106]. It can be said without exaggeration that no part of the United States is not easily

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accessible by car, by train, or by air, and____ by all the three of them.

A. more often than B. more often than not C. no more often than D. less often than

[107]. I don't think he will pass his examination,____ he works hard or not. A. whether B. though C. unless D. however

[108]. I____ watching this program because it is very interesting. A. amuse B. please C. delight D. enjoy

[109]. While freshmen are considered part of the academic elite, some of them appear to lack common sense____ following traffic regulations.

A. coming to B. when coming to C. when it comes to D. when they come to

[110]. Those opinions are now out of____. A. fashion B. mood C. order D. form

[111]. You don’t have to be angry. He____ wanted to know the truth. A. scarcely B. almost C. merely D. nearly

[112]. We should all be____ toward old people.

A. considerate B. considerable C. considered D. consideration

[113]. The detectives took off their____ and put on plain clothes before they set out. A. hats B. overcoats C. uniforms D. boots

[114]. The physician____ some painkillers for my headache. A. prescribed B. described C. subscribed D. inscribed

[115]. The expression on her face____ me that she was lying. A. reformed B. conformed C. confirmed D. informed

[116]. It is curious how children always behave much worse when they are____ holiday. A. on B. in C. at D. for

[117]. We found that the plane____ when we got to the airport. A. already took off B. had already taken off C. was already taking off D. was already taken off

[118]. The chairman____ a question for discussion. A. aroused B. raised C. arose D. rose

[119]. If your monthly salary exceeds 10,000, you have to____ 20% tax from the sum you receive. A. designate B. repay C. subtract D. snatch

[120]. Prices tend to rise year to year, but at a____ rate. A. modest B. high C. cheap D. full

[121]. Facing the ruins of his house, he couldn't____ how the explosion had happened. A. bring out B. work out C. figure out D. pick out

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